Deadlift on straight legs, or as it is also called, deadlift - exercise number 1 for elastic attractive buttocks. The technique of execution is both easy and quite traumatic at the same time, therefore, before running to the gym for a beautiful booty and slender legs, you need to study the features of deadlift. Many beginners, coming to the gym, work hard on the torso and arms, not giving due to the pumping of the legs. But a harmoniously developed proportional body looks beautiful. Therefore, from the very first exercises in the simulator, you need to work on the leg muscles.
Deadlift is one of the basic (multifunctional) exercises that emphasizes the load on the muscles of the buttocks, the back of the thigh, trains the back (lumbar muscles) and almost completely eliminates the work of the quadriceps.
Read our article on the classic deadlift technique
Straight-legged deadlifts are recommended for both men and women. But it is among the female half of the population that this is one of their favorite exercises. After all, all ladies dream of a round elastic butt, and a deep study of the gluteus maximus muscle with deadlift gives brilliant results in a relatively short time.
Straight Legged Deadlift Technique

The key difference between deadlift and classic deadlift and sumo-style deadlift is that the knee joints do not bend or bend only slightly during it. This makes the straight-legged deadlift the most difficult exercise, especially for people with poor flexibility. The main condition for correct execution is a straight, slightly arched back, as well as almost straight knees (it is important to note that the absence of the slightest flexion in the knees is dangerous for the joints). The chest is inflated with a wheel, the shoulder blades are brought together, the head is fixed in the same plane with the spine and the eyes look only forward.
- Keep your back straight (spine in a bent position), spread your legs shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other.
- Grab the bar with an overhead grip (considered the most comfortable) shoulder-width apart. Keep the bar as close to your body as possible and do not lean back or forward, literally it will slide first along the thighs, then along the lower leg.
- Lower yourself down and forward with the barbell in your hands as low as possible (not lower than parallel to the torso with the floor) while maintaining a straight leg and back position.
- Then smoothly return to the starting position, lifting the bar along the same path.
- Exhaling in the up position becomes the beginning of a new approach.
During the deadlift, you need to concentrate on the exercise itself, and not "fly somewhere in the clouds" even if the technique is perfect. The exercise should be based on a single center of gravity - the heels. It is then that you can feel the work of each muscle.
As a precaution, when working with large weights, athletes use athletic belts and wrist straps. And sometimes they ask to follow someone's technique and insure. If you cannot keep your back straight, you need to immediately stop the exercise. Without deflection, the back receives an excessive load on the vertebral discs and this can cause at least their displacement.

Deadlift strengthens muscles and prepares the body for new loads. But if you use this strength exercise in your training program very often, you can get a plateau of muscle growth. Therefore, the frequency of training should be correctly compiled and strictly followed.
Watch the video with tips on how to properly do deadlift on straight legs with Denis Borisov:

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