Find out what are the most effective corset stretching exercises after a hard workout or day at work. Pilates is rightfully considered the safest set of physical exercises. It was created at the very beginning of the last century and named after its creator - Joseph Pilates. The main advantage of Pilates is the ability to train all people without restrictions. The main task of the complex is to strengthen the stabilizing muscles, as well as the abs. Today you will be introduced to Pilates lessons for beginners.
Pilates lessons for beginners

First of all, you should master the correct breathing and stance. As with any sport, at the beginning of the training it is necessary to carry out a high-quality warm-up. Only after that you can start performing the main set of exercises. Now you can start mastering the main stance.
- Main rack. To do this, you need to take a standing position with your feet at the level of your shoulder joints. The shoulders should be lowered, and the abs should be pulled in, however, do this at 30 percent of your capacity. As soon as you begin to draw in your stomach, you need to bring your shoulder blades together, trying to reach up with the crown of your head. Make sure that your shoulders remain lowered and your chin does not rise up. In a relaxed state, the arms are located along the body, and the lower back does not bend.
- Correct breathing. As we said, the next important step for every beginner is mastering the breathing technique. You need to breathe evenly with only one chest. Only with such breathing can you maximally saturate the blood with oxygen. At the beginning of each workout, you need to work on the basic stance and breathing for five or ten minutes.
- Twisting the spine while standing. Get into a basic Pilates position. The movement must be started from the top of the head, twisting one vertebra after another. At the same time, your arms should be relaxed and when your head is on your chest, continue to stretch with the top of your head down. Performing this movement, you should mentally imagine that your back is "attached" to the wall and you need to disconnect each vertebra from it in turn. The exercise is performed until the hands reach the ground or feet. After that, it is necessary to return to the starting position at the same slow pace. Start by doing 3 or 4 crunches and gradually work up to 5 or 6.
- Twisting the press. Take a supine position with your legs extended. In fact, this is the main pilates stance, but in the prone position. Begin to slowly twist the spine towards the lower back. In this case, the arms should naturally rise. Make sure that the shoulders do not rise in the direction of the ears when performing the movement, and eliminate all jerks. You should immediately warn that this is a very difficult exercise in technical terms and must be performed slowly, keeping the movement of each vertebra under your control. Do 3 to 6 repetitions.
- Exercise "table". Press on your knees and palms, while pulling in your abs and bringing your shoulder blades together. It is best to perform the exercise in front of a mirror so that you can control your position. It is very important that the back is flat and resembles the surface of a table. Begin to lift your right hand off the ground and pull in your stomach while maintaining balance. Hold this position for 30 or 40 seconds. Return to starting position and repeat the movement with your left hand. After that, begin to alternately raise your legs to the sides until they are parallel with the ground. When you are strong enough, it is necessary to simultaneously raise the opposite leg and arm while performing this movement.
- Plank exercise. Get into a push-up position. Keep your body in a straight line. It is necessary to maintain this position from 30 to 40 seconds, performing from 3 to 4 repetitions.
- Swing your legs. Lie on your side. Begin to lift your upper leg while pulling in your stomach. After that, you should begin to perform swings in a plane parallel to the ground. Try to keep the movement of the leg in each direction, for example, backward, for ten counts. After that, return the leg to the starting position also for 10 seconds. The essence of the exercise is not to swing as far as possible to the side, but to maintain the initial position of the body in the complete absence of rolls or deflections. This can be achieved only with an inverted stomach and shoulder blades brought together.
Do this program three or four times throughout the week. In this case, after the training day, there should be a rest. This complex is designed for beginners and performing it regularly for 30 days, after which you can move to the next level.
Check out the Technique for Pilates Exercises for Beginners in this video: