Read how you can lose weight with a chicken diet. The principles of the diet, the basics of the diet and contraindications for the use of chicken meat for a long time. With the arrival of spring, almost every representative of the gentle sex wants to correct her own weight. Often in winter a few unnecessary pounds "stick" to the waist and hips. Are you also planning to lose the shackles of excess weight? And do you expect to do this with dietary changes? We advise you to pay attention to the low-calorie chicken diet. It is harmless to health, satisfying, inexpensive and bears good fruit. Judging by the reviews, "chicken weight loss" within a week is minus 3-5 kilograms.
The main foods of the chicken diet

As the name of the technique implies, poultry will be the basis of the diet. Mostly chicken. But you can also cook turkey or quail. The meat of such a bird is considered low-fat, while it contains a lot of protein, which is easily absorbed, supplying the body with the necessary energy and satiety. Eating chicken, you can not be afraid for the "riot" of the stomach - there will be no feeling of hunger. If you combine poultry with herbs and vegetables, you can stabilize metabolism in a short time. In addition, a chicken diet, combined with simple exercise, promotes the growth and restoration of muscle fibers, which means that the body will not only lose weight, but also tighten, become more flexible and strong.
Among the advantages of the chicken menu is availability, because this type of poultry is inexpensive. It is only important to take into account that before cooking it will be necessary to remove the skin from the chicken and peel off the fat contained under it. Better to eat breasts, they are more dietary, which means you can further reduce calories.
What dishes to cook
The first two days of the "chicken diet" should be eaten only by boiled poultry. In the morning, boil 800 grams and distribute them over four meals. Can be cooked in a multicooker, preferably in steam mode. And for now, refuse to bake. In addition to breasts, it is allowed to eat green salad (in any quantity), fresh tomatoes (250 g), celery (also 250 g) or cucumbers (up to 2 kilograms) (find out about the calorie content of cucumbers). You need to drink a lot: herbal tea or green, plain water, low-fat liquid yogurt or kefir, or fermented baked milk (a lot has been said about the properties of fermented baked milk). Not less than 1.5 liters.
In the next two days, you can drink and eat chicken broth with the addition of eggs (no more than 2 pcs.) And fresh parsley, carrots. The poultry is now allowed to bake, but without spices (even salt must be abandoned). And to improve the taste, pour lime juice on the meat and season with chopped dill, for example, or thyme. Try to drink only clean water, before bed - kefir or a cup of herbal decoction. Garnish can be: stewed beans, broccoli or cauliflower, zucchini. Vegetable salads are welcome, but no oil. As a dressing - a little wine vinegar or lemon juice.
Continue eating the indicated foods for the rest of the week. For weight loss to be effective, you still have to calculate the calorie content of the menu. Choose foods so that you "eat" 1500-1600 kcal per day.
Specialist recommendations and contraindications
Two weeks of continuous chicken diet is the maximum that can be allowed without harming the body. Nutritionists think so. You can continue to lose weight, but only after a month's break. To improve the effect, it would be reasonable to connect sports to such a diet. The best option is a combination of aerobic exercise and strength exercise. Experts remind that this method of losing weight is, in fact, a medium-hard protein diet. And for people who have problems with the gallbladder, liver and kidneys, it is better to refuse chicken weight.
Lose weight for health!