How is demi-glace sauce eaten? Composition, useful properties and contraindications for use. Sauce recipes for cooking in the home kitchen.
Demiglas sauce is a basic French sauce from the category of béchamel, French mayonnaise, hollandaise, etc. It is used as an independent dressing (mainly for meat dishes) or as a component of another sauce. Demiglas is sometimes served with vegetable dishes, fish or eggs.
Composition and calorie content of demiglas sauce

The composition of demi-glass can be completely different, it is selected depending on the dish with which it is served. The invariable base of the sauce is beef bones, or rather inert broth. In addition to bones, the dressing includes:
- Wine - both red and white can be used;
- A set of vegetables - bell peppers, shallots or leeks, tomatoes, etc.;
- Various condiments - ground parsley root, bay leaf, spices such as tarragon, etc.
The calorie content of demiglas sauce per 100 g is 51 kcal, of which:
- Protein - 1 g;
- Fat - 3 g;
- Carbohydrates - 5 g;
- Dietary fiber - 0 g;
- Ash - 1, 33
- Water - 90, 2 g.
The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 1: 3: 5, respectively.
Most of the sauce is saturated fatty acids and water. 100 g of the product contains 158 mg of Sodium (Na), as well as a certain amount of Potassium (K), Calcium (Ca), Magnesium (Mg), Zinc (Zn), Fluorine (F) and other trace elements. Vitamin complex of the product: E, PP, H, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
Interesting! To get 1 liter of demi-glace sauce, you need to use 3 liters of water and 1 kg of the ingredients stated in the recipe. The cook takes about 12 hours to prepare it.
Useful properties of demiglass sauce

French demi-glace sauce includes a lot of substances that are beneficial to humans. However, it is consumed in limited quantities; therefore, it is difficult to obtain a significant therapeutic effect from it.
Nevertheless, there are several main beneficial properties of demi-glace sauce:
- He quickly recovers after hard physical or mental work - with beef broth, a person receives a large amount of iron, which takes part in the work of absolutely all human organs. Often people feel weak, they lose their appetite precisely because of the lack of iron in the body. Therefore, to get rid of overwork, doctors recommend including beef broth or dishes that include this ingredient in your diet.
- Improves digestion - this property again owes demi-glace sauce to vegetables and beef bone broth, because these products are rich in easily digestible and useful minerals and vitamins. In addition, bone broth contains a large amount of gelatin, which stimulates the stomach to produce gastric juices. The more such juices are produced, the faster the food is digested.
- Strengthens joints - bone broth is popularly considered a real panacea for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Traditional medicine also recognizes that the product is able to strengthen the joints of a person and make his ligaments more elastic.
Contraindications and harm of demi-glace sauce

There is no consensus about the harmfulness of this product, because a person uses it as an addition to the main dish, that is, in a small amount.
But some experts name several negative characteristics of demiglas:
- A large number of purines, which are harmful to people suffering from gout and arthritis;
- The presence of heavy metals that can be present in the sauce due to bones - animals that graze near large factories and industrial enterprises accumulate them from the environment in the bones.
Some companies produce demi-glace sauce in the form of a semi-finished, dry bulk mixture, sorted into bags. Thanks to such a product, any consumer can prepare a sauce in a matter of minutes - for this, it is enough to dilute the mixture in water or stew it a little.
On this occasion, all experts are of the same opinion - dry powder for making sauce can contain a lot of chemicals. Therefore, when buying a dry mixture for making a sauce, carefully read its composition. Some manufacturers add unnatural ingredients to the mixture: flavor enhancers, colorants, thickeners, etc. Such a semi-natural product can harm your health!
How to make demi-glace sauce?

If you decide to start making demi-glace sauce on your own, choose the highest quality products - the taste of the future dish will depend on this. Use only fresh beef bones and greens, not dried spices.
Analyzing the recipe for demiglass, you will understand that it will take almost a whole day to prepare it. This is really so, in the cookbooks of this liquid seasoning they put a difficulty ball - 5 out of 5. However, you should not be afraid of difficulties, because most of the cooking time is spent on cooking the ingredients and the sauce itself.
Step-by-step recipe for demi-glace sauce:
- Chop 1 kg of fresh beef bones into as small pieces as possible.
- Cut into small cubes and fry a little 150 g carrots, 150 g onions and 100 g celery. While frying, add a few drops of vegetable oil to the skillet. The vegetables are ready when they are soft and golden brown.
- Add 100 g of fresh diced tomatoes to the prepared vegetables.
- Simmer the resulting mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.
- Now you can tackle the bones that you have already chopped into pieces. Send them to the oven for 40 minutes.
- Mix the prepared vegetables and bones and place in a deep saucepan.
- Pour 0.5 liters of white wine into the resulting mixture and simmer over moderate heat for 3 minutes. This stage of preparation allows the ingredients to borrow an unusual taste and aroma from the wine.
- Add to the bone mixture 50 ml of purified water, 1-2 bay leaves, 1 g of black peppercorns. If you have any other favorite spices in mind, feel free to add them to the dish at this stage of preparation.
- Simmer the resulting mass for 7-8 hours. Remember that bones can quickly burn to the bottom of the pot, so be sure to stir them constantly.
- Strain the sauce through a sieve and return to the stove for 4 hours. During this time, the broth should become thicker and acquire the consistency of a real French sauce.
- Demiglas is ready for further use!
Tips from a professional chef:
- If you are not sure about the quality of the acquired bones, soak them in cold water for several hours before making the sauce.
- Be sure to add spices to the gravy already at the final stage of its preparation, otherwise, due to the boiling down of the constituent components, you can oversalt or pepper the sauce.
Recipes with demi-glace sauce

French sauce will make any dish a real masterpiece, as it is considered a part of haute cuisine. The cuisine of venerable restaurants, the most expensive hotels and other respected establishments is called high.
Set up an expensive restaurant in your home by preparing one of the following dishes using demi-glass:
- Duck riyet … Of the special accessories for preparing this dish, you will need a glass jar and an airfryer. Cut 2 duck legs, salt and fry until golden brown (you need a little vegetable oil for this). In the meantime, take care of vegetables: cut into small pieces, salt and season with demi-glace sauce (30 g) 1 peeled carrot and 1 stalk of celery. Add 50 ml of water and a few peas of black pepper to the resulting mass. Combine the roasted duck with the prepared vegetables and pour 30 ml of orange juice over them. Wrap the ingredients in foil and bake in the oven for 90 minutes. Separate the prepared meat from the bone and place in a jar, pour the resulting broth on top. Close the jar with a lid and send to the airfryer for 20 minutes. After that, the dish will be ready to eat!
- Beef steak … Cut a large piece of beef into steaks. Each piece should be no more than 3 cm thick. Sprinkle the meat pieces with allspice and salt. Preheat a frying pan - cast iron or steel dishes are suitable for frying a steak, as long as they do not have a Teflon coating. Add a little butter and vegetable oil to the pan. Grill the steaks for 5 minutes over medium-high heat. Watch the meat carefully, no juice should be released from it, and if this happens, urgently increase the frying temperature. Steaks need to be fried on both sides, but there is one culinary secret. The fact is that until a golden crust has formed on it, it will not move out of the pan. Therefore, do not rush to turn the meat ahead of time - it will be simply impossible to tear it off the vessel. Transfer the cooked meat to a plate, cover with foil and make a few cuts to drain off the steam. Leave the steaks in this position for 7 minutes, before serving, preheat everything in the oven with the same foil for 10 minutes and pour over the demi-glace sauce.
- Duck with pear and demi-glace sauce … Cut 1 pear in half and cut the seed box out of it. Place a cinnamon stick and some granulated sugar in the resulting cavity. Hold the two pear halves together by wrapping them in parchment. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, sauté a small amount of chanterelles and Brussels sprouts in a mixture of butter and oil. Salt the contents of the pan and pour some water into it. Now start making the demiglas sauce. To do this, fry 20 g of pine nuts in vegetable and butter. Combine the nuts with demiglas in a saucepan, adding 70 ml of red wine, 5 g of tomato paste and 2 tsp. Sahara. Heat the sauce over low heat. Take 1 duck breast, peel off the skin. Put the skin on the foil, and on it the beaten and salted meat. Fill the breast with 70 g of mozzarella cheese, with ready-made mushrooms and cabbage, add a little grated horseradish. Wrap the meat in a roll and foil. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Serve the cooked meat with pear and sauce. The dish can be garnished with basil and, for example, arugula.
- Pork tenderloin … Spread some foil on a baking sheet. On it, place 360 g of green beans, cut into oblong halves. Sprinkle the beans with chopped shallots and rosemary leaves (1 sprig is sufficient). Sprinkle the green ingredients with a little salt and pepper, pour over 1 tsp. olive oil. Bake vegetables for 5 minutes. While the vegetables are in the oven, make the pork tenderloin. Fry it in a little oil on both sides until golden brown. Do not overexpose the meat in the pan, because it will cook in the oven. Spread the tenderloin with a crispy crust with a mixture of mustard (30 g) and honey (15 g) and send to a baking sheet with vegetables. Bake for 9 minutes. Pour demi-glace sauce over the cooked meat.
On a note! A teaspoon holds 10 g of sauce, and a tablespoon holds 20 g.
Interesting facts about demi-glace sauce

The classic recipe for demiglass was developed back in medieval times by Antonin Karem, when French chefs were obsessed with the desire to inscribe their name in world culinary history by experimenting with sauces. At that time, almost every new sauce from the French culinary specialist received worldwide recognition.
The name "demi-glace" in translation from French means "semi ice".
In the modern world, every self-respecting chef should know how to make demi-glace, because this sauce was included in the list of 8 "mother sauces" in France.
For reference! The classic culinary masterpieces, on the basis of which many new types of modern sauces were made, are usually called "mothers".
How to make demi-glace sauce - watch the video:

Beef demi-glace is a real culinary masterpiece that requires patience and mastery of certain professional skills from the chef. Therefore, if you managed to cook this dressing at home, you can be rightfully proud of yourself! This sauce will decorate any dish of meat, eggs or fish.