Capybaras - large capybaras

Capybaras - large capybaras
Capybaras - large capybaras

If this is the first time you see this touching animal, be sure to read about it to get to know better. Capybara is an enlarged copy of a guinea pig, but, unlike the latter, this animal loves to splash and dive in water bodies. Content:

  • Description of animals
  • Habitat
  • Social structure
  • Home maintenance
  • Videos and photos

Capybara (capybara in English) is a very interesting animal, herbivorous mammal. This is a close relative of guinea pigs, similar in appearance to them, but much larger. Unlike guinea pigs, capybaras adore the water element, therefore they belong to semi-aquatic mammals. These are the biggest rodents.

Description of the appearance of the capybara

Capybara appearance
Capybara appearance

No wonder, the second name of the animal capybara. This herbivore is the largest rodent. An adult takes the size of a large dog, its body reaches a length of 100 × 135 cm. The height at the withers is up to 60 cm. The weight of an adult female ranges from 28 to 67 kg, and of a male, from 30 to 63 kg. The largest rodent was recorded at 70 kg.

Animals are squat, have a large build. Outwardly, they look like a giant guinea pig. The head is massive, the eyes and ears are small. The legs are short, the hind legs are longer than the front ones. On the front there are 4, and on the back - 3 fingers with swimming membranes.

The capybara's coat resembles that of a beaver - it is just as tough. The length of the hair is brown from 3 to 12 cm (they have only that color). The animal has a short tail.

Gerald Durrell (English writer, founder of the Jersey Zoo and the Wildlife Conservation Fund), describing this animal, said that it is a good-natured phlegmatic vegetarian with a calm and friendly disposition.

Habitat of capybaras

Capybaras in the water
Capybaras in the water

Capybaras inhabit the temperate and tropical forests of South and Central America, from Uruguay to Panama, in northeastern Argentina. For a normal existence, they need water bodies nearby, therefore capybaras settle along the banks of rivers and ponds. They cannot live far from water, during the dry period they settle in whole colonies on the banks of large rivers and other bodies of water. In search of food and water, capybaras are able to cover a considerable distance.

These animals are excellent swimmers, their eyes and nostrils are positioned in such a way that when they are in the water, it does not fall into them. If the capybara sees a dangerous enemy, it will almost completely disappear into the water, only its nostrils through which it breathes will be visible. This feature and long teeth allow these capybaras to escape from some predators. The enemies of these animals are wild dogs, alligators, crocodiles, caimans, anacondas, jaguars, ocelots. For young guinea pigs, large birds of prey, such as the Urubu vulture, pose a danger.

The social structure of the capybara

Little capybaras
Little capybaras

Capybaras live in large families, in which there are from 10 to 20 individuals. The group is headed by a dominant male. Several large adult females also occupy a dominant position. The group also includes subordinate males, cubs. Some capybaras are forced to live as hermits, the number of these individuals does not exceed 10%. This is mainly due to the fact that the dominant male expels male competitors from the family, so they are forced to live alone.

If the habitat of capybaras is arid, then capybaras flock into herds, the number of which reaches several hundred individuals. Such a herd covers an area of up to 10 hectares. Capybaras communicate in an interesting way, you can hear how they whistle, make barking, clicking sounds.

Reproduction of capybaras mainly occurs in April - May, but they can mate all year round. The pregnancy of a female lasts an average of 150 days, as a result of which she gives birth to 2 to 8 cubs. Although they weigh only 1.5 kilograms, they are already quite independent, since they are born with teeth, open eyes and hair. The mother feeds the babies with her milk for 3–4 months. Basically, the female brings one litter per year, but can become pregnant 2–3 times a year. After 15–18 months, when small capybaras gain weight of 30–40 kg, they become adults and are capable of reproduction.

Keeping capybaras in captivity

Capybara at home on the couch
Capybara at home on the couch

You can see these animals with your own eyes in some zoos. If you liked this animal so much that you wanted to buy a capybara, evaluate your options.

How much does an animal cost? The price of a capybara in Moscow is about 90? 120 thousand rubles (1200? 1800 dollars), throughout Russia the price can jump up to 150 thousand rubles. ($ 2200). As a rule, it is difficult to buy a capybara from your hands, you need to place an order in specialized pet stores. The animal is very friendly, affectionate, has a wonderful character, but it is picky about the conditions of detention. Capybaras need space, so they need to be bred, providing sufficient territory where the grass grows, there is a thornless bush. Under it, the capybara will be able to hide from the sun, as well as gnaw on twigs. She needs this, as she needs to grind constantly growing teeth.

If there is no bush, then it is necessary to periodically put tree branches in the corral. An indispensable condition for keeping capybaras is a pool. It should be spacious so that the capybara can swim whenever she wants, dive without limiting herself in movement. During the cold season, the capybara is kept in a warm, spacious enclosed space with a heated pool and ample light.

In food, the capybara is unpretentious, eats mainly grass, grain, zucchini, melon, and aquatic plants. If you decide to keep the animal at home, feed it with granules for rodents, which contain the necessary minerals and vitamins, fruits and vegetables, in the cold season also hay. Give them vitamin C occasionally.

If you do not plan to breed capybaras, when is it better to castrate the male, since, having entered the time of puberty, he can perceive the owners as an object of courting. Capybaras live in captivity for 12 years.

Capybaras are quite intelligent animals, they can be taught simple tricks. They like to put their head on the owner's lap for him to scratch and stroke. They love capybaras when they are stroked on the stomach, from such caress they often fall asleep.

If you want to keep a capybara at home, you must be sure that the animal is completely healthy. After all, it can be carriers of diseases dangerous to humans, for example, spotted fever. The disease is transmitted to humans by the ixodid tick parasitizing the capybara. Proceeding from this and from the fact that capybaras need special living conditions, it is better to admire them in the zoo or remotely by watching a video where this charming creature plays the main role.

Video about capybaras - how to keep them at home and how to feed them:

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