DIY creativity on the topic of mushrooms

DIY creativity on the topic of mushrooms
DIY creativity on the topic of mushrooms

To remember the time of the mushroom season, learn how to make garden figurines in the form of mushrooms, sew a pillow, mold mushrooms from salt dough and cut out from potatoes.

How to sew pillow letters?

Homemade letters
Homemade letters

If you want children to learn to read from an early age, make pillows in the form of some elements of the alphabet. You can sew a pillow in the form of the first letter of the name of the child, parents. One of the easiest tasks is to make it into our theme. Then the kid will know that the word "mushroom" begins with the letter "G". You can make another, in the form of "T". Isn't it a mushroom on a leg? Then the upper straight line needs to be slightly bent so that a hat of this shape flaunts on the leg.

Mushroom pillow
Mushroom pillow

You don't even need a pillow pattern for this needlework. For the product itself, the following elements must be cut:

  • rectangle for the leg;
  • circle for the bottom;
  • 2 pieces in the shape of a crescent for the hat.

But what materials you need to stock up on:

  • cotton or soft cloth;
  • padding polyester;
  • ribbons for decoration.

Then we work according to the following plan:

  1. Take a fabric rectangle for the leg, grind its sides. Remember the width of the rectangle; this diameter will be the bottom of the leg. Cut out this detail.
  2. Sew the bottom to the bottom of the leg, fill it with padding polyester.
  3. For the hat, cut 2 identical semicircular pieces. Stitch them at the top and sides at the bottom. Stuff the hat with padding polyester.
  4. Insert the leg into the bottom hole of the cap, sew on your hands.

If you want, first decorate the elements of the product with ribbons, and then grind and stuff them with padding polyester.

Mushroom pillows
Mushroom pillows

This right letter of the pillow also looks like a slightly modified letter T. Cut the leg for such a mushroom in the shape of a trapezoid. We stitch it at the bottom and side - we do not make the bottom. The hat is made, as in the previous case, in the form of two semicircular parts.

If you know how to sew a pillowcase, make it with the mushroom theme. For this you will need:

  • blue and red fabric with white polka dots;
  • white cloth for the leg and bottom of the fly agaric cap;
  • scissors;
  • centimeter.

Further, we adhere to the following sequence:

  1. Measure your pillow. How wide it is, cut the pillowcase out of the fabric the same width, adding 3 cm for the seam allowances.
  2. The length of the fabric is equal to two lengths of the pillow, plus 2.5 seam allowance.
  3. Before sewing the pillow, you need to cut out the appliqué details and stitch them in place.
  4. Now fold the rectangle and stitch the sides. Slip the pillowcase over the pillow and sew the blindstitch over the top. If you like, you can sew on strings or buttons and make loops, then the pillowcase can be removed for washing.

If you are looking for beautiful sofa cushions then check out these.

Mushroom-shaped cushions for sofa
Mushroom-shaped cushions for sofa

The leg is also cut out in the shape of a trapezoid, the bottom is sewn from below. The hat consists of two circles of different colors, which are grinded together.

Let's go back to the beginning of the section and talk a little more about how to sew pillow letters.

Pillow letters
Pillow letters

As you can see, they are three-dimensional and consist of several faces.

  1. For the letter "G" we cut out 2 blanks in the shape of "G" from the fabric. You need to cut 2 ribbons of the same width. It will take 2 more squares to cover the side opening on one side of the other.
  2. Sew the first, small, tape between the two halves "G", and then the second.
  3. Fill the pillow blank with padding polyester. Sew one square on one side and the other on the other side of the letter.

We make figurines for the garden on the "mushroom" theme

Garden figurines are expensive. And they are easy to make with your own hands from plaster, cement, polyurethane foam or plastic bottles. For one of the simplest options, you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • a bowl;
  • sand;
  • dye;
  • knife;
  • Super glue.

Photo 7

  1. Cut the bottle at shoulder level and fill it with sand.
  2. Paint the outside of the bowl. If it is a fly agaric, use red and white tones, for porcini - light brown.
  3. Apply super glue to the edge of the bottle, place an inverted bowl here, and hold for a few seconds.

The mushroom theme is embodied in another craft.

Foam mushrooms
Foam mushrooms

Here is what a wonderful boletus will soon settle on your site. And you can make it from junk things. If you bought polyurethane foam, closed up the hole, but there is still a lot left in the spray can, you cannot store it. Put the leftovers into action. You can buy polyurethane foam specifically to make garden figurines for a summer residence, including a mushroom.

Depending on how much of this material you have, it will turn out to be huge or small. Here's what you need for this kind of creativity:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • plastic bottle;
  • a semicircular bowl or box of chocolates of this shape;
  • stationery knife;
  • wallpaper glue;
  • facade plaster;
  • acrylic primer;
  • 4 nails;
  • acrylic paint;
  • varnish.

Depending on how much foam you have and how large the mushroom will be, you need to take a bottle of this size. She is the base of the leg. Pour sand inside the bottle so that the porcini mushroom is stable.

Ready-made mushroom from polyurethane foam
Ready-made mushroom from polyurethane foam

Apply foam to it and to the blank of the cap.

Mushroom blanks
Mushroom blanks

It will take several layers of foam. Let each dry, then apply the next one. In the process, stick 4 nails into the bottom of the head, fix them with foam. With the help of it, we connect the cap with the leg, foaming this place. When it's dry, shape with a utility knife.

Fastening mushroom blanks
Fastening mushroom blanks

Now you need to prime the mushroom with wallpaper glue diluted in water, when this layer dries up - apply facade plaster.

Primed Mushroom Base
Primed Mushroom Base

After it dries, you need to walk over the workpiece with acrylic primer, and then with acrylic paint.

Acrylic painting of a mushroom
Acrylic painting of a mushroom

When it dries up, the final stage remains - to apply varnish to the fungus.

This is what the mushroom will look like:

Ready mushroom
Ready mushroom

You can create other garden figures from plastic bottles, polyurethane foam, paint, plaster. It will be more economical than buying ready-made in the store. See what other mushrooms you can make from polyurethane foam.

Other options for mushrooms from bottles and foam
Other options for mushrooms from bottles and foam

If you have an unsightly tree stump in your area, you don't need to uproot it. Moreover, this work does not require hefty physical costs. Disguise the old tree stump as a mushroom.

Decorated mushroom stump
Decorated mushroom stump

For such a figure for the garden, you will need:

  • acrylic paint;
  • an old basin or large bowl;
  • brush.

Next, we work in the following sequence:

  1. If the stump has bark, peel it off.
  2. Paint the stump white in 2-3 layers, let each dry.
  3. Draw on this blank, which has turned into a mushroom leg, its mischievous face.
  4. Cover the outside of the basin with brown paint and place it on a tree stump. Can also be painted to match other mushrooms: aspen, fly agaric.

It would be nice to place other forest "inhabitants" nearby. If you don't have a stump, dig a log into the ground - and here's a ready-made leg. But it also needs to be painted, like the basin, which will become a hat.

Decorated mushroom-shaped log
Decorated mushroom-shaped log

But birch blocks can be left in this form to make figurines for giving in the form of mushrooms.

Decorated birch blocks in the shape of a mushroom
Decorated birch blocks in the shape of a mushroom

If there are no logs at hand, that's okay. As legs, you can use pieces of thick metal pipes, asbestos-cement and all the same plastic bottles, not forgetting to first fill them with sand.

Decorated pipes in the shape of a mushroom
Decorated pipes in the shape of a mushroom

Turn a corner of your garden into a fairytale place with crystal or glass mushrooms. Previously, crystal glassware was highly prized. But things accumulated over the years become unnecessary, unclaimed over time. And this idea will help them play in a new way.

Crystal mushrooms
Crystal mushrooms

The leg-vase is connected to an inverted salad bowl using superglue or another with increased strength. If you connect your husband to work, then you get such wonderful mushrooms from a tree.

Original wooden mushrooms for the garden
Original wooden mushrooms for the garden

And if you first make a form, and then fill it with soil, place plants here, similar garden figures will appear on the site.

Garden original, homemade mushrooms
Garden original, homemade mushrooms

Cement mushrooms for summer cottages

It is necessary to tell in more detail about this fertile material. After all, you can make durable mushrooms of various shapes from it. They require a mortar, cement, sand and a mold for pouring. But you can do without it.

  1. Then dig a round-shaped depression in the sand or in the ground, lay a cellophane film folded in 2 times here. It's even good if it is folds. After all, the mushroom cap does not always have a perfectly even shape.
  2. Pour in a solution consisting of water, 3 parts sand and one part cement. Let it dry.
  3. When it grabs, but is still damp, insert a few nails into the center of the cap. They will help the leg of the mushroom to hold on better.
  4. Put the roofing material rolled into a roll on top, pour concrete. First, sprinkle the junction of the leg with the cap with sand so that the cement mortar does not flow out.
Cement mushrooms for summer cottages
Cement mushrooms for summer cottages

If you have an old bowl, use it as a mold for pouring concrete. To do this, you can even take a helmet, half a rubber ball. If you have a metal pipe, stick it into the cement mold. Put on a plastic bottle without a lid and bottom on top, pour concrete into it.

Making a cement stem of a mushroom
Making a cement stem of a mushroom

Mushroom caps can be decorated in different ways. To do this, use:

  • paint;
  • mosaic;
  • seashells;
  • broken colored glass;
  • pebbles;
  • buttons;
  • beads.

These decorative elements (except for paint) are glued to the mushroom cap.

Decoration of mushroom caps
Decoration of mushroom caps

We make mushrooms from salted dough and potatoes with children

Amazing panels are made from salted dough. Do this to be able to contemplate the basket of mushrooms all year round.

Salted dough mushrooms
Salted dough mushrooms

For this art take:

  • salty dough;
  • PVA:
  • knife;
  • a piece of burlap;
  • cardboard paper;
  • paints;
  • colorless varnish;
  • ribbon.

You already know how to make salty dough. It needs to be rolled out into a layer 5 mm wide. Cut out a trapezoidal shape from it - it will soon turn into a basket. Have the child roll 4 rollers and place them vertically on the basket.

Salted dough basket base
Salted dough basket base

Then he will make another roller, roll it out with a rolling pin to make a rectangle and start weaving a basket.

Forming the weaving of a basket of salted dough
Forming the weaving of a basket of salted dough

Now you need to roll 2 more "sausages", but thinner. Twist them, separate with a knife. Attach the smaller part to the bottom, and the longer one to the top of the basket. Roll 2 more plaits, but thicker. They need to be intertwined and bent in the form of a handle.

Smaller items, such as handles, harnesses on the top, on the bottom are attached to the basket with water.

Attaching the handle of the salt dough basket
Attaching the handle of the salt dough basket

Modeling mushrooms will help children develop fine motor skills. Let the cone-shaped leg roll out of the salted dough. For the mushroom head, first make a ball, flatten it, placing a finger in the center to indicate a depression. The leg and the cap are connected to each other with water.

Making mushrooms from salted dough
Making mushrooms from salted dough

To make a leaf, first mold a drop from salt dough, flatten it. Draw a pattern with a knife.

Making leaves from salt dough
Making leaves from salt dough

Decorate the basket with mushrooms and leaves. Now you need to let the composition dry in the oven, after which you can paint, and finally varnish.

Salted dough basket
Salted dough basket

Fluff the edges of the burlap, glue it onto the cardboard. The mushroom composition is attached to the burlap with a polymer varnish. Hang the panel by the eyelet that is sewn to the top of the volumetric picture.

After righteous labors, it remains to be refreshed. But since the topic is mushroom, let's make a potato lunch. To do this, you need to cut off the rings from the washed root crops, do not throw them away, but fry them in oil.

Potato mushrooms are greased with vegetable oil, salted, pepper, wrapped in foil and baked in the oven.

Mushrooms from potatoes
Mushrooms from potatoes

That's how much new knowledge the mushrooms theme gave us, now you can cook and make even more useful and useful things.

See how to make a gypsum mushroom house

Here's how to make mushrooms from plastic bottles

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