Binturong - adorable cat bears

Binturong - adorable cat bears
Binturong - adorable cat bears

Whoever does not know about binturongs, after reading the article, they will be happy to meet these calm, friendly and cute animals. Binturongs are cute and adorable (Latin Arctictis binturong, also called Bearcat in English). These mammals have small, squat legs and a long tail. They resemble raccoons a little, so it was previously believed that the Binturong belonged to the class of these animals, but this is not the case. They are representatives of the civerrids family, which also includes musangs, leases and many subspecies lives.

The halo of distribution of these animals is Southeast Asia, they live in tropical forests. Tourists can admire these funny animals in the zoos of Malacca, Seoul, Duisburg, Sydney, and binturongs are also kept in the zoo of Dortmund and Berlin.

Meet - binturong, who is he

Binturong - cat bear
Binturong - cat bear

In another way, these animals are also called cat bears for their resemblance to these animals. They are slightly clumsy, like bears - although they prefer to live in trees. They do not jump from branch to branch, but leisurely wander along them. If a binturong needs to jump to another branch or tree, he will do it dexterously with the help of his tenacious muscular tail.

They look like a cat not only in the structure of the ears, head, but also in habits. The contented animal will purr, making sounds similar to those of a cat. This can be heard if you scratch the animal behind the ears, then it will become completely clear why the animal is compared to a cat.

Binturong at the Open Zoo of Thailand - Khao Kheow Open Zoo
Binturong at the Open Zoo of Thailand - Khao Kheow Open Zoo

In the photo I am with a binturong in the open zoo of Thailand - Khao Kheow Open Zoo. In the zoos of Thailand, those who wish take pictures with these funny animals and say that the Binturongs are happy to pose for the camera. But not every domestic cat will withstand stroking and squeezing for a long time from different people.

The feline bear sits with pleasure in the hands of a person, takes a treat. Tourists feed them mainly with bananas, but they can also give milkshakes, sweet apple pies, muffins, marshmallows. Then the animal becomes very active, starts jumping and running randomly. This is due to the rise in blood sugar levels. Such activity lasts about an hour, then the animal falls exhausted and immediately falls asleep.

Of course, you should not regale the animal with pies and drink cocktails. Here's what to feed your pet if you decide to keep it at home.

How to feed a binturong

How to feed a binturong
How to feed a binturong

Binturongs are predators, but they feed on both plant and animal food. Most of their diet consists of fruits. They especially love bananas, cherries, peaches. Since animals are mammals, they will not give up milk semolina. Also, animal food should be included in their diet. In the wild, they feast on insects, they can catch and eat a small bird, so they sometimes destroy nests. Binturongs love quail eggs, which are periodically given to them when keeping at home. As meat, it is preferable to give them poultry - pieces of turkey loin, chicken.

In their natural habitat, these animals sometimes catch fish. Small amounts of fish are also included in the diet of domestic Binturongs.

Difficulties of keeping Binturongs at home

Despite the fact that the animal is so adorable, not everyone will want to settle it in their apartment. Binturongs are nocturnal. Therefore, they may disturb the owner at this time of the day. But if you stay up late, then a daily routine like that of cat bears will work for you.

Keeping the Binturong at home
Keeping the Binturong at home

When they sleep during the day, you can go about your business. In the evening, coming home from work, in the warm season, it would be nice to go for a walk with the animal. This requires a special leash. But even without it, an exotic animal will hold your hand firmly with its tail.

Those who keep the Binturongs at home say that they are very playful and affectionate animals. There is an opinion that the secret with which cat bears (both females and males) very often mark their territory smells bad. But the owners of these animals refute this, claiming that this oily substance smells like fried popcorn. By the way, it is used in perfumery, collecting with a special spoon from the endocrine glands. It makes the scent of the perfume more persistent.

In addition, cat bears are particularly clean.

If you decide to buy a binturong, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will climb everywhere and everywhere. But, if this does not stop you, and you are ready to pay 1, 5? 2, 5 thousand dollars (this is how much a binturong costs on average), then a loyal, affectionate and very funny animal will appear in your apartment.


Binturong families are human-like. They also live in pairs and with their children. Sexual maturity occurs upon reaching 2, 5 years. The female can give birth no more often than 2 times a year. Pregnancy lasts 90 days. From one to six babies are born, but most often 2–3 cubs are born.

When babies are 1, 5–2 months old, they gradually wean from milk and begin to eat "adult" food. Unlike other representatives of viverrids, female binturongs allow the male to stay with him after giving birth. Despite the fact that equality reigns in the family - parents equally share the care of children, at critical moments the female takes over the reins, therefore it is believed that they are playing the dominant role.

Children remain in the family until 2, 5–3 years of age, then, upon reaching puberty, they have their own.

An adult animal grows in length to 61–90 cm and weighs from 9 to 14 kg, sometimes this figure can reach 20 kg.

The average life expectancy of the Binturong is 20 years, but there is a known case when an animal guarded by a person survived to 25.

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