If you want to have a chinchilla as a pet, this article will show you how to properly care for and maintain it. Chinchilla - an animal native to the highlands of South America, outwardly resembles a small rabbit, weighing up to 500 g, with a fluffy tail like a squirrel. Wool length from 2x to 2.5 cm.
Advantages of chinchillas:
- do not have a bad smell (no sweat and sebaceous glands);
- are picky about food;
- look beautiful;
- live long (up to 20 years);
- reproduce well;
- not aggressive;
- do not scratch (furniture will not suffer after a cat);
- chinchillas do not bite a person.
- require regular change of sand or dust bedding (1-2 times a week);
- do not withstand high humidity.
Conditions of keeping chinchillas

As a pet, this is one of the most suitable options, primarily due to the fact that they practically do not have a bad smell, which is very important for many cleaners.
Chinchillas usually live in cages with a metal frame. It is better to keep these animals in pairs, briefly separating them during fights and 8-10 days before the birth of babies.
For fun and grinding of teeth, chinchillas need to lay hay, various sawdust on the floor of the cage, as well as sand, in which they love to swim.
These animals feel great at room temperature no higher than 20 ° C and humidity 45-60%. They are more sensitive to heat than cold. Although it is not recommended to overcool them either.
Eating domestic chinchillas

Chinchillas, as the early ones already wrote, are picky about food. They belong to herbivores, so plant foods are the basis of their diet. Every day they should eat both concentrated (legumes, grains, seeds) and green (various greens) feed, as well as mineral supplements and always hay. The daily norm of hay, which should always be in the cage, is about 25 g. In winter, carrots are added to their diet.
A slightly different diet for babies, pregnant and lactating females. They are advised to feed oatmeal and milk mixture (oatmeal 2 × 3 g, mix 1, 5 × 2 g per baby, females 2, 5 × 3 times more). The diet of chinchillas must be treated very carefully, since the most common causes of death of animals are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
It is enough for them to eat once a day. Give water simple, boiled, cool.
Cleaning the cage

The chinchilla cage should be cleaned and disinfected regularly (once or twice a week). Pathogenic flora can be killed by exposure to an acidic environment and ultraviolet light. Metal parts are washed with an acid solution (for example, salicylic acid solution), for wooden parts, irradiation with a germicidal lamp is best, it will destroy all fungi and spores.
Grooming and bathing chinchillas

The hair of chinchillas also needs to be inspected and, if necessary, combed out excess. If the animals live in pairs, there is no need for combing, they themselves save each other one unnecessary.
Not all chinchillas will like this process, this must be done carefully and in no case should you pull the hairs. It is necessary to examine the animal regularly, if lumps are found, gently comb with your fingers or a brush.
Chinchillas need sand and dust baths to feel good. After such baths, their coat becomes fluffy and shiny. The composition of the baths should be approximately as follows: sifted sand 90–95% with the addition of talc.
Reproduction of chinchillas

Sexual maturation of females begins at the age of 6 months, sometimes even earlier, and ends at about 10 years. They mate only at night. Rows pregnancy is approximately 110 days. The female's weight increases by 100-110 g. The cubs are born sighted and almost ready for adult life (their weight is 30-70 g). After giving birth, they need to be warmed and dried. A young female can give birth to 1? 3 children, and an older female can give birth to 5? 6.
The price of a domestic chinchilla

Depending on the state of health, color and age, the cost of chinchillas is $ 50-400. This is an expensive animal and requires attention. Before buying it, you need to understand for yourself whether you can afford such a pleasure, because you still need to buy a cage and everything you need to keep the animal at home. If you do decide, I think she will justify your wishes.
Informative video about domestic chinchillas - maintenance and care:

Photos of chinchillas: