Agaricus for weight loss

Agaricus for weight loss
Agaricus for weight loss

Losing weight with Agaricus is easy and safe. Our article will tell you about the healing properties of this mushroom and how to take it correctly. You will also learn recipes for weight loss products from Agaricus and its main contraindications. Agaricus is a parasitic tinder fungus that grows on diseased larch trunks (hence its other name "larch sponge"). For centuries, agaricus has been considered an indispensable tool for human health. They were treated for diabetes, tuberculosis, used in the healing of wounds and bruises. With the development of scientific technology, many studies have been carried out that have shown that agaricus contains many mineral salts and beneficial acids. It also contains more than 70% resinous substances in its composition. Thanks to this mineral composition, the deciduous sponge has been used as an effective weight loss tool. After all, agaricus perfectly breaks down fats and improves metabolism. It also contains special components for the proper functioning of our liver. In addition, this mushroom well cleanses the body of toxins and has a laxative effect, which also plays an important role in the loss of extra pounds.

The use of agaricus for weight loss

Naturonic honey plant balm - larch sponge
Naturonic honey plant balm - larch sponge

On the photo there is a honey-plant balm "Naturonic - larch sponge", the price of a 100 ml jar is 480 rubles. After the larch sponge was used as an effective remedy for losing extra pounds, the spread of this medicinal mushroom became more popular. In order to acquire the desired forms, decoctions and infusions are made from agaricus, which must be taken daily. But there are also other drugs in the form of tablets or powder, which are accompanied by instructions for use. As a rule, in addition to agaricus extract, they contain other substances that help in the fight against excess weight. For example, it can be all well-known goji berries, ginger root and chitosan. To make an agaricus-based slimming agent at home, it is enough to purchase its ready-made dried fruits at the pharmacy.

Agaricus infusion

For such an infusion, you will need 1 tbsp. chopped mushroom. It needs to be poured with a glass of boiled water and insisted for a day. It is best to do this in a thermos, but you can also do it in a regular glass jar, just insist in a cool and dark place. You need to take it every day on an empty stomach for 1 tablespoon. in two weeks. This infusion does not need to be stored for more than two days, as it deteriorates very quickly. Therefore, do not make large portions, it is better to cook fresh every time.

Infusion of agaricus with cinnamon

This recipe is quite simple, because you can take it within 2–3 hours after preparation. For this, 2 tsp. Agaricus should be filled with 200–250 ml of boiled water and kept on a steam bath for 5–7 minutes. After a few hours, when it is well infused, you can drink it. Add 1/2 tsp to the finished infusion. ground cinnamon. She, as well as agaricus, perfectly helps to lose weight. Therefore, these two components in combination will give the best effect.

Agaricus and ginger decoction

Everyone knows that ginger is a healthy product that not only has a good effect on the body, but also on the process of losing weight. To prepare a decoction with its content, you need to take 1 tbsp. agaricus and dried ginger and cover with water. Bring all this to a boil and boil for 7-10 minutes. After that, let it infuse well under a closed lid and the broth is ready. Drink it 2 times a day for 1 tsp. before eating.

Decoction with one mushroom

To prepare the usual broth from agaricus, pour a glass of boiling water over 1 tbsp.chopped larch sponge and simmer for about 5 minutes. Take 1 to 2 times a day, 1 tsp.

Agaricus mushrooms taste a little bitter, so if you find it difficult to tolerate their unpleasant aftertaste, you can add lemon, mint or other herb to the broth.

Agaricus: contraindications

Agaricus for weight loss
Agaricus for weight loss

In the photo there is a 50 gram bag with agaricus, the price in Russia is about 105 rubles. Despite the minimum side effects, agaricus should be taken with caution. After all, exceeding the dose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, rash and itching. Therefore, you need to use it only strictly according to the instructions.

Also in some cases, larch sponge can cause allergic reactions, therefore, people with an individual intolerance to this component should refuse drugs with its content.

If you use agaricus mushroom for weight loss, then you do not need to do this often. Reception should last for two weeks with a break of 2–3 months. Agaricus is categorically contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. Indeed, despite its healing qualities, it can negatively affect the development of the child. It should not be used by children and elderly people. This mushroom can be especially dangerous for people with liver and intestinal diseases. Therefore, before using it, it is very important to consult a doctor in order to avoid health problems.

Agaricus: customer reviews


Tatiana, 39 years old

I have heard a lot about the miraculous properties of agaricus. But she was afraid to decide on an experiment until her friend convinced her of the positive effect. I bought it at the pharmacy and every evening I made an infusion, which I drank in the morning. After a 20-day intake, my weight decreased by 3 kg, while no disturbances in my body were found. On the contrary, I began to feel lightness and a charge of cheerfulness. I am very satisfied and recommend this weight loss product to everyone.

Dina, 28 years old

The topic of excess weight is very delicate for me (with a weight of 165 cm, I have 89 kg). Taking diet pills ended sadly for me - I was hospitalized with acute poisoning. Since then, I have given up on my dream of gaining an ideal weight. But after I read a bunch of reviews and literature about the larch sponge on the Internet, I decided to take a desperate step. To be honest, I was not sure of a positive result, but after 2 months I lost 7 kg. Throughout the year (with interruptions) I drank Agaricus and lost 20 kg. It's hard to believe, but now I have the ideal weight I've always dreamed of! Anyone who wants to remove unnecessary centimeters, without harm to health, I advise Agaricus. You will not regret!

Nadezhda, 42 years old

I always pay maximum attention to my appearance and weight is no exception. I used different drugs and weight loss products, but their use was always accompanied by side effects: rash, diarrhea, nausea. After I saw my colleague after 3 months of vacation, I simply did not recognize her. My surprise knew no bounds, because she was always so plump, and here she was just a model. The first thing I asked her was how much the plastic surgery costs. And then she told about agaricus, which she took during this time. Since then, I started using Naturonic, a larch sponge-based product, and I look great. A 100 ml jar costs about 480 rubles.