In this article, you will learn how to stretch the muscle pouch of the chest for better fiber hypertrophy. Also, technical nuances are described - "wiring with dumbbells to the sides". Developed and harmoniously shaped breasts are the most expressive symbol of courage and strength. This type of exercise emphasizes the load on the upper region of the pectoralis major muscles, thereby allowing you to achieve a dense and muscular chest.
The main thing is to follow the rules of execution and not "play" with devilishly large weights.
Attention, do not confuse this exercise with the incline dumbbell press, these are slightly different techniques.
A unique feature of exercising with iron is that by resorting to the help of special exercises, you can completely and completely transform, remove somewhere, build up somewhere and get beautiful, radically changed, forms of individual parts of the body. Today, all the subtleties have been revealed, there are no secrets, and those exercises are truly known that most effectively cope with the tasks assigned to them.
Incline Breeding is a leader among isolation exercises aimed at working out the upper and inner part of the pectoralis major muscle. It perfectly stretches the muscles and gives them clear, embossed shapes. If in the main exercises two or more muscle groups work and the pectoral ones can not receive the full load, and with the last approaches transfer it to less tired muscles, then only one shoulder joint is involved in the implementation of such an exercise. In fact, all work is done with the chest, without using the triceps and deltas.
Read our article on the anatomy of the pectoral muscles
Incline dumbbell breeding technique

The technical features of the implementation of this exercise in practice are not much different from the classic lying breeding. However, there is a small number of subtleties that cannot be “hammered into”.
Particular attention should be paid to the angle of inclination of the bench. The top of the chest should be above the middle and bottom, not parallel. To do this, raise the back of the bench to the optimal angle - 30? 45 degrees relative to the floor. If you set the bench to an angle above 45 degrees, you will get a sitting position and the breeding for the chest will shift all the load on the arms.
An important structural component of any activity is a competent warm-up before performing the exercises. Indispensable for the reason that it can significantly increase flexibility and improve the range of motion during routing, and will also affect the reduction and prevention of the risk of injury. Free weights are more effective for increasing strength, but they should be handled properly and heavy dumbbells should not be grabbed until the technique has been "honed" to perfection. Taking your time, keeping balance and monitoring each approach will always be necessary.
- Take the starting position on the bench: the head, shoulders and buttocks should be as close to the bench as possible, the back is slightly arched in the lumbar region, the chest muscles are in tension.
- Feet shoulder-width apart, feet should rest on the floor, keep knees bent at right angles, toes and heels should not come off throughout all approaches. It will be great if the bench is equipped with special supports for the feet.
- Take dumbbells in your left and right hand.
- Stretch your arms out in front of you, slightly bending them at the elbows. Expand the brushes so that the palms are facing each other.
- Spread your arms: lower the dumbbells to the sides until the arms are fully stretched with shoulder movement and chest strength. In the final position, the arms are spread apart, palms are pointing up. In the lower position, you should not fold your arms so as not to overload the forearm.
- As you inhale along the same path, gradually and gradually return to the starting position.
- Do not pause and follow the rhythm, do the exercise the planned number of times.
Dumbbell Breeding Mastery in Detail

The elbows should be slightly bent so that the load does not fall on straight arms. Do not press the dumbbell breeding: the angle of bending of the joint at the elbow should be constant throughout the entire set. All movements are carried out at the expense of the shoulder joint, and the arms and elbow joint remain motionless. Too high a speed of execution of movements will also lead to the loss of the correct form of movement and will go into presses.
To maximize the development of the upper part of the pectoral muscles, the dumbbells must not only be lifted up. It must be done so that a few centimeters remain until the ends touch, and their location occupies the middle of the upper edge of the chest.
Compliance with the rules and constant control over the breathing technique - 50% success. Just starting the exercise, you need to take a deep breath and hold your breath, this will allow you to open the chest to the maximum. It will also allow you to correctly fix the position of the body. After you have passed the most difficult area of lifting the wiring, you should exhale smoothly, thus controlling the intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure and minimizing the risk of "failing".
To complicate or diversify the training technique, you can periodically do the spreading of the dumbbells by changing your hand. Gradually, you can try the supination or pronation exercise.
There is no room for cheating in the breeding exercise. Of course, this method allows you to shift the weight of the projectile from the tired muscle group to the unused muscle group. A great opportunity to take more weights and increase the number of repetitions in one set. But on the other hand, applying this trick to setting dumbbells would nullify all efforts. With a relatively low weight of weights, the exercise still belongs to the category of rather difficult and traumatic ones, and the effectiveness of its action on the pectoral muscles is enormous.
The low weight is explained by another important characteristic of the exercise: movements in it are performed in the "pull" mode, and not "push" as in the bench press. The dumbbells must be held all the time on weight in a constant static load. Muscles in this situation will "burn" even from a small weight. The increase in mass by one raising of hands with dumbbells on an incline bench cannot be achieved. After all, this is an isolating exercise and its main function is not to increase the volume, but to sharpen the relief of the upper pectoral muscles. The set of dumbbells is designed to stretch the pectoral muscles, and not to pump them impressively. It is better to leave it at the end of the workout as an alternative exercise after heavy compound barbell presses or dumbbells on an incline bench. Otherwise, the usefulness of breeding will not be as high as we would like.
Watch the video with Denis Borisov, which will tell you about the correct execution of the exercise for raising the dumbbells to the sides, lying on an incline bench:
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