Everything about the diet for the hips: what rules to follow, how effective it is, the menu, exercises for the legs, hips and buttocks. The most problematic areas of excess weight accumulation are the abdomen, waist, hips and buttocks. Here we will tell you how to get rid of fatty deposits that form unaesthetic "breeches". What is the reason? Let's try to figure it out.
In women, all this happens due to the increased production of estrogens - female sex hormones. They are responsible for skin elasticity, healthy hair and, of course, full thighs. So nature has ordered that in this area there is a kind of "reserve" of the organism, which will help at all times to bear and feed a child. Of course, everything should be in moderation, and if you still feel discomfort and want to lose weight in this place, then you should put a little effort: go on a diet for the thighs, do a massage with anti-cellulite creams, work out muscles with the help of special exercises and regularly engage in active physical activity. But first things first. Read why cellulite occurs if you are not quite in the know. Read the review of Cellufit natural cream-tonic for cellulite.
What is the essence of the diet
What is not allowed:
The main culprits for heavy thighs are sweets, sodas, bread, grapes, and smoked meats. It is these foods that contain "fast" carbohydrates and have a high glycemic index. This means that they do not need so much time to settle in problem areas and spoil our figure. Salt is also of little use (it does not require so much - 5-7 g for salting, the rest of the daily value is already contained in the products). So that the food does not seem so bland, you can add parsley, dill, basil, mint to it. Unsalted boiled fish "brighten" with lemon juice, and the meat - with soaked lingonberries. It may sound unusual at first, but you should love it. The main thing is to improve your well-being. Another worst enemy of all diets is alcohol, which interferes with the metabolism of substances and worsens the state of blood vessels.
What you can:
But cereals and vegetables, which are a source of valuable fiber, will certainly help in the struggle for slender hips. It is useful to drink fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt) to replenish your body with protein and bacteria useful for digestion, and lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, low-fat beef). Drinking regime: not less than 1, 5 - 2 liters of plain water per day, green tea without sugar or mineral water without gas. It is certainly difficult to give up eating habits in one fell swoop, so try a weekly diet first. Stick to it at first once a month. The bottom line is this: alternate the menu of the first day with the menu of the second, and on Sunday, eat as usual (within reason).
Thigh diet menu:

The first day
- Low-fat cottage cheese (70 g) + fresh herbs (1 tablespoon), no salt
- Muesli with skim milk (1/2 cup)
- Half a slice of bran bread, a slice of cheese
- Green tea or herbal infusion
1 dietary yogurt without fruit additives or a glass of low fat kefir
- Unlimited fresh vegetables seasoned with olive oil and herbs
- Boiled pearl barley or buckwheat (2 tablespoons)
- A glass of table or mineral water without gas
Afternoon snack:
- 1 any fresh fruit (excluding bananas and grapes)
- Diet yogurt or kefir 1% fat
- Lean boiled beef or chicken breast (100 g) or stewed / baked lean fish
- Green salad (1 cup) with olive oil and lemon juice
- Plain water or green tea
Second day
- Soft-boiled egg with a drop of mustard
- Fresh fruit (apple or orange)
- Oatmeal in water (100 g)
- Half a slice of whole grain bread
- Green tea
1 green apple
- Boiled buckwheat or pearl barley (2 tablespoons)
- Green salad with unsweetened yogurt or low-fat sour cream
- 200 ml of water
Afternoon snack:
- 1 kiwi
- Diet yogurt or a glass of kefir
- Cottage cheese (150 g) with kefir (2 tablespoons)
- Fresh vegetables (cauliflower, tomatoes, beans) with olive oil
- Green tea
Exercises for the buttocks and hips
To increase the effectiveness of the diet, it is recommended to engage in physical training, devoting at least 10-15 minutes a day to this. They are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the legs and gluteal muscles.
The inner thighs can be strengthened by raising the legs on the side while lying down, swinging backward (standing), to the sides and forward, as well as squeezing the rubber ball with your knees for several minutes.
To reduce body fat in this situation, walking, pilates, yoga, jogging or Irish dancing, lindy hop, flamenco are suitable.
From stagnant fluid, you can daily massage the thighs with warming agents using a special massage brush. Massage in a circular motion from the knee towards the abdomen for 5 minutes, then it is useful to take a contrast shower.