Moho Verde sauce: recipes, benefits and harms

Moho Verde sauce: recipes, benefits and harms
Moho Verde sauce: recipes, benefits and harms

What is Moho Verde sauce and how is it eaten? Main characteristics: composition, useful properties, contraindications for use. Cooking method and recipes using Moho Verde.

Moho Verde sauce is a green filling native to the Canary Islands. Serves mainly to complement boiled potatoes in their uniforms, fish or meat dishes. However, it can be served with bread as a snack. It has a spicy and garlic taste, raises appetite and heals the body. The dressing is based on greens - cilantro, parsley and more.

The composition and calorie content of Moho Verde sauce

Moho Verde sauce
Moho Verde sauce

The main ingredients of the standard Moho Verde sauce are:

  • basil;
  • cloves of garlic;
  • bread made from premium flour;
  • cilantro (the deciduous part of coriander).

Sometimes chefs dilute a set of herbs with additional ingredients, for example, parsley and dill. Bell pepper (always green) is often added to the sauce. All components of the filling are crushed and seasoned with wine vinegar and various spices (cumin, origano, allspice and other spices).

The calorie content of Moho Verde sauce per 100 g is 140 kcal, of which:

  • Protein - 1 g;
  • Fat - 11 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 10 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 0 g.

The sauce is prepared without heat treatment, so all vitamins and other useful substances remain in its constituent ingredients almost in full. Moho Verde is rich in the following nutrients:

  • Vitamins: B, E, H, A, C, etc.
  • Minerals: calcium (Ca), potassium (K), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), iron (Fe).

See also the composition and calorie content of tomato chutney.

Benefits of Moho Verde Sauce

Sauces in jars
Sauces in jars

The benefits of Moho Verde sauce for human health are undeniable, because it contains only natural ingredients rich in flavonoids, amino acids and vitamins. The sauce is indicated for all people who do not have acute problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

The main beneficial properties of the sauce:

  1. Accelerates the recovery process of the body in case of colds - the sauce has an antiseptic, expectorant and tonic effect thanks to cilantro, which is included in its composition in a fairly large amount. Garlic and parsley also help fight viruses, contributing to the production of collagen in the body, the rapid absorption of nutrients and the stimulation of the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.
  2. Improves Digestion - all the same cilantro has an anti-inflammatory and laxative effect on the stomach and intestinal tract, and also removes pathogenic bacteria from it. It is known that cilantro always helps to cope with overeating, especially after a feast with fatty foods.
  3. Optimizes the functioning of the circulatory system - parsley contains a lot of vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels. It is also rich in substances that neutralize harmful compounds that destroy arteries. We must not forget about garlic, which helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Garlic is especially useful for people who suffer from high blood pressure, because it expands blood vessels, removing excessive tone from them.
  4. Gives youth and beauty - parsley contains a large amount of substances with antioxidant properties. They remove harmful substances from the body and relieve inflammation.
  5. Kills pathogenic bacteria parasitizing in the intestines - garlic contains phytoncides, which are toxic to many types of bacteria, fungi, diphtheria bacillus and other pathogens.

On a note! To get the most out of a product, use it as a spread on your bread.

Moho Verde Sauce Recipes

Young potatoes with Moho Verde green sauce
Young potatoes with Moho Verde green sauce

Most of the dishes traditionally served with Moho Verde sauce are quick and easy to prepare, which is why we present you with a selection of recipes from the "When guests are on the doorstep" category. The dishes below can be prepared an hour before the unexpected arrival of guests:

  • Young potatoes with green sauce … Boil 400 g of young potatoes in lightly salted boiling water. It is advisable to choose medium-sized tubers, they will look as aesthetically pleasing as possible on a plate during serving. Cover the pot with boiled potatoes with a thick towel and leave to infuse. In the meantime, prepare the sauce. It is not necessary to grind Moho Verde to a homogeneous consistency, its ingredients can be finely chopped with a knife - chefs suggest that in ancient times, when people did not have blenders, the sauce was completely pounded in mortars. Once the verde is ready, serve it with potatoes in different bowls.
  • Potato cutlets with Moho Verde … The total cooking time for this dish is no more than 45-60 minutes, as a result you should get 4 servings of juicy cutlets with a bright and appetizing sauce. Peel and boil 800 g potatoes. Make a puree and add 70 g of finely chopped sorrel and 50 g of spinach, a little salt and pepper to your taste. Minced meat for future cutlets is almost ready. Now add breadcrumbs (3 tablespoons) and softened butter (1 tablespoon) to it. Now stir the dietary mince and start sculpting the cutlets (try to keep them small). Remember to roll them in breadcrumbs before frying. Cook the patties in vegetable oil. Then in another frying pan, fry 4 finely chopped shallots in vegetable oil. Add 250 ml of medium-fat cream to the finished frying and simmer the onion for 5-6 minutes. Then add some green sorrel and spinach to the sauce (if you come across especially large leaves, be sure to chop them). Simmer the mixture for a few more minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the resulting gravy over the garnish with which you will serve the cutlets, place the Moho Verde saucepan next to the plates.
  • Fish with Canary Sauce … To prepare this dish, you can use completely different types of fish, for example, salmon. Cut 700 g fish fillets into oblong pieces. Season the meat with salt, sprinkle with pepper and sprinkle with lemon juice. Leave the fish to marinate for 15-20 minutes. During this time, you can start cooking Moho Verde. Fry the fish already soaked in spices in hot oil. It is important not to overexpose the salmon on the fire - it will be ready as soon as it is covered with a thin golden crust. Serve the salmon with the sauce.
  • Boiled tongue with green sauce … The dish takes more than 60 minutes to cook, but it has a special taste and usefulness for the human body. Beef tongue is recommended for children and pregnant women. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of human skin, lowers blood sugar and is considered a low-calorie meal. Boil 800 g of pork tongue in a little water for 8-9 minutes after boiling. Remove the meat from boiling water and rinse under running water. Send your tongue into an empty saucepan, fill it with water so that it only slightly covers the meat. Bring the contents of the pot to a boil again. This time, add a lot of ingredients to the boiling water: 1 medium carrot, cut into just a few large pieces, 100 g of chopped celery (use only the root), 1 onion and 2 bay leaves. Season the broth with a pinch of caraway seeds, a dozen chili peas and the same amount of allspice. The resulting mixture must be cooked over moderate heat for at least 2.5 hours. When the meat is tender, turn off the stove and remove the film from the tongue. Cut the cooked meat into small pieces, pour over the Moho Verde sauce and serve warm.

Secrets of filing! To emphasize the delicate taste of meat or potato dishes and Moho Verde, serve white wine to the table.

Interesting facts about Moho Verde

Mojo verde sauce
Mojo verde sauce

The name "mojo verde" is translated from Spanish as "green sauce", and it is no coincidence that the filling is prepared from fresh, green ingredients. In the Canary Islands, several types of "Moho" are prepared, because this word in the archipelago is collective and means "sauce", filling from any ingredients.

Inhabitants of the Canary Islands always serve Moho Verde with boiled potatoes. However, they cook the tubers in a special way: potatoes are boiled not in fresh, but in sea salt water, for a long period of time (until all the water boils away). Due to this, a white bloom forms on the tubers, and their skin wrinkles a little. By the way, the variety of potatoes in the Canary Islands is not at all the same that we are used to seeing in domestic stores.

If you want to make potatoes like this in your home kitchen and don't have seawater, use table salt to prepare a concentrated brine solution.

How to make Moho Verde sauce - watch the video:

Moho Verde sauce is a healthy seasoning that improves appetite and digestion, so you can't do without it when serving fatty meat dishes. It takes a little time to prepare the seasoning, so it is suitable for unexpected events when there is no time to prepare complex sauces.
