Spirulina for hair: useful properties, recipes, reviews

Spirulina for hair: useful properties, recipes, reviews
Spirulina for hair: useful properties, recipes, reviews

Useful properties of spirulina for hair, contraindications to the use of algae. How to make curls healthy and well-groomed with the help of effective masks, accelerate their growth and slow down hair loss? Real reviews of women.

Spirulina hair mask is a natural cosmetic product that effectively nourishes curls, restores lost volume, and also effectively fights baldness and scalp diseases. It can be made easily at home and is affordable and effective. What spirulina is useful for hair and how to make a mask from it at home will be discussed in our material.

The benefits of spirulina for hair

Spirulina powder
Spirulina powder

In the photo spirulina for hair

Spirulina is the oldest freshwater alga that is actively used in medicine and cosmetology. It has a unique combination of vitamins, macro- and microelements: it contains a large amount of natural protein, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, phosphorus, iron, zinc, thiamine, fatty acids and amino acids, eight of which are essential. Thanks to this composition, this blue-green algae is well-deservedly popular with women as a component of hair masks.

Among the beneficial properties of spirulina for hair are the following:

  • Nourishes hairs … Spirulina contains protein, folic acid, biotin, B vitamins, which nourish the hair follicle, prevent hair breakage and promote normal nutrition.
  • Returns lost volume … Spirulina masks add natural volume to the curls, making them light and silky. The amino acids in the algae provide their beautiful shine.
  • Stimulates hair growth … Spirulina is essential for hair growth. It is a storehouse of nutrients for nourishing hair follicles. Regular application of masks with spirulina activates their growth, restores strength. This is especially important for curls that are regularly exposed to chemical and thermal effects - curling, dyeing or straightening.
  • Prevents hair loss … The presence of amino acids will allow the use of spirulina against hair loss and premature baldness. The effect of spirulina is to improve blood circulation in the scalp, oxygenation, which allows the hair follicle to grow well.
  • Fights scalp diseases … Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, spirulina can actively fight seborrhea and itchy scalp. Spirulina hair masks help not only mask the problem of dandruff, but get rid of it completely. In these recipes, the seaweed serves a dual function as an antioxidant and an antifungal agent. Regular use of masks based on it can normalize the secretion of sebum.
  • Eliminates split ends problem … Thanks to the combination of vitamins and fatty acids, masks with spirulina for hair help to quickly restore their structure, "sealing" split ends.
  • Cleans … Spirulina acts as a scalp cleanser. It is known that it contains substances that are able to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the human body and skin.

It is also important that all masks with spirulina act on the hair in a complex way, solving several problems at once.

Contraindications to the use of spirulina for hair

Girl's allergy to spirulina
Girl's allergy to spirulina

In most cases, spirulina hair masks can be used without restrictions. Exceptions are those cases when there is an individual intolerance to algae or mask components - honey, fruits, eggs.

Also, it is better to refuse to apply the product if there are fresh wounds, scratches or unknown neoplasms on the scalp.

In any case, it is best to test with a small amount of the mixture on your wrist before using the spirulina mask. If after 20 minutes of reaction (redness, itching) does not follow, you can safely apply the remedy.

Spirulina hair mask recipes

To prepare the product, you need to buy a ready-made powder or tablets of spirulina for hair at the pharmacy, which can be easily crushed. The algae has a pronounced fishy smell, but it is easily "masked" by other components that can be added to the composition of masks - essential oils, honey. To achieve the effect, it is enough to apply a mask with spirulina for hair 1-2 times a week. When applying the product, it is good to use a comb with rare teeth, this will allow it to be applied evenly along the entire length of the hairs.

Hair growth mask with spirulina

Hair growth mask with spirulina
Hair growth mask with spirulina

To prepare a cosmetic product, you will need not only pure powder or tablets of spirulina, but also additional components - essential oils, honey, eggs. These ingredients will enhance the health benefits of spirulina on hair and maximize results. Most importantly, do not forget about the regularity of the procedures.

It is better to prepare the mask immediately before use, so you will be able to retain more nutrients in the algae. In addition, spirulina does not like high temperatures and heat treatment - in this case, its positive effect is reduced.

The most effective spirulina masks for hair growth:

  1. 2 tbsp mix your regular shampoo with 2 tsp. algae powder and drip a couple of drops of water. On wet hair, apply the product, rubbing well into the skin, rinse off after half an hour, and then wash your hair again with shampoo. After this procedure, the natural shine and natural color of the curls will return.
  2. One of the most affordable, but at the same time effective masks. 1 tbsp Dissolve spirulina powder in 0.5 cups of pure water. Apply the product to hair and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then the hair should be washed well. The mask is easy to prepare, but it helps to achieve a good result.
  3. Mix 1 yolk with 1 tbsp. carrot juice, mix well. Add 1 tsp to this mass. spirulina powder and a few drops of lemon juice. After mixing with light massage movements, apply to hair, after 30 minutes. you can wash off the spirulina mask from your hair with warm water.
  4. For a natural shine of curls, the following combination of components is well recommended: beat 1 yolk with 1 tsp. spirulina powder, add 3 tbsp. milk and drip a few drops of essential oil (you can orange, lavender). Stir well and massage gently into scalp. According to reviews about masks for hair growth with spirulina, 15 minutes is enough for a good effect. Then the whole mass must be washed off with warm water.
  5. Mix 50 g of Saki therapeutic mud (sold in pharmacies) with 1 tbsp. spirulina. Add 0.5 tbsp to this. olive oil. Apply to hair roots and leave for 30 minutes. Then wash it off well with warm water.
  6. 1 tbsp Stir algae powder in 2-3 tbsp. clean water, add 1 tsp. sesame and olive oil. It is advisable to add a vitamin E capsule to this mixture. The mask is best applied to damp hair. Rub well into scalp and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  7. A spirulina hair mask will help not only improve the appearance of curls, but also get rid of unpleasant diseases like seborrhea and itchy scalp. 1 tbsp oat flour (you can buy ready-made flour in the store or grind oatmeal in a blender) mix with protein. Add 1 tablespoon to the same mixture. spirulina powder and 1 tbsp. water. Mix the ingredients well and rub into the scalp with light movements. Then leave the mask on for 30-40 minutes. After this time, wash your hair well with warm water.

According to reviews, the best effect from any mask with spirulina for hair can be achieved if, after applying the product on the head, put on a plastic cap and wrap it well with a towel.