How to care for fry?

How to care for fry?
How to care for fry?

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Tips for beginner hobbyists to learn how to properly care for fry in the aquarium. Also, everything about the care of the aquarium, how to feed them and other recommendations. If at the next inspection of the aquarium you find fry, then you should not jump for happiness. Indeed, very quickly, a feeling of intoxicating joy can be replaced by an empty bewildered look. Issues such as caring for the fry, feeding them and creating suitable conditions for the growing young take a lot of time and effort, so very often novice aquarists make a lot of mistakes that lead to the death of fry.

If you were planning to breed fish, then first you need to take care of the health of future young animals in advance. It is recommended to thoroughly clean the aquarium in advance, or wipe the walls with salt or baking soda to remove bacteria and infections. You also need to take care of the quality of the water, because the water should be similar to natural water. Some aquarists, in order to protect the water in the aquarium from microbes, sterilize it with ultraviolet light or ozonize it.

To keep the water in the aquarium clean, you need to replace 10% of the water with fresh and settled water every day. There should not be a lot of aquarium plants, because when cleaning the aquarium, they need to be taken out and rinsed, and there may be fry on the plants, which float into the water supply when cleaning.

If among the eggs you notice white or deformed eggs, then they must be removed immediately with a pipette. When keeping fry of viviparous fish, you need to know that immediately after birth, they do not tolerate unfavorable conditions. Many fry die due to water pollution with waste products because they are born unprepared for bad conditions. To avoid this, you need to change up to 90% of the total volume of water every day where the fry are kept.

Feeding the fry

Feeding the fry
Feeding the fry

The most important thing in caring for young growth is proper nutrition. Immediately after birth, most fry do not need to be fed, as they have a yolk sac, which provides food for the fry in the first days of life. But from the very first hours of the appearance of the fish, you need to prepare a proper and balanced diet. The very first food for small fish are various microorganisms that live in the water column. But if the fry appeared in a sterile aquarium, you need to buy a special food that is rich in proteins. The most important mistake novice aquarists make is feeding the young with adult food. This food is dangerous in that the fry can simply choke on it. Also, some types of live food may simply begin to hunt for the fry themselves, which will be very inappropriate. At first, the immune system of the growing young is very weak and infections along with live food can easily kill the young.

Before they begin to feed on their own, you need to prepare a menu corresponding to their type. In stock you need to have a wide variety of feed, both crushed live and conventional dry. The range of forage crops should be quite high: ciliates, brine shrimp, rotifers. But the menu must be prepared in advance.

Feeding with fry of viviparous fish is rather simpler. They are born already fully formed and it is not very difficult to compose a menu for them, because the fry of viviparous species are born quite large and can eat more food.

The remains of food after feeding must be removed, because microbes and bacteria can multiply in it.

The place of residence of the fry must be selected according to the type of fish. The larger the adult fish, the more spacious you need the aquarium. For smaller fish species, you can use a smaller aquarium. If the number of children in the aquarium is too high, then this is very bad. With overpopulation, hygiene deteriorates very quickly, as a result of this, the fry can get stressed or even die. That's why you need a spacious aquarium for kids.

To keep your aquarium clean and oxygenated, you need a small filter. Its power should be enough to filter water and not suck in "pot-bellied trifle". Very quickly, the fry will grow up and become adult fish, which will delight the eyes of others.

Good luck looking after the fry!