Chickpea sprouts - a godsend for vegetarian cuisine

Chickpea sprouts - a godsend for vegetarian cuisine
Chickpea sprouts - a godsend for vegetarian cuisine

Description and composition of chickpea seedlings. How is this product useful, what contraindications does it have? Germination technique, use in cooking. Chickpea sprouts are sprouted grains of a plant from the legume family, which is considered one of the most ancient. There is evidence that the culture was cultivated in the Middle East as early as 7,500 years ago. Today the plant is actively cultivated in more than 30 countries around the world. It is noteworthy that 90% of all chickpeas are grown in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia - India, China, Pakistan, etc. The beans are multi-colored peas, usually beige, green, red, brown and black. They are very nutritious and offer many health benefits. Both the beans themselves and their sprouts are a real find for vegetarian cuisine, but the dishes made with chickpeas will also appeal to the avid meat eater.

The composition and calorie content of chickpea seedlings

Chickpea bean sprouts
Chickpea bean sprouts

We are used to thinking that legumes are difficult to digest. Unfortunately, you cannot argue with this, and as a result, many people are forced to exclude them from the diet, despite the enormous usefulness.

But why is it difficult for our bodies to digest beans? It's all about the so-called enzyme inhibitors, which save the seed from premature hatching. Once in the human body, these elements can disrupt the digestive processes and lead to diarrhea, flatulence, etc. But when the seed germinates, the inhibitors are destroyed and can no longer harm the human gastrointestinal tract. Thus, bean sprouts retain all the benefits of the "dormant" seed, but at the same time become food that is easy to digest. That is why they are recommended for everyone, without exception, and even for those who are on a diet.

The calorie content of chickpea seedlings is 120 kcal per 100 grams, of which:

  • Protein - 10 g;
  • Fat - 0.9 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 18 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 8, 9 g.

In addition, chickpea seedlings contain various vitamins and minerals.

Macronutrients per 100 g:

  • Potassium - 1281 mg;
  • Calcium - 328 mg;
  • Silicon - 103 mg;
  • Magnesium - 391 mg;
  • Sodium - 31 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 1215 mg;
  • Sulfur - 217 mg;
  • Chlorine - 94 mg.

Microelements per 100 g:

  • Boron - 671 mcg
  • Iron -4, 3 mg;
  • Cobalt - 54 mcg;
  • Molybdenum - 54 mg;
  • Copper - 693 mcg;
  • Selenium - 62 mcg;
  • Zinc - 8, 21 mg.

Vitamins per 100 g:

  • Vitamin B1 - 0.38 mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 650 mcg.

It is also worth noting that chickpea seedlings contain choline, retinol, ascorbic acid and a wide range of amino acids.

Useful properties of chickpea sprouts

What chickpea sprouts look like
What chickpea sprouts look like

High nutritional value, low fat content, and easy absorption are important, but by no means the only beneficial properties of chickpea sprouts. Regular consumption of this product in food helps not only to establish a balanced diet, but also to improve health.

Let's take a closer look at what the benefits of chickpea sprouts are:

  1. Normalization of metabolism … Chickpeas contain a lot of fiber, which helps to digest food more efficiently, preventing the development of decay processes, cleansing the intestines of toxins and toxins. This ability of the product is especially significant for those who suffer from constipation, as well as for those who wish to lose weight. By the way, the latter will also appreciate the fact that chickpeas are rich in protein, which means that it saturates for a long time and reduces the cravings for constant snacks.
  2. Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system … The product helps to cleanse not only the intestines, but also blood vessels, which in turn prevents the development of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other diseases that can cause acute cardiac conditions. It is also important to remind that seedlings are rich in minerals necessary for strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  3. Strengthening bone tissue … This property of chickpeas, again, is due to a large amount of macro- and microelements, especially phosphorus, zinc and iron - this triple prevents bone fragility and related diseases.
  4. Prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus … The product contains special carbohydrates that help reduce and control blood sugar levels. In addition, it itself has a low glycemic index. Thus, chickpea sprouts are an essential element in the diet of diabetics and those with a predisposition to the disease.
  5. Positive effects on women's health … In the diet of the beautiful half of humanity, this most useful product should also be present - it will not only help to stay slim, but will make menstruation less painful. It is also believed that the product helps to improve lactation, and also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and hair.
  6. Increased endurance and potency … Chickpeas are also important for men. Firstly, it works as an aphrodisiac and stimulates sex drive, and secondly, it helps athletes maintain muscle growth due to its high protein content. It is good both before and after training, because it charges, tones up and restores strength well.
  7. Anti-cancer properties … The seedlings contain selenium. This element promotes the production of enzymes that can counteract cancer cells. Also, folic acid contributes to the anti-cancer effect, which does not allow cells damaged for one reason or another to mutate into cancerous ones.
  8. Diuretic effect … Another very important useful property of the product, which was known in antiquity. Healers of ancient Greece and Rome used chickpeas to treat kidney disease. It should be noted that the product also has a choleretic effect and promotes the removal of kidney stones.
  9. Positive effect on the nervous system … The manganese in sprouts is a great way to tidy up your nervous system and help you sleep.
  10. Strengthening immunity … Finally, it is important to say that chickpeas in general activate the defenses of the human body. It contains many useful substances, a high concentration of which in the body is especially important during epidemics of flu and colds.

Interesting! From chickpeas, grinding beans in a coffee grinder, you can make flour - there is a place for it both in the kitchen and in the home medicine cabinet. Ointment based on chickpea flour is effective against burns and various skin diseases.

Contraindications and harm to chickpea seedlings

Peptic ulcer in a man
Peptic ulcer in a man

So, as you can see, introducing chickpeas into the diet is a good idea for both women and men, however, this product, like any other, has contraindications. This means that despite all the usefulness of the sprouts, it is still better for some not to eat them.

First of all, it is worth saying that if you have never eaten chickpea sprouts before, you should in any case, even if you are completely healthy, introduce them into the diet gradually and carefully, controlling the body's reaction. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful.

In addition, it is worth noting that the product should not be abused - 2-3 tablespoons of sprouts will be quite enough to get the necessary benefits from them and not provoke a negative reaction from the gastrointestinal tract.

And finally, about the most important thing: in the presence of health problems of a certain nature, seedlings are categorically excluded from the diet, among them are exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, bladder ulcer, gout, thrombophlebitis and diseases associated with poor blood circulation.

Note! If you have any diseases that are not listed in the above list, we would recommend that you check with your doctor if you can use chickpea sprouts.

How to sprout chickpeas?

Chickpea sprouts in a plate
Chickpea sprouts in a plate

Sprouted chickpeas on sale are rare, however, in our opinion, even if you know where you can buy it, where it is better to sprout the beans yourself. Firstly, it is very simple, and secondly, in this case you will be sure of the quality and freshness of the product.

Let's take a step by step how to sprout chickpeas at home:

  • Select the chickpeas, remove the bad seeds, rinse the good ones thoroughly.
  • Fold the chickpeas into a large container (note that the grains will increase in size by 2-3 times), pour water at room temperature - it needs about three times more than the seeds.
  • Close the chickpeas loosely with a lid, it should "breathe" (optimal temperature conditions are 20-22 degrees).
  • Drain the water, rinse the beans, pour into a clean container and cover them with gauze folded in several layers.
  • After 8 hours, change the water again and cover the beans with gauze - after 12 hours the first sprouts will appear.

The optimal sprout size is 2-3 mm, when this size is reached, the water is drained, the beans are dried and put into the refrigerator.

Note! Sprouts can only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than 5 days.

Chickpea sprouts recipes

Chickpea sprouts salad
Chickpea sprouts salad

The taste of sprouted chickpeas is very interesting - someone thinks that it resembles green peas, and someone compares it to nuts. Here, as they say, it is better to try once. For unsprouted chickpeas, they find many uses in cooking - it is boiled, fried, stewed with spices, vegetables or meat, turned into flour and various pastries, including sweet ones, are prepared, various pates and pastes are prepared from it … In general, everything is the same most can be done with sprouted chickpeas, but it is better to use it in recipes that do not involve heat treatment in order to preserve the beneficial properties as much as possible.

Thus, it is fair to assume that chickpea sprouts are used mainly as an ingredient in fresh salad, to add satiety and original flavor to it. However, this is still not the only option for using the product in cooking.

Let's look at a few uses in chickpea sprout recipes:

  1. Sprouted chickpea hummus … Put chickpeas (250 grams), chopped garlic (3 cloves), chopped cilantro (1 bunch) in a blender, pour olive oil (70 ml), lemon juice (2 tablespoons). Add spices - cumin, coriander, turmeric, black pepper (1/2 teaspoon each), sesame seeds (2 tablespoons), salt to taste. Turn on the blender and beat the mixture until a paste-like consistency - if the blender doesn't pull, add a little water or oil. Serve hummus with paprika, fresh vegetables, and pita bread.
  2. Chickpea salad with bell pepper … Finely chop red onion (1 piece), bell pepper (1 piece), dill (1 bunch), finely grate garlic (3 cloves). Combine all ingredients, add chickpea sprouts (2 tablespoons), olive oil and salt to taste.
  3. Original salad with seaweed … Cut celery (1 stalk) into cubes and place in a salad bowl. Add sprouts (3 tablespoons), seaweed (100 grams), olives (7 pieces), chopped parsley (20 grams), garlic (1 clove), lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Season the salad with olive oil to taste and salt, add spices if desired - paprika and turmeric are especially appropriate here. Stir the salad and eat after 5-7 minutes.
  4. Hearty smoothie … Put banana (1 piece), kiwi (1 piece), spinach (good handful), chickpeas (2 tablespoons) in a blender. Pour in almond milk (150 ml). Whisk the cocktail, add honey to taste and dilute with water, if necessary.
  5. Chickpea sweets … Grind the sprouts (70 grams) to a paste in a blender. Add to the chickpeas peanut butter (70 grams), honey (50 grams), cinnamon and vanilla to taste, and a pinch of salt. Mix all the ingredients well, make balls from the dough and send to the freezer for 40-50 minutes. Melt the dark chocolate (150 grams), remove the balls, put on a skewer and dip each in chocolate.

As you can see, even with thermally unprocessed chickpeas, you can experiment and go far beyond preparing "boring" salads.

Interesting facts about chickpea

How chickpea beans grow
How chickpea beans grow

The first written mentions of chickpea can be found already in the famous "Iliad" by Homer.

The culture is grown mainly for food purposes, but dyes for the textile industry are also made on the basis of chickpea beans.

Despite the fact that in the Middle East culture has been known since ancient times, it came to Europe only in the 17th century, and even later in Russia.

Chickpea is a rather capricious culture, it is well grinded only on fertilized soils, in a warm and sunny climate. Does not tolerate cold weather and heavy rainfall.

The plant has many alternative names, including chickpea, nohut, mutton and walnut. And several millennia ago it was called "chich" or "tsits". There is a legend according to which it was from this word that the surname of the famous philosopher Cicero originated.

In the Middle Ages in Europe, chickpea-based drink was prepared to replace coffee.

Chickpeas are a traditional raw material for classic Middle Eastern dishes such as falafel and hummus.

In ancient times, the plant was associated with the planet of love Venus, and therefore it was predicted to be actively eaten by men who have problems with potency. It is noteworthy that in Egypt, scientists even discovered a fresco on which Pharaoh Akhenaten was depicted with a chickpea branch in his hand, which, according to researchers, personified his masculine strength.

Chickpea flour is good both as a remedy for skin health and as a food product. In the latter role, she formed the basis of one of the traditional Italian dishes - flatbread called farinata. Watch a video about chickpea sprouts:

Chickpea sprouts are very useful and, unlike unsprouted chickpeas, easy to digest product. It is absolutely irreplaceable in the diet of vegetarians, but it will also be useful for meat-eaters. However, before introducing a product into your diet, make sure that you are not subject to its contraindications.
