About vitamins and useful properties of tangerine, as well as harm and contraindications for use. Coca-calorie content in this orange fruit. Mandarin is a small branched evergreen tree of the Rutov family, not exceeding 4 meters in height. Its leaves are elliptical or ovoid. The diameter of the fruits is 4-6 cm, their width is greater than the height. The peel of a tangerine is thin, loosely adhered to the pulp, while the pulp has a yellow-orange color. Due to its strong aroma, this fruit differs from other citrus fruits, they are sweeter than orange.
Homeland - China and Cochin. It was introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 19th century. They appeared in Russia thanks to supplies from Argentina.
The best tangerines are the ones that seem too heavy in size, while the slightly flattened medium-sized fruits are the most sour. This fruit has varieties: clementine and tangerine.
- Tangerine is the main citrus crop in China. Differs in orange-red fruits, sweet in taste, with a small amount of seeds. Its thin peel is easily removed.
- Clementine is a hybrid of mandarin with another citrus fruit. Differs in sweet pulp without seeds. The peel does not come off so easily. Cultivated in Mediterranean countries. It is clementines that can be stored the longest - about 1 month.
Composition of mandarins: vitamins and calories

The pulp of ripe mandarin fruits contains sugar (up to 10.5%), organic acids, vitamins B1, C, A (more than 600 mg per 100 grams) (three times more than in an orange and more than 20 times than in lemon), P, pectin substances, mineral salts, fiber, glycosides, phytoncides, etc. The essential oil contained in the fruit pulp contains aldehydes, alpha-limonene, citral, anthranilic acid methyl ester, which gives the essential oil a characteristic taste and smell.
This orange fruit is a very dietary product. calorie content of mandarin per 100 g is 38 kcal, as well as:
- Proteins - 0.8 g
- Fat - 0.2 g
- Carbohydrates - 7.5 g
Useful properties of tangerines

- Tangerine juice is a very healthy dietary and medicinal drink. At high temperatures, it is a good thirst quencher.
- Useful properties of tangerines are used in the treatment of bronchitis and asthma, as they contain synephrine (Synephrine) - it is also capable of burning fats. Mandarin is a well-known decongestant and decongestant. In order to clear mucus from the lungs, it will be enough to drink one glass of tangerine juice every morning.
- They help to soften cough and expectorate with tracheitis and bronchitis with the help of infusions and decoctions of dry skin on water (1:10).
- For diarrhea, juice and fresh fruits of joy will be very useful.
- Abundant use of tangerine juice relieves worms.
- They have an anti-scurvy effect, improve metabolic processes, increase appetite.
- Thanks to essential oil, they cheer up.
- Fruits and juice have an effect on dysentery.
- In the case of profuse menopausal bleeding, they are used as a hemostatic agent.
- In case of skin diseases phytoncides act so strongly that fresh juice can kill some fungi (microsporia, trichophytosis). To rid the skin and nails of the fungus, it is recommended to repeatedly rub the juice from the peel or tangerine slices.
Video about the benefits of mandarin, how to choose and how to eat:
Harm of tangerines and contraindications

Eating tangerines irritates the kidneys, as well as the lining of the stomach and intestines. They are not recommended for use with gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, colitis, enteritis, cholecystitis and acute nephritis, hepatitis.
For many, it can be a provocateur of allergies, rashes on the face and skin, in general. So, if you cannot eat citrus fruits, then it is worth excluding tangerines from the diet.