In this article, we will talk about the most effective and proven Thai Yanhee diet pills. The effect will not be long in coming - this is the easiest and fastest way to get rid of excess weight. Diet pills are an effective way to quickly lose those extra pounds. Those who do a lot in the gym to create or maintain a beautiful figure and those who do not attend sports activities - these "vitamins of harmony" will equally help everyone.
Some of the most effective drugs are offered by the Thai Yanhee International Hospital (Yanhee). Developed using modern technologies, containing only natural plant substances Thai diet pills passed certification (photo below) and can no doubt be used in the work on your own body.

Thai specialists selected 6 sets for the course, and they are designed for admission for 28 days. Now imagine a body that will look 16 kg less in this short period of time. What is the key to success?
Naturally, this figure can fluctuate significantly, since it all depends on the amount of excess weight and lifestyle during the period of taking medications - nutrition, physical activity. But the result will be very noticeable anyway!
How to buy Thai diet pills
Initially, we want to say that pleasure is not cheap. The 2-week course is priced at $ 170 and the full Yanhee course (28 days) costs $ 312 (10% discount). This cost, after providing a brief but necessary information about yourself, includes a full consultation at the Thai Yanhee International Hospital regarding the discharge of this special course for you, as well as its delivery by Thai post - EMS. Delivery time from 5 days. As a rule, you will receive your slimming pills 6-8 days after we send them. We ship to almost anywhere in the world! You can buy Thai diet pills on the official supplier website "I'm good."
Ask any questions in the comments to the site below and a specialist will answer them, and also write your reviews!
Herbal ingredients - a special composition of Thai weight loss pills Yanhee
Yanhee Thai diet pills contain those herbs that help improve digestion, burn fat cells, drain bile, have a diuretic and sedative effect. Everything that many diet pills contain and maintain the beauty of the figure. Plants that are collected and included in the Yanhee product:
- the well-known valerian;
- rosemary;
- oriental ginger;
- garcinia;
- Indian chrysanthemum;
- Chinese chrysanthemum (flowers);
- intestinal cleansing hay;
- full round;
- senna;
- aspartame;
- tinospora;
- exotic pueraria mirifika;
- murdania;
- selenium.
Only fourteen active ingredients in Yanhee are directed to achieve their goals: to quickly and effectively reduce weight.
The result of the action of the Yanhee tablets
Nobody wants to take pills and not get results. Therefore, studies were carried out, people received a course for losing weight and wrote down reviews, they were observed, conclusions were drawn, decreasing volumes were recorded. What came of it?
- Everyone notes a decrease in hunger, which means a decrease in appetite.
- Fats from food have decreased. And their excess burns the Yanhee remedy.
- The intestines and organs are cleansed of toxins.
- For women in menopause, it is especially good: the symptoms of the onset of menopause disappear. Young women noted a decrease in PMS symptoms.
- Many women drink hormonal contraceptives and, as confirmed by studies, Thai diet pills Yanhee do not affect their result.
Thai tablets are especially popular with celebrities and models; the original (not a fake, of course) is not easy to get. They are also in high demand because you do not need to spend time at gyms, make your heart beat hard and wear out, buy special clothes and many other benefits.
How to Drink Yanghee Thai Diet Pills Properly

I would like to warn at the beginning that the entire 28-day course must be drunk to the end and not to miss the receptions. Only then will the full power of these Yanhee pills manifest.
Secondly, there is no need for additional means of reducing weight and forcing the body to lose the remnants of moisture and microelements. By the way, about vitamins: they will not harm, but will supplement the substances lost during the course of diet pills.
Now specifically about taking Yanhee tablets in sachets:
- In the afternoon, pills from green bags are taken, it is better to do this in the middle of the day (at lunchtime) before meals. The number of content in pieces is written on them. One and two brown each. It turns out you need to take 4 pieces and drink a glass of water, preferably two.
- At night, they drink pills from red sachets. Ten minutes before bedtime, take 3 Yanhee tablets with a glass of water.
Don't be lazy and check your weight daily. The scale will show the result - write it down. The rule is this: at the same time, without clothes, under equal circumstances.
Remember a healthy lifestyle! Follow 5 basic rules:
- Eliminate alcohol in any dose! This is a very high-calorie product and it is easy to gain kilograms from it.
- Eat right (in small portions, but at least 4 times a day).
- Do not overuse sweet and fatty foods.
- Go in for light sports or at least do exercises daily.
- It is enough to drink fluids (1.5–2 liters of water per day is required).
Side effects after Yanhee
Cleansing the body from toxins does not go smoothly. We start to sweat, often go to the toilet, and some just feel sick (like during pregnancy). No need to be intimidated, here are some of the symptoms that appear when taking Thai Yanhee diet pills:
- constipation. It is not difficult to eliminate this obstacle: eat a few prunes every day or drink yogurt with prunes, and also boil and eat beets.
- sweating occurs more than usual;
- dry throat and mouth. This is due to moisture loss, so you need to drink water more often and more. Water with lemon and honey is very useful.
- lowering blood sugar levels. This is determined by lethargy and complaints of fatigue. It is not difficult to help the body: fruits (in particular bananas), dark chocolate (dark).
- sleep problems. It can be difficult to fall asleep if you are not taking Thai diet pills as recommended. An indispensable condition: take no earlier than ten minutes before bedtime, sleep eight hours a day, go to bed at the same time.
- heartbeat. This is a serious symptom when taking Yanhee's remedy. As soon as you notice this, stop taking it immediately, or reduce the dose (every 2 days).
Contraindications Yanhee
Thai diet pills are very effective in the fight against excess weight. But with all the positive reviews, there are contraindications and recommendations … Before purchasing Yanhee, it is best to know that:
- you can not take the remedy after a heart attack, having cardiovascular problems, before intensive sports (professional);
- it is not recommended to take Yanhee tablets if you are undergoing treatment with other drugs, especially antibiotics;
- with caution, diet pills can be drunk with kidney disease, hypertension, and other disorders of blood pressure, with diabetes.
For women, there is a special condition: start taking Thai diet pills no earlier than at least a week before the start of the menstrual cycle. During the recovery period of Yanhee's body, exclude from the diet coffee and teas, energy cocktails, soda, alcohol. Reduce your intake of salty and salt in general. Avoid skipping meals (important for stomach function).
Real reviews of Yanhee
On the Internet, you can find many positive reviews about Thai Yanhee diet pills, there are also photo reports on the official website, which can be visited by the banner above or below. To make sure of the effectiveness of the tool, we will publish a couple of reviews:
Lyudmila, 32 years old
Yanhee ordered the pills by email. I waited for more than one week, since the order comes from Thailand, where the Thai Yanhee International Hospital is located. But I would like to say that the wait was not in vain: I began to take it successfully, according to the recommendation in the package, and now I dropped 9 extra pounds from my stomach and thighs. This is essential for me.
Valeria, 41 years old
Thanks to Thai diet pills, I look much slimmer. I have wanted this for a long time, but there is not enough time for fitness. So I get fat with suppers after six, and generally before bedtime … now after a week of taking Yanhee, I noticed that my appetite decreased, it became easier to get up to work in the morning, 12 kilograms, and with them a couple of centimeters from the waist were gone. I will continue the course, and maybe later I will acquire more.

In the photo there are pills from the Yanhee hospital and … a bear:)