When drawing up steroid courses and during PCT, athletes often make mistakes. Learn about the common mistakes bodybuilders and powerlifters make to avoid them. Today we will talk about incorrectly composed steroid cycles. This is a very common problem. Most often, before starting the courses, athletes are sure that steroids are safe and if there is a mistake, for example, with their dosage, nothing terrible will happen. However, this is not true. Let's take a look at the main mistakes in steroid courses for bodybuilders and powerlifters.
If the AAS course was drawn up incorrectly or then mistakes were made at the stage of rehabilitation therapy (sometimes it is not carried out at all), then this can lead to serious consequences.
No PCT after a steroid cycle

This is perhaps the most common mistake athletes make. Many are sure that the body will cope with the effects of steroid effects on its own. Basically, beginner athletes sin this. It is important to understand that under the influence of steroids in the body, the synthesis of the natural male hormone stops. Some AAS affect the HHP axis to a lesser extent, while others more strongly. But this happens anyway.
If tests are carried out after the cycle, then the level of natural testosterone will be extremely low, and this is already a serious violation of hormonal balance. If the body is not helped, then it will take a very long time to recover. Of course, it depends on individual characteristics, but the body needs help.
The truth of the above can be confirmed with the help of the simplest and at first glance the safest course. Take only 30 to 40 milligrams of methane for six weeks, and then get tested.
It is necessary to check the level of total testosterone, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. You will definitely not like the results. Thus, we conclude that rehabilitation therapy is required.
Failure to take measures to reduce estrogen levels on the course

Also a very "popular" mistake. Prolactin and estradiol levels can rise dramatically during AAS cycles. Estradiol is a female hormone that is responsible for the retention of large amounts of fluid in the body, increased blood pressure, gynecomastia, etc.
Prolactin is also a female hormone and, at high levels, can cause side effects similar to estradiol. However, the greatest danger to the male body is represented by erectile dysfunction. Athletes using Deco may experience this side effect. It should be said that estradiol can cause a similar disorder, but prolactin does it much more often. This can certainly be avoided. During the course, you should take tests and monitor the level of the above hormones. If the content of prolactin and estradiol is high, then aromatase inhibitors and drugs that reduce prolactin production should be used. Most often in bodybuilding, Cabergoline is used for this.
In other words, the course can be considered correct only when you take the time to get tested and find a place to take these medications if necessary. It is not enough to choose the right dose of AAS, it is also important to be prepared for side effects.
PCT start time

Another common mistake in steroid courses for bodybuilders and powerlifters is the wrong timing for recovery therapy. This is due to the fact that athletes, starting to use steroids, are completely unfamiliar with such a concept as the "half-life" of AAS.
For this reason, the start time of the recovery course is chosen incorrectly. In addition, you can sometimes hear that it does not matter at all when the PCT starts, it just needs to be done. This is a very erroneous opinion. The main goal of restorative therapy is to resume the production of natural hormones. However, if steroids still remain in the body, this will not happen.
Each steroid is excreted from the body within a certain time, and you need to know these terms. Only when there are no traces of steroids in the body, then PCT should be started.
Course design errors

In this section, you should talk about several mistakes that athletes often make:
- First - this is a discrepancy in the duration of the cycle with those drugs that are used. Take Testosterone Enanthate as an example. Since this is a given ether, it does not start working immediately and also “stops” for a long time. If your course on the basis of this steroid lasts six weeks, then you are simply wasting time. For courses of this duration, short broadcasts should be used.
- Second - the wrong dosage of steroids. This problem is faced by a large number of athletes. The body of each person is able to normally perceive only certain dosages of steroids. If you exceed them, then you will not only not get the desired result, but you will struggle with side effects all the time. It is necessary to squeeze the maximum out of the minimum doses of AAS.
- Third mistake when drawing up a course, it consists in the desire to gain muscle mass and at the same time to carry out drying. For this, two tableted steroids (Stanozolol and Methane) are most often used simultaneously. It is highly undesirable to do so. All oral steroids are dangerous to the liver, and you can seriously damage this organ by using two AAS tablets at once.
- AND the last A common mistake in steroid courses for bodybuilders and powerlifters is the lack of testosterone. It has already been mentioned above that steroids reduce the synthesis of the natural male hormone. If there is no testosterone in the cycle, then the risk of side effects increases.
For more information on major mistakes in and after the AAC course, see here: