Characteristics of the American Akita, the manifestation of the temperament and health of the pet, how to care for: hair, ears, teeth, organize food. Puppy price. The American Akita or American akita is a direct descendant of the Japanese Akita Inu, which were once imported into the United States. The ancestors of these dogs came to the territory of America thanks to the writer Helen Adams Keller, where they developed separately and therefore their external data changed. After some time, breeders and hobbyists made attempts to separate the breed and give it a different name. After hard work in this direction, with the help of the Kennel Club of Japan, the enthusiasts achieved a positive result and a new dog appeared. They are excellent pets with unique and lovable qualities. To live successfully in a family, they require the right owner.
Characteristics of the external parameters of the American Akita breed

They are large, powerful, muscular and heavy canines. Males are 66 to 71 centimeters tall at the withers and weigh 45–59 kilograms, while females are 61–66 centimeters high and weigh 32–44 kilograms.
- Head - massive, but balanced with the overall size of the body, seen from above in the shape of an obtuse triangle. The skull is flat at the top. In a relaxed state, folds are not formed.
- Muzzle - wide and full. The ratio between its length and the length of the skull is two to three. The jaws are powerful. The lips are black and firm. The teeth are strong in the scissors bite, the tongue is pink.
- Nose - extended and black and coal. In white-colored individuals, black noses are also preferable, however, lighter ones with a black, gray tint or without it are acceptable.
- Eyes American Akita is black and brown, small, triangular in shape, located deep inside the skull. The eyelids are black and hard.
- Ears small, very straight, triangular, wide at the base, set at the top of the skull. Their ends are slightly rounded, slightly directed towards the eyes and harmonious with the back of the neck.
- Neck - short, thick, muscular, widened towards the shoulders with a pronounced ridge that almost completely merges with the base of the skull.
- Frame - longer than higher. The ribcage is deep and widened, drooping down to the elbows. The ribs are pronounced. The loin is rigidly muscled with a moderate slope. The hindquarters of the dog are of good width and muscular development, giving the animal a balanced appearance.
- Tail - large and sturdy, often carried curled up on a flat and strong back.
- Front and hind limbs - strong and straight. The shoulders are firm, moderately angular. The elbows should turn neither in nor out. The upper thighs are well developed. The hock joint is lowered.
- Paws American Akitas are similar to felines. They are well bent, with thick, well-developed pads.
- Leather - flexible, but not free.
- Coat - two-layer, consists of a thick, soft, dense undercoat, shorter than the outer one. The guard hair of the outer "coat" is straight, harsh and grows straight out of the body. The hair on the withers and croup should be slightly longer than on the rest of the body, with the exception of the tail, where the hair is longest. The cover on the head, ears and legs is short.
- Coloration any breed is acceptable, including white, brindle or spotted. Regardless of the color, the color needs to be rich, shiny and transparent, with well-balanced markings, with or without a mask. Multicolored spotted individuals should have a white base and large, evenly spaced spots covering the head and more than one third of the body. White Akitas do not have a mask. The undercoat may be of a different color than the outer layer.
American Akita temperament

The species is very loyal and intelligent, as well as obedient, courageous and fearless. Due to the hunting intelligence, its representatives often easily demonstrate destructive behavior in order to occupy themselves in situations when there is nothing to do. For such a large and powerful dog, the animal exhibits a very keen sensitive nature. American akita is highly influenced by stressful conditions or changes in habitat. This could be a trigger for autoimmune diseases in your pet. Potential owners should only keep them in the house.
The qualities of home guards are naturally inherent in American Akitas. They do not need special training to serve as an effective watchdog. Such pets will not simply bark at any rustles and events. They only react to dangerous situations. When Akitas hunt, they do it with a minimum of sounds, like large cats. Barking dogs draw attention to themselves or indicate that something is wrong. Fearless and courageous, the species will act accordingly if they feel threatened by the family.
Hunting inclinations create the prerequisites for American Akitas to catch small animals. These can be cats, small dogs, rodents, birds, rabbits. If the dogs were brought up from an early age, then they can get along in the house with other animals. However, some difficulties arise when introducing an adult representative of the breed into a house with already existing animals.
Pedigree females are aggressive towards their "sisters", and males towards their "brothers". They can only be kept alone or with individuals of the opposite sex. The owner must supervise and supervise the adult American Akitas until peaceful coexistence is established. Other animals (ducks, chickens and other birds) are potential food for the species and friendship with them is excluded.
Children should never be left alone with such dogs, as animals cannot stand bullying and negligent actions and can bite the "offender". Akitas, who did not grow up with children, cannot tolerate them at all and are considered as personal ones of lower rank who need to be put in their place. Individuals who know "little people" still do not put up with the neighbors' boys. Due to this peculiarity, temperament and strength, it is not recommended to leave American akita alone with children under the age of 13.
Many American Akitas like to talk, it comes in the form of grunts, groans and mumbles, which is very funny. But, sometimes it is taken for a threat. Over time, you will learn to easily distinguish between his "conversation" and growls. These pets also tend to like to carry things in their mouths, including the wearer's wrist. This is not aggression, but a manifestation of tenderness or the dog needs to take you somewhere. If this behavior annoys you, provide them with alternatives such as carrying a bag or delivering mail.
American Akita dog health

Species purchased from reputable breeders who use parental genetic testing are usually very healthy. A 2000 study in the United States and Canada listed the most common causes of Akita deaths as: cancer (21%), GDV (bloating / volvulus, 21%), musculoskeletal disorders (15.5%), and autoimmune disorders (7%). A later study of the same question by the British Kennel Club in 2004 found the following data: cancer (32%), heart problems (14%), and gastrointestinal defects including bloating / volvulus (14%).
Further research provides the following list of specific diseases that are known to be associated with this breed: gastric torsion or swelling, cataract, entropy, glaucoma, microphthalmia,progressive retinal atrophy, retinal dysplasia, uveitis, cutaneous asthenia, leukoderma, unique polyarthritis syndrome in adolescents, omental adenitis, pemphigus, eye inflammation, von Willebrand disease, lupus erythematosus, acquired myasthenia gravis, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, thyroid problems (hypothyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis), spinal dyskinesia (subluxation, slipping pineal gland, congenital dislocation), patella and other knee problems, tick-borne herpesvirus.
American Akita care requirements

- Wool such dogs have a thick double structure and consist of a thick, dense, soft undercoat and a coarse long top layer. Therefore, combing out the "fur coat" is required if you plan to live the dog in the house. Her "coat" will shed annually. For bitches this can happen twice a year. For individuals living in warmer climates, there is a tendency to change coats all year round. Taking care of your Akita during such periods will require frequent brushing on the street so that you protect your household items from dirt and yourself from inhaling hair flying in the air. American akita needs a rare bath. During the procedure, its coat must be well moistened, and shampoo diluted with water will be more convenient to apply using a spray bottle. Dry the dog with a hair dryer to avoid skin fungus.
- Teeth it should be elementary cleaned with a silicone brush and professional toothpaste every 2 days. Dry food and pressed bones will help prevent plaque.
- Ears American Akitas have a standing shape, but thick hair grows inside them, which also impairs their ventilation. The hairs inside the auricle need to be carefully trimmed from time to time with scissors. Once a week or two, the ears need to be cleaned.
- Eyes in case of slight contamination, they are wiped with a sponge with a means that relieves irritation. After walking or other activities, you need to examine the dog's eyes. If you find an injury, be sure to show the dog to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.
- Claws must be controlled. When their length has grown, it will interfere with the normal movement of the limbs. Therefore, it must be shortened. Nail clippers are suitable for manipulation.
- Feeding American Akita is possibly natural and prepared food. Of course, a specialist will advise you in this matter best of all. But, you should know that ready-made feeds, only by professional manufacturers, are selected according to the type of animal and the state of its body. They are given according to the mass and activity of the dog twice a day, after physical activity. Drinking water for a pet should be freely available. Natural food is based on 80% scalded lean meat without bones, 20% boiled cereals, dairy products and eggs. It is very important to separately and systematically give vitamin and mineral supplements. Food should always be warm, not cold. For the American Akita, food is extremely attractive. She must be provided with her own food bowl, which is far from any other living creatures. Until the food "disappears", no one except the owner can be near and children, including.
- Walking. These dogs can live happily in apartments, but it is required that the owner provides them with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to prevent the "bouts" of destruction caused by boredom. The American Akita is a very loyal, family-oriented dog that becomes extremely frustrated when left out of the human pack. Pets left outside in the yard without quality family interaction tend to develop bizarre behaviors and show outward signs of stress and frustration. These dogs usually regress in the process of socialization, exhibit barrier aggression, or resort to mindless destructive behavior to keep themselves occupied.
Although American Akitas tend to tolerate guests who enter the house in the presence of the owner, they are cold towards them. Pets act aggressively when owners are away. Possession of such a dog will require safe fencing around the property to protect the American akita guarding it and any people who might unwittingly enter it. They contain territoriality and aggressiveness towards strangers and animals. Therefore, the dog must be controlled and not left in a free range. It is necessary to exercise your pet by putting on a leash on it and in an area where contact with people or various animals is unlikely.
Raising the American Akita

This is a responsible, stubborn type of dog that can challenge the family by establishing the dominant social status in the pack. Such manifestations cannot be tolerated, an immediate, firm, consistent correction must be undertaken. Usually a good shaking of the skin is an effective action to normalize discipline, but not a beating. The animal will bite to protect itself from abuse. "Abusive" behavior of the owner means that he has lost control of himself and his pet. Representatives of the species view eye contact as a challenge and are also capable of aggression.
American akita must be trained by the actual owner of the dog, and not sent to a training club, like some other canines. Lessons can be taught with the help of an experienced trainer familiar with the breed, but the owner is required to be present during the process. At the end of the required program, it is reinforced with obedience practice, which will help establish the right relationship and social hierarchy between the pet and the owner, as well as form a strong bond between them. The intelligence of the American Akita means that it tends to tolerate repetitive commands and lengthy training quite easily. This species is an excellent learner, and many of its representatives have been worthy competitors in many sports canine competitions. Akitas learn commands very quickly, so short training sessions that keep the dog engaged will yield the best results. Dogs are also very stubborn. When they are not interested, it is useless to command, American akita will simply leave! Obedience training requires special attention and a lot of patience!
The best American Akita owners are assertive, loving, dominant people. Passive individuals or those who ignore firm corrective pet discipline should not own this breed. The dog must feel that it obeys one leader who knows how to clearly define the boundaries of what is permitted. In order to live peacefully with such a dog, all other family members are obliged to establish a higher social order over the pet. Then the communication will surely be successful. In situations where the American akita is allowed to believe that he is the leader of the household, the dog can become very dominant and aggressive as he tries to maintain his social status and keep subordinate members of the group (people) in their places.
American Akitas, like all dogs, do not have a long memory. Do not punish your pet for an incident that may have happened a few hours before, the dog will not correlate the punishment with a "crime." Correction should be carried out immediately, immediately after the obscene behavior of the animal. For example, if upon returning home, you find a chewed couch, then do not discipline the Akita when she comes to greet you. The loved one will not associate the current punishment with the couch, which he could have ruined much earlier and will think that the punishment was due to the approach to you. This can create alienation between you, and the dog will become distrustful.
Price of American Akita puppies

The price for a puppy is from $ 900 to $ 1200. For more about the breed, see the following story: