How to choose the right broom for a bath?

How to choose the right broom for a bath?
How to choose the right broom for a bath?

What are the useful properties of birch, oak, nettle, coniferous, eucalyptus, mountain ash brooms, as well as a wormwood broom? How to procure them correctly? Read about all this here. What is a bathhouse without a broom? It is not for nothing that they say that "in the bathhouse, a broom is more expensive than money." Some, however, prefer to buy them in stores that sell all sorts of things for bath procedures. And some harvest them themselves. Read what is the use of a bath for the body.

Meanwhile, when knitting a broom, the thickest branches are laid inward, and the thinnest ones are located at the edges, bending inward. To prepare brooms for the winter, dry them slightly in the shade, then hide them in a haystack. And in the apartment they can be stored in the refrigerator in plastic bags or in the winter on the balcony. Frozen branches are thawed before going to the bathhouse, but they are not steamed right away. And after the bath, you can put it back in a bag and put it in the refrigerator or on a cold balcony.

Birch broom

The most popular is birch broom for a bathwhich is flexible, durable and comfortable. A birch broom contains enzymes that have a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic effect.

How they are procured: according to an ancient custom, such brooms are prepared on Trinity Day (early-mid June). Choose only a dry day for this. When preparing such a broom, choose a fluffier young birch, as its branches will be well preserved, and the leaves will not be slippery even after very hot steam.

Benefit: Using a birch broom helps relieve muscle and joint pain after physical exertion and exercise. Essential substances that are secreted by birch branches and leaves, contribute to the discharge of phlegm and the expansion of the bronchi. Perfectly cleanses the skin with a tendency to pustules and rashes, heals wounds and abrasions, soothes and improves mood.

Special dignity

- greatly expands the small bronchi. That is why it is very easy to breathe after using such a broom. For smokers and asthmatics, a birch broom will become an indispensable tool. Birch leaves contain essential oils, vitamin C, tannins, provitamin A. Broom infusion can be used for shampooing, it will strengthen hair and eliminate dandruff. This infusion is obtained after you brew the broom "hot".

Oak broom

Oak broom for a bath
Oak broom for a bath

Differs in great durability.

How it is harvested: it is harvested in August - September. Before bathing, soak a dry oak broom in cold water for 15-20 minutes, and then steam it in boiling water for three minutes. Since the oak leaves are quite dense and wide, it will be easy for them to catch up with steam. They will also be easy to fasten.

Benefit: oak foliage and bark contain a large amount of tannins, which is why oak infusions and decoctions are used for skin diseases and with severe sweating of the legs.

Oak broom should be used by people with oily skin, it will make the skin firm and matte and will have an anti-inflammatory effect. And with the help of the aroma of oak in the steam room, blood pressure will not increase much - therefore, it is great for people prone to hypertension.

Eucalyptus broom

How it is procured: it is better to prepare a broom in August. The only drawback of eucalyptus is that the branches are too thin, which are inconvenient when overlapping. The ideal option would be to combine eucalyptus branches with birch or oak branches. Having made such a broom for yourself, you will not only be comfortable to bathe, but also feel the whole healing effect on yourself.

Benefit: eucalyptus leaves have the most valuable medicinal properties, and the infusion from it is used as an antiseptic. Sprinkle the wooden walls of the steam room with this infusion, and then put them on hot stones, and then, in addition to the antiseptic, you can feel the inhalation effect: the trachea, bronchi and larynx will be warmed up with the aromatic steam of eucalyptus.

Nettle broom

How it is harvested: the branches of the nettle are cut at the beginning of summer and dried in a dark place. A nettle broom should be small, before using it, you need to immerse it from hot water into cold water 2 times for three minutes. And only after such manipulations can you safely whip them so that there is no burn. Not used very often.

Benefit: has a powerful local irritant, anti-inflammatory, distracting effect. Helps lower blood pressure, relieves stress perfectly. Eliminates back pain, joints, is useful for people suffering from rheumatism, sciatica, gout.

Coniferous broom (juniper, fir)

How they are harvested: Coniferous brooms can be harvested all year round. To keep the broom soft, boil it in boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Lie for 5-7 minutes in the steam room, and only then use such a broom. And if the skin is too sensitive, then it is better to refuse a coniferous broom.

Benefits: Stimulates sweating, increases blood circulation in the muscles, with constant use helps to eliminate pain in the spine, helps well with neuralgia, sciatica. Perfectly disinfects the air and fights respiratory diseases.

Both eucalyptus and coniferous twigs can be added to a birch or oak broom. And the infusion of a coniferous broom can be poured over the stones in the steam room and used for washing.

Rowan broom

How they are harvested: the branches of rowan are dried in a well-ventilated dark room. Spread fresh brooms on the floor or hang them on the wall and turn them over every day. After they dry, after about a week, tie them well and place in a ventilated area.

Benefit: a mountain ash broom enhances the processes in the nervous system, eliminates relaxation after a bath, the body after using such a broom will be well prepared for work, therefore it is recommended to use it in the morning.

Wormwood broom

A broom made of wormwood has a lot of useful properties.

How it is harvested: the branches are cut from the wormwood immediately after its flowering - this is done so that the stems of the wormwood are not too coarse.

Benefit: The stems and leaves of this plant contain essential oils, tannins, and organic acids. People have long used wormwood for diseases of the joints, liver, stomach, gall bladder, for the treatment of rheumatism, jaundice, obesity.

For the preparation of a healing bath broom, use also linden, maple, walnut, alder, fir, tansy, ash. You need to cut the branches carefully, and not from one tree, but little by little and from several. It is better to cut off not the crowns, but the side shoots.

An overdried broom is best steamed in cold water, but not for long, otherwise it may lose its aroma. It will be better if you quickly remove the broom from the water and place it on the hot stones. So steam will rise from the wet leaves, which will steam up the broom and will be able to saturate the entire steam room with a useful aroma. But make sure that there are no leaves left on the stones, they will only burn, which will cause burning.

So, now you know which broom to choose, so that the bath procedures bring maximum benefit, and you can have a good rest and be filled with fresh energy! Go to the bathhouse for health!
