Find out how to start practicing SAMBO at home and how traumatic the sport is. Today it is difficult to say with complete certainty who is the founder of SAMBO. According to the official version, it is A. A. Kharlampiev. The book he wrote was published many times in the Soviet Union. However, many believe that the foundations of sambo were laid even before Kharlampiev. The foundation of the struggle was laid by Oshchepkov and Spiridonov. By the way, Kharlampiev mastered sambo with Oshchepkov.
It should be noted that Oshchepkov became the third representative of the Old World to receive the second dan in judo from the hands of Jigoro Kano himself. In 1937, this man was slandered and arrested on suspicion of espionage.
It should be noted that today there are two types of sambo wrestling: sports and combat. If many sports fans are familiar with the first, then a few words should be said about the second. This single combat was also created in the thirties in the Soviet Union and was intended exclusively for employees of law enforcement agencies.
For a long time, the technique of combat sambo was classified and learned about it only in the early nineties. In modern combat sambo, throwing technique coexists with striking technique. According to the rules of the International Combat Sambo Federation, even strikes to the groin area are allowed during the competition. To reduce the risk of injury, fighters use not only helmets and special gloves, but also pads on their legs.
Sambo at home for beginners: the basics

We got acquainted with a short history of the emergence of this single combat, let's figure out what SAMBO at home is for beginners. Of course, the best option is to conduct training under the guidance of a competent mentor, but if this is not possible, you can do it at home.
Necessary equipment

For practicing any kind of wrestling, a special carpet is required. It is quite obvious that not everyone will be able to place it in an apartment, but this is not required. You can make it yourself from durable synthetic fabric and straw. You can also use wood shavings and sawdust as a filler. First, a layer (thickness is 20 centimeters) of shavings is poured, and then sawdust (about 15 centimeters).
Each layer should be leveled and tamped. You will also need some sports equipment. First of all, we are talking about dumbbells and a barbell. You can also use a kettlebell. Without this set of shells, you will not be able to increase your power parameters. Workout clothing should be purchased at a sporting goods store.
Training system

Since you will practice sambo at home for beginners, this fact complicates things somewhat. First of all, this concerns the technical aspects of various techniques. Of course, today you can easily find video tutorials on the Internet, but it will be difficult to control your technique.
Remember, every new lesson must necessarily begin with a warm-up. Already at this stage, it is worth starting to master the exercises, which in the future will become the basis of all techniques. During a light warm-up run, it is worth doing sprints. In simpler terms, you should move your back forward and at the same time bring out the heel of the far leg. The range of motion should gradually increase.
In addition to running, during the warm-up, you need to use various types of jumps and exercises to stretch the muscles. Also, do not ignore the various inclinations with turns, allowing you to accelerate blood flow in the muscle tissues. It is not recommended to proceed to the next stage of the lesson without a high-quality warm-up, as the risk of injury will be high.
Strength training

Sambo at home for beginners will not be able to bring the desired result without strength training. Your exercise program should include not only resistance exercises, but also your own body weight. If you train with a friend, you can diversify your activities.

Each wrestler must master the basic elements of acrobatics. You must master various types of somersaults, "wheel", etc. This will not only minimize the risk of injury, but also emerge victorious from a difficult situation in the fight.
Safety and self-insurance

These elements should be given special attention. Sambo at home for beginners involves mastering the throwing technique, and you must be able to land correctly. We recommend that you train with a friend so that the classes are as effective as possible.
During a fall, the main task of an athlete is to minimize the force of blows and for this you need to learn to group. In sambo, to solve this problem, body rolls or oncoming claps are used. Your limbs should serve as shock absorbers that will absorb the speed and force of the fall. Remember, at the moment of falling, you must hold your breath. Otherwise, you will experience not the most pleasant sensations, and you will have to pause to recover.
Here are a few exercises to help you master the principles of self-belay:
- Self belay for forward fall - stand straight with your arms in front of you, slightly bending and spreading the elbow joints to the sides. From this position, fall forward, placing your arms in front of you and tensing your muscles. When your palms touch the carpet, spring back the fall. Remember to keep your feet straight and your knees should not be the first to touch the ground. To make the movement more difficult, jump and fall.
- Self-belay when falling back - the body should be in a vertical plane, and the arms are extended in front of you. Squeeze your teeth tightly and place your chin towards your chest. Do a half squat and round your back. Sit with your buttocks on your heels and, without changing your body position, lean back. During the roll, the arms should be straightened and at an angle of 40 degrees relative to the spinal column. Once your back touches the ground, hit the carpet hard with your palms to dampen your speed. Remember that during a fall, you cannot unbend your neck so as not to hit your head on the ground.
The second type of self-belay is more difficult to master, and you must bring your actions to automaticity. After that, it is worth complicating the exercise by performing a fall back over the back of a comrade on all fours. Also, do not forget about your partner's safety net. At the moment of his landing, pull your comrade up by the clothes.
Basic techniques of defense and attack

In each lesson, you have to master the techniques of attack and defense. However, there is no need to rush, all your actions should be brought to automatism. To do this, in one workout, you need to learn a maximum of two movements. Today we are talking about learning SAMBO at home for beginners. When classes are conducted under the supervision of a mentor, the athletes work for a quarter of an hour according to his instructions:
- They begin the fight - one is in a low stance, and the other is in a high stance.
- They master only footboards or sweeps.
- They work out situations when one of the athletes is at a disadvantage, etc.
Correct throwing technique involves choosing the required distance between opponents. An experienced sambist will always be able to take a comfortable position for a reception. You should devote time to this issue in training. First, work in a static position - one athlete assumes a position in which it will be convenient for the other to carry out the technique.
Movements such as the "mill", throws over the head, hip and back should be studied in stages in two or even three phases. At this time, it is desirable to have a coach who will help you quickly correct mistakes. During the fight, the sambist must not only use his own strength, but also turn the opponent's power against him. For example, a side sweep, a shin hook followed by a throw over the head or a front flip, are performed while the opponent is moving.
Performing painful holds requires athletes to have a sense of proportion. If they are performed incorrectly, then various injuries are possible, for example, infringement of Achilles or separation of the surfaces of the elements of the knee joint with simultaneous stretching of the ligaments. During arm twisting, the consequences can be no less serious. However, if a painful hold was performed in compliance with all the rules, but as a result led to an injury to an opponent, then it is counted.
When performing defensive actions, you must be able to free the jacket sleeves from the grip by rotating the hand, grasped by the opponent, towards his thumb. If you are grabbed by the lapel of the jacket, then take the opponent's sleeve with both hands, then pull it sharply towards you, while tilting the body back. If the opponent performs a painful hold on the arm against you, close your forearms as tightly as possible and grab the sleeves of your jacket. If your leg is twisted, rotate your body in the same direction.
The most common causes of injury in SAMBO

One of the most common causes of damage is a damaged carpet finish. Rupture of the meniscus is not uncommon in wrestling, and most often it occurs when the athlete rotates around the axis, when his leg becomes entangled in the carpet. Never leave kettlebells, dumbbells or other sports equipment on the carpet.
In order not to get injured while performing acrobatic exercises. Athletes must move in one direction. It is quite easy to get injured while practicing techniques by other wrestlers, if you are on the mat close to them. During the fight, a technique can be performed that will cause the athlete to fly off the mat and if someone has his back to the competitors, the risk of injury is quite high.
As soon as you fall on the carpet, you must immediately get up so that your friend does not stumble. Another important point, which we have already mentioned above, is self-insurance and safety net. Be sure to pay enough attention to this issue in training. Remember to always have your first aid kit close at hand. It is very important to be able to provide first aid to the injured athlete. It must be placed on a flat surface and a medical professional must be called in. In no case should you try to correct the dislocation yourself if you do not have sufficient knowledge. This can only aggravate the situation. If it is necessary to apply a fixation splint on the injured limb, and the bandage was not at hand, use a wrestling belt. Now we will not stop on the technique of first aid in case of injury, since only a specialist can teach this.
The first sambo lesson in the following story: