The diet program, which is based on the consumption of low-calorie chicken meat, helps to lose weight in a short time without harm to health. Probably, every woman faced such an unpleasant situation when you need to quickly lose a couple of extra pounds, but could not choose the appropriate way to lose weight. And this is not surprising, because nutritionists have developed a wide variety of methods to combat obesity. For example, one of the popular ways is a sparing chicken diet, thanks to the use of which you can lose extra pounds, but at the same time not suffer from hunger.
A feature of chicken meat is the content of a large amount of protein, which is necessary for the full functioning of the human body. Animal protein helps to get rid of hunger, normalizes metabolism, strengthens muscles.
Features of the chicken diet

This diet option refers to a technique whose main goal is to artificially increase the protein content against the background of a lack of carbohydrates. To restore the correct balance, the body begins to accelerate the use of the available energy fuel, which was previously put aside.
First of all, all excess fluid is removed from the body, so the muscles acquire the desired tone, after which the muscle tissues synthesize protein into glucose, and then the splitting of the existing adipose tissue begins.
Meat is an indispensable component of a balanced and complete diet, as this product contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. The deficiency in the body of these substances cannot be replenished with food of plant origin.
Chicken meat, among other types, is considered dietary and low-calorie. It is easily and quickly absorbed by the human body and contains much more protein than lean beef and pork.
When dieting, it is best to use chicken breasts, as they contain a minimum of fat. Many people love chicken legs, but they are strictly prohibited during weight loss, as they are very high in calories.
Before cooking chicken meat, the skin must be removed in order, and excess fat accumulating under it is also cleaned. The dietary program, which is based on this product, helps not only to lose excess weight, but also normalizes the work of the digestive tract, thanks to which the body begins to actively use all available internal energy reserves.
Advantages and disadvantages of the chicken diet

The benefits of this weight loss technique include:
- Chicken meat is quite an affordable product, so everyone can apply this diet.
- High performance and ease of use. In just a week of observing this technique, you can lose about 4–5 kg (the final result directly depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and lifestyle). To improve these indicators, it is useful to play sports, go to the pool, etc.
- Therapeutic effect. The chicken broth contains no harmful cholesterol, it also helps the body recover much faster after a long illness, and it has a strengthening effect on the immune system. If used regularly, effective prevention of hypertension, stroke, heart attack, ischemia of the heart muscle is carried out. Chicken also contains collagen, which helps to improve the condition of the connective tissue of the whole body.
- It turns out to be a sparing effect. Thanks to the consumption of chicken meat, the body maintains the correct balance of nutrients, while completely eliminating the possibility of exhaustion, fatigue or malaise. Such a diet allows you to lose weight and feel good at the same time.
- Reliability. In the event that if you exit the chicken diet correctly, you can keep the result obtained for a long time, and the lost weight will not return again. In the future, you can safely use different products, and chicken dishes should become the basis of the diet.
Regarding the disadvantages of this method of losing weight, it is extremely rare that such a principle of nutrition provokes an upset stomach and a feeling of general malaise. If you first consult with a professional nutritionist, you can avoid this unpleasant consequence.
How to lose weight on a chicken diet?

In order for the results, after observing the chicken diet, to pleasantly surprise and appear as early as possible, you must adhere to several recommendations:
- It is important to completely avoid any alcoholic beverages.
- It is forbidden to fry chicken meat.
- The diet should include stewed, boiled and baked chicken dishes; the meat can be steamed.
- The diet is recommended to be combined with moderate physical activity, due to which the process of losing weight will be much more active.
- While observing this technique, sweets, fried and flour products are strictly prohibited.
- It is necessary to adhere to the fractional principle of nutrition - you need to eat every 4 hours, but the portions should be small.
- During the chicken diet, you need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. You can also drink natural fruit and vegetable juices, tea, but only without added sugar.
- About 50% of the daily diet should be chicken meat, and the second half should be filled with vegetables, fruits, cereals (with the exception of semolina).
- It is worth completely abandoning salt, and in order to emphasize the taste of dietary dishes, you can use a small amount of seasonings, olive oil, fruit vinegar.
- The daily calorie content of the diet cannot exceed 1200 Kcal.
Chicken diet menu options

Losing weight with chicken meat has a fairly large number of variations, with the main difference being not only the composition of the menu, but also the duration of the diet.
Methodology for 3 days

This is the simplest and easiest diet, which will help you lose about 3 kg of excess weight, but the end result will be directly influenced by the lifestyle and the intensity of physical activity.
The dietary ration has a very simple menu - for 3 days you can eat only white boiled chicken meat, you also need to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day. During the day, the chicken should be eaten about 4-6 times - one portion cannot exceed 100 g of the product.
Diet for 7 days

The menu for this dietary program can be compiled independently, however, all restrictions and recommendations for losing weight on chicken meat must be taken into account.
You can use the following example diet:
- Day 1 - 500 g of boiled chicken fillet, 350 g of rice (this amount is calculated for the whole day), portions should be small, you can drink natural juice, and tea without sugar before going to bed.
- Day 2 - 700 g of boiled chicken meat, 500 g of pineapples (if the high acidity of the stomach does not allow eating this fruit, you can use the menu from Monday).
- Day 3 - 500 g of chicken meat, 150 g of white cabbage, 5 apples, 2 carrots. These products can be eaten separately during the day, or made into a fresh salad; it is allowed to use lemon juice for dressing.
- Day 4 and 5 - these days you need to adhere to the previous menu.
- Day 6 - throughout the day you can eat 700 g of boiled chicken with lettuce.
- Day 7 - the menu of the previous day is repeated.
Diet for 21 days

This dietary program can be followed for 3 weeks. It is important to adhere to the main rule - every day you need to eat exactly 20 g of boiled chicken breast, a portion of porridge cooked without oil and salt in water.
This technique is one of the most stringent, so it will be very difficult to withstand it for so long. Before proceeding with its observance, it is imperative to consult with a nutritionist.
Periodically, cereals can be replaced with fruits, which will help diversify the diet and ensure that the necessary vitamins are supplied to the body. The total amount of food is divided into small portions, 5-6 meals. During the day, you need to drink about 1.5 liters of water. Sweets and flour are strictly prohibited.
Chicken broth diet

This method of losing weight is suitable only for the most persistent and hardy. For 7 days, it is allowed to eat only chicken broth. But the main advantage of this technique is that in just a week you can lose about 9-10 kg of excess weight.
The diet cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, occurring in an acute or chronic form.
Throughout the day, you need to eat about 1-1, 5 liters of chicken broth for 5-6 receptions. One serving consists of 1 glass of broth. This soup can only be consumed hot. It is allowed to drink water before a meal (30 minutes) or after (2 hours later). If you are worried about severe bouts of hunger, you can suppress them with diet bread, but this should not be abused.
Diet soup is best made from homemade chicken:
- a pan filled with water is placed on the stove;
- the chicken is laid out;
- brought to a boil over high heat;
- as soon as foam appears, it must be removed;
- the fire is screwed on and the chicken continues to be cooked;
- you can add carrots, celery, onions, parsley, a little salt to the soup.
You need to leave this diet very carefully, gradually, every day adding new products to your diet, not forgetting about fresh vegetables and fruits. To speed up the process of losing weight, moderate physical activity is recommended during the diet - for example, jogging or aerobics are ideal (it is best to do it in the fresh air).
Chicken and kefir diet

This is one of the most popular mono diets, as it helps to lose weight quickly in a short period of time. The diet contains white chicken meat, apples and kefir. It is necessary to adhere to such a diet for 9 days, but not longer, so as not to spoil your own health.
This diet is based on the following menu:
- 1-3 days - it is allowed to eat only green apples (no more than 1.5 kg of fruit per day);
- 4-6 days - the diet contains white boiled chicken meat (it is allowed to eat no more than 1 kg per day);
- 6-7 days - you can use only 1% fat kefir (no more than 2 liters per day);
- Day 8-9 - chicken broth cooked without salt and spices (1.5 liters per day).
Diet on chicken and vegetables

The combined chicken and vegetable diet program produces amazing results. It is allowed to consume about 800 Kcal every day.
For 9 days, the diet contains white chicken meat, vegetables, brown rice:
- 1-3 days - rice;
- 4-6 days - chicken;
- 7-9 days - vegetable.
During the period of adherence to this diet, you can lose about 8-11 kg of excess weight. However, this technique can be followed only if there is good health, so you should first consult a doctor.
Chicken is a versatile food ideal for those who often follow different types of diets and are trying to control their weight. You can cook a variety of low-calorie dishes from chicken and not worry about the appearance of extra centimeters at the waist.
Delicious and simple recipes from chicken breast for weight loss in the following story: