Hand information in the simulator

Hand information in the simulator
Hand information in the simulator

Read on to learn how to properly exercise the flattening machine and watch the video. A beautiful male breast has always been considered a symbol of heroism and courage. In bodybuilding and other heavy sports, the chest is emphasized.

It is not enough to pump up a huge chest, it still needs to be effectively presented: to achieve relief and proportionality, to develop elasticity and flexibility. Without information in the "butterfly" simulator, the above goals cannot be achieved.

Reducing the arms in the simulator is an effective isolating exercise that should be performed when you want to develop the inner region of the pectoral muscles and achieve a distinct separation of the chest. It helps to draw and visually highlight each muscle fiber separately, resulting in a more "striped" chest.

The exercise is performed in the Peck-Dec simulator, better known as the butterfly simulator. This name is explained by the work of the hands, which resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly. The device is a bench with a back, a seat and two working areas for the arms.

The trainer, as a rule, is adjustable in the height of the seat and in the width of the stops for the correct position of the arms. The arms for the arms through the cable-roller system set in motion the load behind the back of the simulator. The load tonnage has a wide range and you can work to increase it. However, the maximum load weight does not exceed the 100 kg mark, which may not be enough for some bodybuilding gurus.

If two or more muscle groups are involved in the basic exercises and the chest muscles may not receive the full load, transferring it during the last approaches to the less tired muscles, then only one shoulder joint is involved in the information in the simulator. Virtually all of the work is done in the chest, without using the triceps and deltoids.

Technique for performing hand convergence in the simulator

Technique for performing hand convergence in the simulator
Technique for performing hand convergence in the simulator

Conversion to the chest in the "butterfly" is quite easy and intuitive to perform the exercise, since it does not require any preparation and it is almost impossible to get injured. Therefore, the information is suitable even for young athletes. The main thing is to correctly determine the weight so that it allows you to feel every centimeter of the load as a whole and does not spoil the correct execution technique.

  • Lower or raise the seat so that the arms bent at the elbows, taken by the handles, are in the same plane with the floor, and the forearms are parallel to the shoulders. Keep your forearms and elbows firmly pressed against the arm-resting areas.
  • Place your feet on the floor wider than your shoulders at a right angle at the knee joints so that your feet are directly under the knees. This will increase the stability of the whole body.
  • Press your head and straightened back against the back of the simulator, shoulder blades are brought together, chest with a "wheel".
  • Starting position: hands are level with shoulders.
  • Inhale and, while holding your breath, bring your elbows together until the two halves of the simulator touch each other in front of your chest, creating an effort with your elbows, not your hands.
  • At the top of the exercise (bringing the elbows together), hold for a couple of seconds and tighten the pectoral muscles as much as possible.
  • Resistance should remain constant: do not spread your arms completely so that the muscle does not relax and tension is constantly present. Exhale after overcoming peak difficulty on the return leg.
  • Do the planned number of times. The standard is 3 × 4 sets of 10 × 12 reps.

When performing the "butterfly", it is recommended to spread the hands not to the maximum. A large deflection behind the back places a great strain on the shoulder joint. For athletes in whom this joint is weakly stretched and the chest muscles are inelastic, the wiring beyond the delta contour (beyond the shoulder line) becomes traumatic. The best option is when the hands reach the plane of the chest or remain slightly in front. If, during the exercise, the athlete leans forward, cannot fully bring the elbows in front of the chest, or the number of pure repetitions does not exceed 8-9 times, then the weight is too large for him. Working weights must be reduced to maintain correct technique. When the elbows are set at shoulder height in the "butterfly", the upper and middle part of the pectoral muscles will be worked out, when the elbows are lower, the lower part of the chest muscles will be worked out.

Positioning the elbows slightly above shoulder level will allow the upper chest to be loaded. But at the same time, there is a high probability of injury. Therefore, it is better to "finish off" the top of the chest with other isolating exercises (breeding dumbbells on an incline bench).

Benefits of hand information in the simulator


Mixing in the butterfly simulator is worth doing because it provides the opportunity to fully focus only on working out the target muscle. It has been scientifically proven that "immersion" in training and thinking only about the area being worked on provides tremendous developmental success. Information in the Peck-Dec simulator is also needed for:

  • clear definition and "striping" of the chest muscles in men;
  • beautiful toned bust line for women;
  • excellent blood circulation in the upper body, which is achieved due to the large stretching of the pectoral muscles and filling them with nutrients;
  • better stimulation of breast growth after the base (thanks to the isolated work on the "butterfly" simulator);
  • aid in recovery from chest injuries.

This exercise is not the only isolation exercise for the pectoral muscles. But only it retains the peak of tension in the final phase: when the hands are brought together, the pectoral muscles receive an even greater concentration of the load. This becomes the main advantage for its implementation.

Sometimes there are cases that one of the parts of the chest lags behind (more often the left). The reduction in the simulator allows you to get rid of this imbalance by simply pumping the muscles with only one hand.

Hand information in the simulator
Hand information in the simulator

This exercise will not work to pump up large breasts. Its functions include the refinement of proportions, and not the growth of muscle mass. It is advisable to carry out the information in the simulator in the middle of the chest workout as a “finishing off” after basic exercises with free weights. Since after compound exercises, the muscles receive a sufficient load and require good stretching.

Summing up, we can say that the butterfly exercise is able to bring the muscles to a positive failure and improve their quality in general.

Denis Borisov - video with advice on how to properly do the isolated exercise "mixing hands in the simulator":

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