What is creatine and how to use it

What is creatine and how to use it
What is creatine and how to use it

If you want to achieve your goal in the development of physique - use creatine. By reading this article, you will learn how to increase strength, muscle mass and glycogen stores without resorting to the use of anabolic steroids. Creatine is essential for athletes and all bodybuilding enthusiasts to build muscle and increase strength endurance. It is an effective natural and safe supplement that has nothing to do with steroids. The substance is found naturally - in animal food. Most of all in herring, then decreasing in pork, beef, salmon and cod. However, the body itself is able to produce creatine in the required quantities and accumulate it in muscle mass. Endurance is directly related to the high content of this amino acid in the muscles.

For the first time creatine was isolated in the middle of the 19th century from animal meat. In the form of powder or capsules, it appeared in the early 90s of the 20th century and is popular to this day. The reason for this was the constant eating of a large amount of meat by athletes, which, although it built up muscles, oppressed digestion.

The benefits of the supplement

The amino acid creatine can improve endurance in just a few days. After a month of use, noticeable muscle growth is observed, and body weight increases by 7 kg. This gives the athletes extra strength to lift heavy weights and improve the quality of their workouts.

The effect of creatine on the body

The effect of creatine on the body
The effect of creatine on the body

Thanks to creatine, there is a noticeable surge in energy, as the surge of strength increases by 20%. There is also no fatigue during exercise and heavy and exhausting loads are more persistently tolerated. After exercise, the body recovers better and faster, which is suitable for everyone who is seriously into sports and must be in shape every day. During training, creatine energy is used, followed by glucose energy.

The use of creatine

The use of creatine
The use of creatine

The substance should not be consumed with any drinks containing caffeine or alcohol. This combination negates the benefits of the amino acid.

The course of admission: the athlete drinks creatine for a month and takes a break for at least a month. This schedule will avoid addiction and will not interfere with the natural production of amino acids in the body.

Method for preparing creatine

Dry powder creatine (5 g or 1 teaspoon) must be mixed with sugar (10-30 g) and added to any drink - water or juice (except citrus fruits). The amount of liquid is exactly 1 glass, which will allow the water balance to remain at the proper level. An increase in the daily dose does not affect the effectiveness in any way, since the excess of the substance is not absorbed.

Creatine should be consumed with sugary drinks in order to increase the transport of this amino acid into muscle fibers due to the release of insulin. Adjust the sweetness according to individual preferences, for reference, some professionals dilute it in water with 100 g of sugar and then additionally inject insulin! The first five days of use. In the first week, take this energy shake 4 times a day.

The rest 25 days

Then, during the remaining month, drink the drink only 2 times a day.

Training day

Before and after you need to drink 1 teaspoon of creatine, which corresponds to the daily norm. This will allow the supplement to be absorbed better into the body.

Observe regularity

Take your supplement daily, without skipping. This rule is more important than the exact time of reception.

There is another way to use creatine to improve endurance performance. It can be used from the very beginning 2 times a day throughout the month. This option is equally effective for building muscle mass.

Other things to consider about creatine

  1. L-carnitine has nothing to do with creatine and is intended for weight loss. Do not confuse two substances that are completely different in effect, otherwise you will nullify attempts to become muscular.
  2. Creatine has a negative effect on people prone to high blood pressure, as it retains water in the body and negatively affects the heart muscle.
  3. Various reviews indicate that the supplement may not have an effect on athletes who have previously used steroids.
  4. In some cases, individual intolerance is possible.
  5. Creatine flushes potassium from the body, which leads to nighttime cramps. Therefore, during the course, increase the consumption of bananas, seaweed, raisins, dried apricots or peanuts.
  6. It is an approved and safe supplement for healthy people. Scientific research has shown complete absence of side effects.
  7. If you have chronic diseases or allergies, do not be lazy to consult your doctor before taking not only creatine, but also other substances in sports nutrition.
  8. Creatine acts instantly and a noticeable effect is noticeable already in the first weeks of use.
  9. Suitable for all lovers of aerobic and strength training, as well as for athletes of all skill levels and those who need to quickly recover form after training.
  10. Well-proven creatine from well-known brands Optimum Nutrition, Gaspari Nutrition, MuscleTech, Cellucor, Dymatize. Strive to choose German or American manufacturers.

After stopping the course for 2–3 weeks, you will notice a decrease in muscle mass. To do this, you need to drink clenbuterol or arrange a creatine course regularly.

The price of creatine - Creatine Powder Optimum Nutrition 600 g is about 1200 rubles; 100% Scitec Nutrition Creatine 500 g about 760-820 rubles. Kilogram cans are accordingly more profitable in price.

Watch a video about creatine - what it is and how it affects the body:
