Buckwheat sprouts - the record holder for iron content

Buckwheat sprouts - the record holder for iron content
Buckwheat sprouts - the record holder for iron content

How do buckwheat sprouts eat? Calorie content and composition. The main useful properties of the product, to whom it is contraindicated. How to grow sprouts at home and what can be prepared from them? Consider the benefits of buckwheat seedlings for women, men and children in the form of a table:

For women For men For kids
Improving skin condition Increased endurance Increased concentration, activation and development of the brain
Weight loss aid Strengthening muscles Strengthening immunity
Strengthening the nervous system Prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels Prevention of anemia

It is worth noting that these are only the main beneficial properties of buckwheat sprouts, in fact, the beneficial effect of the product extends to the entire body. It has a good effect on the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland, reproductive system, helps to treat obesity, alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis, and is recommended to restore the body when receiving strong doses of radiation. In general, this product simply must be present in the diet of people who are not indifferent to their health.

Contraindications and harm to buckwheat sprouts

Stomach disease
Stomach disease

Each product, no matter how useful it may be, has contraindications, however, buckwheat sprouts are not capable of causing harm to almost anyone. The only condition that must be observed in order to avoid potential unpleasant symptoms when using them is the smoothness of their introduction into the diet.

It is recommended to set the daily dose at the level of 1 teaspoon per day and gradually increase it, bringing it to a maximum of 70 grams in a couple of months. It is also worth noting that sprouted buckwheat is best complemented by breakfast and lunch, in the afternoon and, especially at night, it is better not to eat it.

There are no strict prohibitions on the use of sprouted buckwheat, however, doctors still advise to show some caution in case of a tendency to allergies, diseases of increased blood clotting and severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you have these or other serious health problems, perhaps, before using the product, it is really worth consulting with your doctor about the presence or absence of contraindications.

How to germinate green buckwheat?

Buckwheat sprouts in a plate
Buckwheat sprouts in a plate

You will hardly find sprouted buckwheat in supermarkets, this is due to the fact that it requires special storage conditions, has a very short shelf life, but at the same time does not have a high consumer demand. However, it is not at all difficult to sprout cereals on your own, the main thing is to buy the right green buckwheat.

Let's figure out how to germinate buckwheat at home:

  • We sort out buckwheat, rinse well.
  • We transfer the cereals to a bowl with a wide bottom, preferably made of glass and porcelain.
  • We fill future seedlings with water, it should be about twice as much as cereals. The water should be at room temperature and not boiled.
  • After 2-3 hours, drain the water, rinse the cereals well and transfer them to a clean dish.
  • Cover the bowl with damp gauze, folded in several parts.

That's all, depending on the quality of the purchased cereal and the correct observance of the germination conditions, you can see the first sprouts in 12-24 hours. As soon as they appear, you can already eat them, however, keep in mind that they will be most useful on the third day. This fact was proved by Chinese scientists as a result of long-term research. This way you can continue germination, but remember to dampen the cheesecloth from time to time.

Important! You need to store sprouted buckwheat in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.

Recipes for dishes with buckwheat sprouts

Buckwheat sprouts salad
Buckwheat sprouts salad

As you probably already could have guessed, the maximum benefit lies in fresh buckwheat sprouts, and it is best to eat this product in salads, on sandwiches, in healthy cocktails. However, heat treatment of sprouts, of course, is not prohibited, you can cook porridge from it, add to various soups and stews.

Let's look at some interesting uses in buckwheat sprout recipes:

  1. Delicious salad with buckwheat sprouts … Cut a tomato (1 piece) and a cucumber (1 piece) into cubes, transfer to a salad bowl. Add fresh or canned corn (3 tablespoons), olives (2 tablespoons) and sprouts (70 grams), and finely chopped parsley (20 grams). Season the salad with vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) and soy sauce (2 tablespoons). The dish can be eaten immediately.
  2. Nutritious smoothie … Pour almond milk (150 ml) into a blender. Break a banana into several pieces (1 piece), also send to a blender along with the sprouts (3 tablespoons). Soak the dates (3 pieces) in water for 5-10 minutes, then remove the pit, cut into several pieces, and add to the rest of the ingredients. Turn on the blender, beat the cocktail for about a minute, add water if necessary. This shake is just perfect for pre-workout.
  3. Healthy pizza … Prepare the dough: put sprouted buckwheat (1 cup), favorite nuts or seeds (1/2 cup), tomato (1 large), vegetable oil (1 tablespoon), thyme (1 teaspoon) in a blender. Beat, and then roll out the "cake" on parchment, place it in the oven to dry at 35-40 degrees, if the oven does not allow setting this temperature, set the lowest possible and open the door. During the drying process, the cake will need to be turned over. Prepare the filling: chop the Adyghe cheese (100 grams), tomatoes (2 pieces), pepper (1 piece), press the garlic (2 cloves) under the press. Place the filling on the base, garnish with olives and herbs to taste. If desired, the cake can be slightly warmed up along with the filling.
  4. Porridge with pumpkin … Boil the milk (1 cup), add the diced pumpkin pieces (100 grams). After 5 minutes, add the sprouts (70 grams), turn off the heat. After half an hour, transfer the porridge to a plate, add honey (1 tablespoon), chopped dried apricots and dates (3-4 pieces each), cardamom, fennel and nutmeg to taste.
  5. Buckwheat sweets … Pass sprouts (1 cup), favorite nuts (1 cup), raisins and dates (100 grams each), and lemon (half) through a meat grinder. Add to the "dough" cinnamon (1 teaspoon), cardamom and nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon each), black pepper (pinch). Knead and form into small balls. Dip the candies in any sprinkle to taste - coconut, sesame seeds, cocoa, carob, crushed nuts.

As you can see, many interesting dishes can be prepared from sprouted buckwheat and it is not at all difficult to introduce it into your diet - if you do not like the taste of sprouts, "hide" your portion of a healthy product in the sweets from the last recipe, you will definitely not feel it in them, but get the benefit.

Never add refined white sugar to sprouted dishes, it will kill all their beneficial properties. If sweetness is badly needed, add honey or another natural sweetener.

Interesting facts about buckwheat sprouts

Buckwheat seedlings
Buckwheat seedlings

There is no gluten in buckwheat sprouts, and therefore they can be one of the products of the diet of people suffering from celiac disease - gluten intolerance.

Even in ancient times, green buckwheat and sprouts were used to treat various diseases, including diabetes, polyps and even infertility.

Since buckwheat is grown without any kind of fertilizers - the culture is not so whimsical that it simply does not need them - seedlings can be considered an environmentally friendly product.

In India and China, cereals have a special attitude, it is believed that it is capable of treating various diseases by acting on various points in the body. In these countries, there are even special rugs with buckwheat, on which you need to perform various exercises.

Buckwheat sprouts are a product whose benefits are beyond doubt. After all, even buying store-bought greens, vegetables and fruits, we cannot be sure that their benefits will surpass the harm of the chemicals with which they were processed. But the seedlings can be grown independently from environmentally friendly cereals and replenished at their expense the lack of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients all year round.

Watch a video about buckwheat sprouts:

Buckwheat sprouts are a product that is unique in its usefulness. It has a powerful healing effect on all tissues and systems of the body, helps not only prevent, but also treat various diseases. At the same time, sprouted buckwheat has almost no contraindications. Be sure to try to sprout the cereal yourself and cook some interesting dish out of it.
