Errors in steroid use

Errors in steroid use
Errors in steroid use

According to experts, many people who play sports use steroids to gain muscle mass. The indicators are impressive - there are more than 2,000,000 such athletes. Only a small part of those who strive to make their body ideal do it right, while the majority put their health in great danger. After all, even lethal outcomes are possible when taking "chemistry".

All due to the fact that some of these drugs are used without the supervision of a specialist, having no idea about the side effects, choosing the wrong dose. After all, the doctor can prescribe the correct dosage, and then everything will be different, then the course will be beneficial, not harmful.

Anabolic steroids are quite effective and are successfully used in medical practice. So, you just need to contact a specialist so that he prescribes the correct course of using certain drugs. This is the only way you will achieve what you want with minimal negative consequences for the body.

What is doping control?

As it exists, there are many ambiguities and misunderstandings. Doping includes many substances that are absolutely harmless to the body, and vice versa, harmful drugs are not classified as doping - and this happens too. The prohibition of anabolic drugs will lead nowhere, because there will still be those who will try to build muscle mass with their help. But there is simply no point in scolding such use either. If there is a need for something, it will be used. And no bans will help here. Anabolic steroids are an objective reality. Therefore, doctors, trainers and journalists need to help people understand this issue as thoroughly as possible.

The main mistakes of using anabolic steroids

  1. Many do not pay attention to contraindications and age restrictions when using drugs.
  2. Excessive dosages of anabolic steroids are very dangerous.
  3. The correct course of treatment prescribed by a specialist should not be ignored - as a result, drug dependence is possible.
  4. Without knowing the intermittent treatment regimens with meek anabolic steroids, you can disrupt your health rather than achieve good results in training.
  5. It is very important to protect the liver from steroid poisoning - underestimation of the role of this organ in the anabolic effect leads to negative consequences.
  6. Age indications and contraindications for prescribing drugs is a very important point to which you should pay your attention without fail.

Excessive dosages of steroids - what is the danger?

Errors in steroid use
Errors in steroid use

When using steroids, it is quite a mistake to act according to the principle - more is better. At the moment, the worst mistake in the course is precisely the overdose. By the way, there is a real opportunity to purchase anabolic steroids without prepayment on the site.

Anabolic overdose is a ruthless enemy of health and even for human life it is very dangerous. Due to the suppression of its own testosterone and aromatization against the background of exposure to excessive doses of steroids, the most unpleasant consequences are possible.

Improper nutrition

The role of nutrition for athletes using anabolic drugs should not be ignored. If you eat foods with an impressive calorie content and foods that are excessive in protein, then steroids will have the maximum effect. With low-calorie food, it is possible to achieve an anabolic effect only if Primobolan is used.

Against the background of the use of anabolic steroids, an increase in blood cholesterol levels is possible. The same goes for blood pressure. As a result, heart problems are possible. And other health troubles are quite possible if you eat incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that by consuming the necessary foods in sufficient quantities, you can achieve your goal in training. You just need to combine medication and proper nutrition in the program.

It is necessary to exclude foods with an impressive content of fat from the diet - this way you protect your heart and prevent serious ailments. But protein must be present in your diet. As for the calorie content, it should be at a level that will help to maximize the effectiveness of the use of anabolic steroids.

Workouts are not performed correctly - the result is obvious

It is very important that exercises with loads are impressive - only in this way it becomes possible to achieve maximum steroid activity. To do this, you need to regularly go in for sports, sparing no effort and energy. Exercise is an excellent stimulator of the absorption of anabolic steroids for muscle cells in the skeleton. If there is no intense stimulation, then the drugs will not work correctly on the muscle mass - you will not achieve efficiency in this case. So, it's time to train so that there is progress. At the same time, orient the weight to the maximum load in training.

Cycling disorders

When using drugs for muscle mass, you need to be especially careful not to cause irreparable harm to the body. The maximum effect when taking anabolic steroids can be achieved only if steroids are used with the required cyclicity. In addition, the required combination should be taken into account. Better two medicines, but in moderate dosages, than one, but excessive in dosage.

It turns out that a positive and effective nitrogen balance is normalized after a period of six to eight weeks of using anabolic drugs. It turns out that during the steroid cycle, it is necessary to gradually increase the doses, changing the types of drugs - the interval should be no more than two months.

How to minimize side effects such as weight loss and loss of strength, which are quite possible after stopping the course of anabolic therapy? To do this, it is necessary to use a properly selected downward cycle. Do not understand what this is about? You should gradually reduce the dose of medications taken by the end of the period. Thus, it becomes possible to gradually normalize the body's production of its own testosterone. If you need steroids, Moscow and Kiev offer a huge selection of various effective remedies at affordable prices. But first, it's still worth talking to a specialist so as not to harm yourself.

After going through the steroid cycle, you need to take a break - it should ideally be 3 to 4 months. During this time, you will return to normal, relieve the stress that accompanies the course of anabolic steroids.

Irregular blood tests

Errors in steroid use
Errors in steroid use

At the start of training, a blood test is needed to establish indicators, which will later become the standard for checking with changes in the training process. Further, it will be possible to make comparisons with blood deviations during the course of taking anabolic drugs. If these indicators are serious, then you should abandon the course. For a healthy person, the next analysis should be carried out 6 weeks after the start of the cycle.

Very often, at the beginning of the course, in the first few weeks, the blood counts deteriorate slightly, but after a while they quickly return to normal. Two months later, having passed the tests, you can see clearer indicators in order to understand the whole picture - if now the deviations of indicators from the norm are increasing, then most likely you will have to stop the cycle in order to avoid serious complications. If no deviations are found, then after that it will be necessary to donate blood a month after the end of the course. Thus, it will be possible to find out how the body reacts to the steroid course and how well it overcomes possible problems. One more analysis is given before starting the cycle of taking anabolic steroids again.

The readings should be normal. In this case, you can safely start the course again. Thanks to donating blood, it becomes possible to avoid various, rather negative and complex diseases. Complications are possible, which during this period simply will not show symptoms, and after all, the treatment started on time is the key to a speedy recovery. That is why it is necessary to regularly take a blood test. After all, the main thing is not to be late.

Wrong selection of anabolic steroids

If the drugs are not selected correctly, this can increase the risk of complications and side effects. Of the most dangerous drugs, Anapolon and Halotestin should be distinguished. Methyltestosterone should be added to this list. Such funds should not be taken for more than four to six weeks.

The best choice is steroids that are injected intramuscularly. This will ensure a constant flow of medication into the bloodstream and help maintain the maximum potential for steroid action. In order to achieve impressive gains in strength and muscle mass, it is necessary to use steroids with a weak androgenic effect. In addition, in this way it is possible to avoid many of the negative consequences that are associated with the effects of androgenic steroids.

It is worth remembering that high dosages of anabolic steroids lead to the development of a lot of side effects. At the same time, the expected result is not only not observed, but also worsens, because the muscles do not grow, but vice versa. At a young age, the use of anabolic steroids to increase strength and mass leads to growth restriction and destabilization of an unstable, developing hormonal system. Therefore, you need to think carefully about everything and only after that make a decision: whether to use such drugs in training.

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