Spirulina for the face: properties, recipes for masks, reviews

Spirulina for the face: properties, recipes for masks, reviews
Spirulina for the face: properties, recipes for masks, reviews

Useful properties and contraindications for the use of masks with spirulina for the face. How to rejuvenate your skin, smooth out wrinkles and get rid of skin problems? Real reviews of girls.

Spirulina face mask is a natural remedy that perfectly fights fine wrinkles, whitens and tones the skin. It can be made easily at home and is effective and safe. Read about what it takes to make a spirulina mask, and why these recipes are useful, read our material.

What is Spirulina?

Spirulina algae
Spirulina algae

In the photo, freshwater algae spirulina

Spirulina is a deep green, blue-green or emerald green freshwater algae. They have a spiral shape, hence their name. The smell and taste of spirulina is specific, fishy.

In the wild, algae grows in only three lakes, so they are widely grown in artificial conditions.

Spirulina is unique in its content of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. It contains protein, which includes essential amino acids, the entire group of vitamins B, vitamins D, A, E, as well as minerals - selenium, magnesium, chromium.

Spirulina surpasses many well-known foods in iron and beta-carotene content. In addition, it contains chlorophyll and gamma-linolenic acid. This rare acid has the ability to form cell membranes.

This combination of components allows you to achieve impressive cosmetic results from the use of spirulina face masks.

Benefits of spirulina for the face

Spirulina face mask
Spirulina face mask

Pictured is a spirulina face mask

Spirulina is not only a useful food supplement, but also an excellent cosmetic product. To get a product for cosmetic purposes, it is enough to buy at the pharmacy either a ready-made powder or spirulina tablets for the face, which must be crushed with a mortar.

Freshwater algae is a component of numerous products for daily skin care of various types, in particular, masks that are used to improve skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles, rejuvenate, treat skin diseases - acne, redness, itching.

Spirulina face masks perform the following important tasks:

  • Rejuvenate … Effectively nourish and tighten the skin, creating a micro-lifting effect. With regular use, they can significantly smooth out wrinkles around the nose and mouth, slow down the aging process. This effect is helped to achieve polyunsaturated fatty acids and a large amount of vitamins in the composition of the alga.
  • Cleanse … Spirulina face masks have good bactericidal properties, therefore they are excellent at fighting skin inflammations. They cleanse the skin well, removing toxins from it, help not only speed up cell metabolism, but also the dermis to regenerate faster. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, the spirulina algae masks eliminate the influence of free radicals from the skin.
  • Moisturize … Vitamin E, which is part of freshwater algae, helps to nourish the skin well, saturating it with the necessary substances. Masks with this component eliminate dry skin, remove flaking, itching.
  • Lighten … Spirulina contains retinol, which reduces pigmentation of the skin, making it lighter and smoother. And B vitamins improve cellular respiration and the general appearance of the dermis.

Spirulina masks are very popular in cosmetology, as they help remove dark circles, improve skin regeneration and allow nutrients to penetrate deeper. This cosmetic product can be used for any type of skin, but it is imperative to take into account possible restrictions and contraindications to its use.

Contraindications to the use of spirulina-based masks

Itchy skin of the face
Itchy skin of the face

In most cases, spirulina face masks can be used without restrictions. The exceptions are those cases when the skin is prone to redness and itching. In addition, it is better to refuse spirulina masks if there are scratches and fresh wounds on the skin.

When using spirulina on the face, you need to be careful for people with iodine intolerance and skin lesions.

To be sure that the mask is safe, it is recommended to apply a small amount of the mixture on the wrist and wait 20-25 minutes. If there is no reaction, then the product is suitable for use.

Due to the fact that most products contain additional components, such as honey and fruits, you need to make sure that there is no intolerance to these products.

When applying a spirulina mask to your face, avoid the delicate area around the eyes and mouth.

Spirulina face mask recipes

You can achieve good results from spirulina masks only with their regular application - at least 1-2 times a week for 2-3 months. Such courses should be held twice a year. Before applying the mask, the skin must be well cleaned of cosmetics. And don't be intimidated by the green color of the cosmetic product, spirulina rinses off well.

Anti-wrinkle spirulina face masks

Anti-wrinkle spirulina face mask
Anti-wrinkle spirulina face mask

The first signs of aging appear, as a rule, by the age of 30. At this time, it is recommended to pay attention to face masks with spirulina for wrinkles, which have proven themselves in the fight against age-related changes and help to ensure a long-lasting lifting effect.

Anti-aging masks can be applied not only to the face, but also to the décolleté area.

Effective recipes for anti-wrinkle spirulina face masks:

  • 2 tsp pour spirulina powder with liquid honey, stir well. Then add a drop of olive oil, add 2 tsp. warm water and add 1 tsp of fat cottage cheese. Leave it on your face for 20 minutes, and then gently wash your face with water.
  • To prepare an effective face mask with spirulina and gelatin, which can quickly remove fine wrinkles, in 2 tablespoons. pour in heated water gelatin. Let it dissolve for 30 minutes, and then put the mixture on low heat until a jelly-like mass is formed. Then cool everything and add 2 tsp here. spirulina, 3 tablespoons water, 3 drops of vitamin A (a ready-made solution can be bought at a pharmacy). Soak this spirulina mask for about 20 minutes.
  • 3 tbsp dilute spirulina in 3 tablespoons. purified water. Peel the fruit of a small avocado, soften the pulp until puree. Mix all ingredients well. Apply the spirulina anti-wrinkle mask to your face for half an hour. Leftovers can be removed with a dry cloth.
  • 2 tbsp mix spirulina with 2 tablespoons. crushed brewer's yeast. Pour in 3 tablespoons. Cahors, warm the whole mixture a little and pour in 3 tbsp. coconut oil. Leave the mask for 35-40 minutes, and then carefully remove its remnants.
  • 1 tbsp stir spirulina with 1 tbsp. oat flour (for this you can grind the oatmeal with a coffee grinder or blender). Add 2 tablespoons to this rejuvenating spirulina mask. fat sour cream. Stir well and let stand for 10 minutes. Then apply on face for half an hour. Rinse off with clean water and pat dry your face with a towel.

Note! At home, it is better to prepare a face mask with spirulina just before application. This way you will be able to preserve all the nutrients contained in the freshwater algae.
