Bad habits and sports

Bad habits and sports
Bad habits and sports

What effect does alcohol have on the human body? Why is smoking dangerous? Can anabolic steroids be helpful? You will find answers to these and many other questions in our article. Scientists from Australia have conducted a number of studies that have applied nanotechnology. It has been found that the brain shrinks and shrinks in alcoholics. The same goes for moderate drinkers.

Drinking parents are 15 times less likely to have a healthy baby than those who lead a healthy lifestyle. The mortality rate is 5 times higher, and the morbidity is three and a half times higher than the indicators. Because of alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs, the genetic code of a person may suffer - in this case, a real threat appears to the entire generation.

Why is smoking dangerous?

Why is smoking dangerous?
Why is smoking dangerous?

Every year on the planet about 5,000,000 people die from diseases that have appeared against the background of smoking. Every day in the Russian Federation, thousands of people die from the effects of nicotine. Smoking addiction is a terrible enemy to health, which means it's time to start a fight against it.

What is the harm from cigarettes?

  • Clogged arteries, heart attacks, vascular problems, strokes are all the result of smoking.
  • This is the main risk factor for respiratory diseases, pneumonia.
  • Tobacco is the cause of death from lung cancer in 90 percent of all cases.
  • Smoking impairs vision. It's all about the substances contained in the cigarette, which pose a real danger to eyesight. Because of them, there is a violation of the blood supply to the choroid and retina. As a result, a blockage of blood vessels is possible, which can lead to complete loss of vision.
  • Such an ailment associated with the vessels on the legs, as obliterating endarteritis, is possible almost exclusively due to smoking. The vessels are narrowed, blood flow to tissues and cells is disrupted. A terrible consequence of this ailment is the amputation of the limbs.

Anabolic steroid use

Are steroids harmful?
Are steroids harmful?

Anabolic steroids are drugs that are banned by the Anti-Doping Agency. The main threat from the use of "chemistry" is that the side effect from the use of drugs does not immediately become noticeable. The basis of anabolic steroids is androgen. When applied over time, the libido is gradually diminished in the stronger sex. In addition, the risk of developing prostate tumors is real.

If we talk about the effect on women, then here the opposite is true - the work of female sex hormones is disrupted. We are talking about estrogens, which are then converted into male hormones - testosterone. Such women will no longer be able to give birth, outwardly they resemble men. They have a rough masculine voice, hair grows on various parts of the body.

The side effects of anabolic steroids are reflected in all organs. During the intake of "chemistry" blood pressure rises, the pulse quickens, the person gets tired quickly. Unexplained aggression appears, the functions of the liver and kidneys, as well as the pancreas, are impaired. In addition, such funds have a beneficial effect on the accelerated growth and reproduction of cancer cells.

Can steroids be helpful?

Not so long ago, studies were carried out, as a result of which it was possible to find out that against the background of an increase in free testosterone in the blood, there is a decrease in the risk of a serious ailment - we are talking about Alzheimer's disease. The injections of the drug, as it turned out, can improve memory in the elderly. In addition, this drug can minimize the risk of osteoporosis in older men. Testosterone can increase bone density in AIDS patients.

In addition, as it turned out, AAS also benefits the female body - testosterone injections help to cope with breast cancer in the early stages. Those with AIDS are able to gain muscle mass as a result of the use of Oxymetholone. The drug does not harm the liver.

It is worth dwelling in more detail on another useful tool - Oxandrolone. It was created for use in childhood and the fairer sex. And, therefore, there are practically no side effects in it. With a delay in physical development in young people, such a drug helps to significantly add in height and weight. This is the main area of application for this tool.

Methenolone is an anabolic steroid successfully used to treat children. There are no side effects, which means that doctors can prescribe this remedy to minors without restrictions.

Despite the fact that alcohol and tobacco represent a great danger to the human body, they are sold everywhere. Androgens and anabolic steroids are not easy to obtain. But after all, it is these funds that not only harm, but can also help in many cases, which cannot be said about alcohol and smoking.

Most AAS drugs could provide a host of health benefits. The main thing is to use these funds correctly. And for this, before you start taking "chemistry", you should definitely consult with a specialist about contraindications and dosages.

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