How to deny a man intimacy

How to deny a man intimacy
How to deny a man intimacy

Denial of intimacy and the reasons for the occurrence of such a desire. The rules for getting out of a delicate situation in the most correct way without offending a man's vanity. How to refuse a man is a question that baffles not only young girls, but also ladies who are experienced in amorous affairs. Not every woman skillfully gets rid of the encroachments of a gentleman or legal spouse, if she has no desire to have sex at a certain moment. It is necessary to understand this issue, because the mental balance of a woman depends on it.

Why does a woman want to deny a man intimacy

Tired woman
Tired woman

Before letting the gentleman understand the futility of his attempts, one should understand the personal motivation for such a decision:

  • Fatigue … Sexual attraction in this state can disappear and to the desired partner. A few days are enough for a harmonious relationship to return to the couple. If this does not happen, then the woman should reconsider her work schedule, which can be exhausting and harmful to her health.
  • Feeling unwell … Not a single person is insured from the disease, therefore, during this period, a woman tries to distance herself as much as possible from claims to her sexually. This is especially true of diseases of the genitourinary system and the state of PMS, when many of the fair sex become aggressive to any hints of intimacy.
  • Resentment … It occurs most often in an established pair, because some women punish their partners in this way for wrongdoing. In most cases, this leads to a break in relations, because it is not recommended to resolve conflict situations in this way.
  • Ignorance of a person … Any self-respecting woman will not admit a representative of the opposite sex if she is not sure of the safety of contact with him. An exception is a sudden mutual sympathy (in most cases in adulthood), which quite often leads to the creation of a strong family.
  • Physical rejection … A man may initially be unpleasant both externally and internally. At the same time, the rejected fan often has a rather pleasant appearance, but in this case there is no mutual exchange of fluids.

If in the first four cases it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the rules of denial in sex, then the latter situation is a hopeless option. In the absence of attraction to a potential partner at the physiological level, nothing worthwhile will come of such attempts.

Rules for refusing a man in intimacy

In this case, everything depends not only on personal motivation, but also on who exactly offered to enter into an intimate relationship. In each of the situations that the specialists have distinguished, one should act in a completely different scenario.

Effective refusal to the boyfriend on the first date

Man and woman on the first date
Man and woman on the first date

It must be remembered that some men, having beautifully organized a romantic meeting, expect to find themselves in bed with the lady they like. If the woman's plans do not include such an end to the evening, then she should act as follows:

  1. Preliminary agreement … A voiced safety net will help to avoid misunderstandings and turn the date into a banal farce. With the option that the gentleman will react with amazement, but with restraint to such an assumption in his address, you can safely go on a date.
  2. Communication on serious topics … The less frivolous conversations, the more likely a woman is to avoid an obscene proposal after an evening spent. If it did, then it is necessary to restrainedly make it clear that such behavior towards her is unacceptable.
  3. Discreet wardrobe … It is difficult for men to refrain from erotic thoughts at the sight of a lady with a deep neckline and a mini-skirt. Do not once again provoke the gentleman with your defiant appearance. A spectacular knee-length dress with a closed collar will show better than any words that a lady is not inclined to have sex on the very first date.

Competent refusal to a man at the beginning of a relationship

Denial of intimacy to a man
Denial of intimacy to a man

Some young people and older men rush to offer sex immediately after a couple has formed. For the female, the candy-bouquet period is just important, when the lady graciously accepts the courtship of the gentleman.

In order not to destroy only a nascent relationship, you should know how to politely refuse a man in this case:

  • Show the significance of the upcoming action … Easily accessible women may interest the stronger sex only for a short period of time. There is still a possibility that a lady with such behavior will be left as a fallback in the absence of a permanent partner. With a nascent relationship, you can not build an impregnable fortress out of yourself, but it is still recommended to draw some line of permissibility. A man must understand that without respect for the chosen one, she will consider it sex without obligation. Therefore, it is necessary to convey to him information about the importance of an intimate relationship with him.
  • Well-chosen phrases … In no case should you answer categorically with a refusal or show your fear if a man wants to have sexual intercourse. In the first case, the gentleman will think that he will never have a chance, and will simply break off a hopeless relationship. In the second situation, he will literally feel like a rapist of a defenseless person and will try to get rid of her. You should speak in a neutral tone, using phrases such as "everything will definitely be there, but when I am ready" or "there is no need to rush things."
  • Tricky answers to questions … However, a man who is interested in intimacy cannot be easily fooled. For such tricks, he will ask a direct question why it is early and for what reason a woman is still not ready. It is easiest to translate such reflections into another channel for virgins, who can focus on this fact. Experienced ladies will have to cheat and return to the first recommendation - showing the importance of the upcoming intimacy.

If a man continues to insist on intimacy, then it is best to break off relations with him. Any woman is not an automaton for satisfying the desires of an egoist.

Correct denial of intimacy to a friend

Hard conversation of a woman with a friend
Hard conversation of a woman with a friend

Some close male acquaintances sometimes want from a woman not only friendship, but also sex. It is especially difficult to behave correctly in a situation when such a proposal comes from a significant person in life. In order not to offend him with refusal and not to lose friendship, psychologists advise to behave as follows:

  1. Straight Talk … You should explain to your friend that his thoughts are illogical. Usually they say that "you are a wonderful man, but let's not remain sexual partners, but friends." In this case, he wants something that does not correspond to such a statement. It is necessary to bring a person close in spirit to the fact that initially communication began solely on the coincidence of common interests.
  2. Tough measures … The situation is very bad if a friend of the opposite sex has been in love with a woman for a long time. Waiting for the right moment, he never thought that his old girlfriend simply did not want him sexually. He became like a brother to her, and she is not able to overcome herself. You can even refuse a childhood friend in a harsh manner. After some resentment, he will still forgive the woman, because the habit of communication will do its job.
  3. Termination of friendship … The question of how to deny a man intimacy in the harshest terms concerns pseudo-friends of the opposite sex. They take the word "no" as a personal insult. Wanting to annoy the offender, they spread dirty rumors about her, not disdaining even to divulge her personal secrets.

Correct refusal of sex to her husband

Husband and wife in bed
Husband and wife in bed

There is a category of ladies who are very surprised when a spouse leaves her. Such persons do not see a serious reason for the fact that they systematically denied him intimacy. “After all, we are not animals,” is their favorite answer. As a result, they remain in splendid isolation, and their partner leaves for a wiser and more flexible woman.

To prevent this from happening, you should master the ability to refuse a man beautifully:

  • Divert attention … An observant wife always knows her spouse's preferences. Even if she hates boxing or action movies with all her heart, it's time to stop being capricious. If a woman feels good, then you can gently hug her beloved and offer to visit a place where he likes to spend time. The main thing is to show as much sincerity as possible, because otherwise the chosen one will feel a catch.
  • Move sex to tomorrow … If the wife constantly has a headache, then the spouse will leave the unfortunate person alone and go to satisfy his needs to a healthy lady. If you feel unwell or severely tired, you must honestly admit this to your partner. However, you should keep your promise, because next time the offended man will no longer believe the deceiver. By the way, sex therapists claim that excellent sex perfectly relieves any headache.
  • Cheat a little … If a loved one wanted to retire in the bedroom with a partner not late at night, then we can tell him that guests are going to the family. If it is not possible to urgently agree with one of the girlfriends and their husbands, then the cancellation of the visit is announced. By that time, the heated spouse will noticeably cool down.

Be careful! It is one thing to use female tricks in relation to strangers, and in the case of manipulation with a husband, everything can end in tears. This advice is acceptable only in emergency situations when a woman cannot reach her spouse and really feels bad.

Ways of refusing intimacy to an obsessive gentleman

Refusal to obsessive beau
Refusal to obsessive beau

Some especially stubborn persons may not take the word "no" in their address for months. At the same time, tact will already be unnecessary, because in a different situation the would-be boyfriend is able to harass a woman with claims for years. The tactics of repelling an attack must be structured as follows:

  1. Invitation to the registry office … At the same time, it should be stated that sex is possible only after the registration of the relationship and the wedding in the church. It will not hurt to diversify your fiery speech with a decision to get to know the family of a person who does not allow passage. The control shot should be a statement that the bride's father is eager to get to know the future son-in-law. It is unobtrusive to end your monologue with memories of how dad shone in the boxing ring and does not really like irresponsible scoundrels.
  2. Confession of bitter experience … It is necessary to tell the Velcro man in bright colors about how unlucky the woman of his dreams was with men. It does not hurt to concretize your story by the fact that only former partners were the initiators of the break. They based their decision on the fact that their lady is frigid and, after parting, is very intrusive. After such a story, it is worth complaining about the injustice of fate, and the annoying boyfriend will disappear from sight forever.
  3. Recognition of membership in an informal organization … The more scandalous information around the community voiced to the hapless boyfriend, the better. In this case, you should declare yourself not an outside observer, but an active participant in such a movement.
  4. The last warning … It is carried out in two ways. If the annoying boyfriend is married, then you can voice your desire to communicate with his wife. A lone molester should describe the merits of his partner (albeit a mythical one). If this does not work, then you need to ask someone you know to play a caring boyfriend for a while. It is recommended to choose a contender of impressive dimensions for this role.

If a Velcro man really falls in love with a woman, then he will not be afraid to overcome all the voiced obstacles. In this case, psychologists advise you to look closely at such a candidate. Perhaps it is this kind of devotion that is worth a lot, and not the dreams of a handsome prince.

How to refuse a man - watch the video:

When asked how to deny a man sex, one should proceed from personal convictions. It all depends on the situation and the desire to build relationships with a potential or existing partner. The main thing at the same time is not to deceive the expectations of an unwanted boyfriend and not to lose the favor of a man who has come to heart.
