

Who among us doesn't like cucumbers? Do you know its beneficial properties and how rich are these vegetables in vitamins? Can they really do harm? Find out about all this at from this article … Cucumber is a herbaceous annual vegetable plant that belongs to the pumpkin family. This vegetable appeared in Russia around the 8th-9th centuries, and it was brought from East Asia.

The average fruit size is 5-10 cm. However, there are also such fruits that can reach a length of one meter. Cucumber is a moisture-loving, light-loving and thermophilic plant that requires fertile soil and regular cultivation. You can read the informative article on how to grow cucumbers at home.

Cucumber composition: vitamins and minerals

Almost 95 percent of the cucumber is structured water. This vegetable quenches thirst easily. And the remaining 5-6 percent are a source of vitamins and minerals. It contains more vitamin B2 than radishes. Cucumber is also rich in vitamin B1 and iodine. It contains ascorbic acid, fructose, starch, glucose, vitamins E, A, PP, C, H, caffeic and folic acid, carotene, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chromium, sodium, cobalt, chicory, etc.

Calorie content of cucumbers

per 100 g of product is 15 kcal:

  • Proteins - 0.8 g
  • Fat - 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates - 3.0 g

The benefits of cucumbers

The benefits of cucumbers
The benefits of cucumbers

Their useful properties are enormous. Fiber of cucumbers perfectly stimulates intestinal functions. By eating a cucumber, you can improve your appetite and have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver.

This aquatic vegetable has benefits for the body, it has choleretic, diuretic and laxative properties. Thanks to potassium, of which there is a sufficient amount in a cucumber, it is possible to accelerate the processes of drainage and movement of water in the body. If you grow cucumbers in your garden, then you can enjoy its most beneficial properties. After all, after the fruit is separated from the stalk, it begins to lose the concentration of useful substances. Even 15 minutes can play a role while the cucumbers dry out. It is known that a day after they were picked, cucumbers lose vitamins by 15-20%, and after 2-3 days - by 50%. Therefore, eat them fresh as soon as you pluck them from the garden!

Cucumbers help fight edema, lower blood pressure.

Thanks to the optimal combination of salts in the juice and the pulp of the cucumber, this vegetable is simply indispensable for diseases of the thyroid gland, and thanks to the zinc contained in it, cucumber can perfectly help in the treatment of diabetes.

Vegetable juice is a storehouse of mineral salts, calcium, phosphorus and sodium. It improves memory, maintains healthy gums and teeth, gives freshness and helps maintain skin tone. Therefore, cucumber masks are so good for removing freckles and whitening the face. Its juice prevents atherosclerosis and salt deposition, cleans from toxins.

Cucumber pickle is not only good for a hangover. It is drunk for cramps or cramps in the legs. During the preparation of cucumber brine, it will be good to add mint, currant or cherry leaves, dill and garlic to it.

Harm of cucumbers and contraindications

Harm to cucumbers
Harm to cucumbers

You ask: what harm can there be from this water vegetable? But those who wish to try fresh cucumber closer to spring should be careful. Indeed, when growing "early" varieties, they can be "placated with chemistry" with interest. This is feeding, and oversaturation with fertilizers, and nitrates, which can cause acute poisoning, stomach cramps and vomiting. In case of severe poisoning, plus the listed consequences, the temperature may rise. Well, if you really want to eat an early cucumber, then be sure to peel it from the skin, in which there is a concentration of most of the harmful substances. Also cut off from both ends of the fruit 1-2 cm.

Due to the fact that cucumbers can increase the acidity of gastric juice, they should not be excessively consumed by people with gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. Young mothers who are breastfeeding should also remember that fresh vegetables have a strong laxative effect.

Well, in general, cucumber is a crown for all salads and in the summer it must be on your table!

Video about the beneficial properties of cucumber:

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