Hijiki seaweed: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Hijiki seaweed: benefits, harm, composition, recipes
Hijiki seaweed: benefits, harm, composition, recipes

Description, composition, benefits and harms of hijiki. How is algae eaten and what can you cook with it?

Hijiki seaweed is a member of the brown seaweed class and a very popular ingredient in traditional Japanese cuisine. They grow in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the Sea of Japan and a number of inland seas. Hijiki are not eaten fresh - they have an unpleasant pungent taste, in order to remove it, after collecting them, they are first boiled, then dried in the sun and sent to the store already dried. It is noteworthy that the seaweed is consumed after preliminary soaking, but the unpleasant taste does not return. When finished, hijiki resembles a thin long black vermicelli. The opinion about the usefulness of the product is ambiguous: on the one hand, it contains many biologically active substances important for our body, on the other hand, hijiki tends to accumulate such a dangerous component as arsenic. Let's figure out whether it's worth trying such a controversial product.

The composition and calorie content of hijiki algae

Hijiki seaweed in a plate
Hijiki seaweed in a plate

In the photo, hijiki seaweed

Seaweed is a low calorie, high nutritional value product. This means that without greatly increasing the calorie content of the diet, they are able to significantly enrich its vitamin and mineral composition.

On average, the calorie content of hijiki, like other seaweed, is about 30 kcal per 100 g

Vegetable protein is distinguished among the components of algae, there is a small amount of fat and carbohydrates. The product is especially appreciated due to the presence of vitamins A, group B, minerals - calcium, magnesium, potassium, and, of course, iodine. It is worth noting that Hijiki contains 5 times more calcium than milk!

Useful properties of hijiki

What hijiki seaweed looks like
What hijiki seaweed looks like

Algae is a real trend in healthy eating, which is not surprising, because they contain at least iodine, the deficiency of which is very common today. In Japan, the product is considered medicinal, it is used to treat cardiovascular diseases and anemia, to strengthen bone tissue, it is recommended as a means of getting rid of excess weight and constipation, and is even used in complex anti-cancer therapy.

Benefits of Hijiki Seaweed:

  1. Prevention of thyroid diseases … Hypothyroidism is one of the most common modern diseases, which mostly affects women. Often the reason for its development is the lack of iodine, and therefore the source products of this mineral must be present in the diet of the fair sex.
  2. Prevention of osteoporosis … The product acquires particular relevance in the diet of women who have entered the climatic period, who are often susceptible to diseases such as osteoporosis - a disease of fragility of bones. The presence of a large amount of calcium in the composition of hijiki significantly reduces the likelihood of developing the disease.
  3. Supporting the work of the heart and strengthening blood vessels … A beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system is due to the presence in the algae of two main "heart" minerals - magnesium and potassium, it is thanks to them that the heart muscle, blood vessels are strengthened, blood pressure normalizes, and the likelihood of developing heart attacks and atherosclerosis decreases. In this sense, an exotic delicacy from Japan is gaining importance not only for women, but also for men, who more often than the former are faced with acute heart conditions.
  4. Improving metabolic processes … Due to the content of B vitamins in the composition of hijiki, as well as fiber, the product is very useful for the normalization of metabolic processes. B vitamins are the main metabolic vitamins, they are primarily responsible for the process of converting food into energy. Fiber improves intestinal peristalsis, which is an excellent prevention of constipation, flatulence, and bloating.
  5. Beneficial effect on the nervous system … Also, B vitamins play an important role for the normal functioning of the nervous system - they remove anxiety, help to cope with stress, improve mood, and treat insomnia.
  6. Prevention of ophthalmic diseases … Vitamin A contained in hijiki has a beneficial effect not only on visual acuity, but also on the normal state of the mucous membrane, due to which even long work at the computer, which today is an integral part of the life of almost every person, does not lead to fatigue and discomfort in the eyes.
  7. Improving the condition of the skin and mucous membranes … Vitamin A has a beneficial effect not only on the mucous membranes of the eyes, but also on other mucous membranes of our body. In addition, it is considered a skin beauty vitamin. It mainly helps to eliminate dryness of the epidermis, which in turn protects against thinning, loss of nutrients, and dehydration.
  8. Strengthening immunity, preventing anemia … Due to the fact that the product contains in general a large amount of various vitamins and minerals, it has an important effect on preventing the development of anemia, as well as on the level of the body's defenses. Again, returning to the vitamin A in hijiki seaweed, it is worth noting that the European Food Safety Agency has ruled that the normal development and functioning of the immune system, along with maintaining vision and healthy mucous membranes and skin, is one of the main properties of vitamin A.

In addition, hijiki algae contains a special component fucoxanthin, which is being actively studied at the moment and a huge range of useful properties is already attributed to it - rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antidiabetic, anti-cancer. It is believed that it also protects the brain and heart, normalizes fat metabolism, and prevents depression. However, it should be noted that so far most experiments with fucosanthin are performed on animals, although this does not prevent it from actively using it in sports nutritional supplements.