How to lose weight on a diet according to blood type: 1, 2, 3 and 4? Which foods will be useful and which ones will be neutral and harmful? In terms of popularity, this method of losing weight is second only to the Kremlin diet. Practice shows that a huge number of diets have a different effect on people: someone is successfully losing weight, but nothing helps someone. Dr. James D'Adamo first became seriously interested in this fact. When studying vegetarian diets, he noticed that for some they really brought excellent results, but for others, on the contrary, harm. Then he suggested that a constant factor must exist to formulate an individual diet. Such a factor, according to the nutritionist, could well be the blood type. Later, he and his son studied how people with different blood groups react to different foods. They divided all food into neutral, useful and harmful for the body, depending on the blood group.
So, for a person with 1 blood group, certain foods will provide weight loss, and for a person with 2 - gain. This is the essence of the diet: it excludes from the diet that food that the body does not digest well, which subsequently leads to extra pounds.
Diet for 1 blood group
According to James d'Adamo, the first group is the oldest (type "hunter"), which means that the diet should be high-protein (meat eaters). In the process of evolution, other groups descended from it. This type includes about 33.5% of the world's population. Characteristic features are strong character, leadership, self-sufficiency.
- You can eat: meat - lamb, beef (except pork), liver, seafood, fish (pike, salmon), asparagus, spinach, broccoli, olive and linseed oil, figs, walnuts. Fruits and vegetables (except sour ones), rye bread (in limited quantities), iodized salt.
- Rarely (neutral foods): cereals, especially wheat and wheat bread, oatmeal, buckwheat (find out about the calorie content of buckwheat), legumes, rabbit, chicken, duck, turkey, butter, goat cheese, soy.
- Do not: ham, pork, yogurt, caviar, hard dairy cheeses, white bread, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage, cauliflower (except broccoli), corn, lentils, vegetable beans, mustard.
- Good: teas made from mint, rose hips, ginger, cayenne pepper, linden, licorice, green tea, water.
- Neutral: white and red wine, tea made from ginseng, chamomile, valerian, raspberry leaves, sage.
- Avoid: spirits, coffee, aloe, hay, St. John's wort, strawberry leaf.
Diet for blood group 2
The "farmer" type (group 2) arose during the transition from the "hunter" style to a sedentary lifestyle. Representatives are 37.8% of the population. Characteristic features are settledness, constancy, organization, quick adaptation to collective work.
- You can eat: buckwheat, soy, vegetables, cereals, fruits (except for orange, tangerine, papaya, bananas and coconuts), legumes, pineapples, fish (carp, perch, cod, salmon), vegetable oils (flaxseed, olive, rapeseed).
- Rarely: dairy products, sugar. It is better to lean on soy products (bean curd, tofu, soy milk).
- Do not: seafood, flounder, halibut, caviar, herring and other foods high in salt, lamb, beef, rabbit, goose, pork, ham, white bread, eggplant, corn and peanut butter.
- Good: green tea, coffee, carrot juice.
- Avoid: Black tea, orange juice, all soda drinks.
Diet for 3 blood groups

Group 3 is classified as a “nomad, wanderer”. It is possessed by about 20, 6% of the total population of the world. The “nomad” type appeared as a result of the migration of the masses. Characteristic features are a strong immune and balanced nervous system.
- What you can: veal, green vegetables, eggs, meat (except duck and chicken), low-fat dairy products, liver, liver, fruits (except rhubarb and coconuts), licorice (licorice root).
- Rarely: milk, butter, soy, green peas.
- Do not: buckwheat, corn, wheat, lentils, smoked fish, goose, chicken, pork, seafood, ice cream, black bread, nuts, vegetable oil.
- Good: herbal teas (rosehip, linden, ginger), cranberry, cabbage, grape juices.
- Neutral: black tea, coffee, orange juice.
- Avoid: Salty drinks, tomato juice.
Diet for 4 blood groups
The fourth blood group exists in only 7-8% of the total population of our planet, and it appeared as a result of the fusion of 2 opposite types - A and B. Its carriers are characterized by a weak immune system and a sensitive digestive tract. Moderately mixed meals are suitable.
- What you can do: rabbit, lamb, turkey, fish, dairy products (fermented milk, low-fat cheeses), tofu bean curd, peanuts (the benefits of peanuts are great, read more), walnuts, legumes, cod liver oil, olive oil, cereals (except for buckwheat and corn), fruits (except sour ones), vegetables (except black olives, peppers).
- Do not: bacon, ham, red meat, sunflower seeds, wheat, buckwheat, corn, bananas.
- Good: green tea, coffee, tea made from ginseng, chamomile, echinacea, hawthorn, rose hips.
- Neutral: tea made from mint, raspberry, valerian.
- Avoid: hay, aloe, linden.