Chlorophytum - the orderly of the apartment

Chlorophytum - the orderly of the apartment
Chlorophytum - the orderly of the apartment

Chlorophytum is not only unpretentious, it perfectly cleans the air in problem areas of the room. From the article, you will learn how to propagate a plant, take care of it at home, and much more. Photos and videos. Chlorophytum (Latin Chlorophytum or in English Spider plant) is one of the most unpretentious indoor plants. It is truly unique, as it is able to clean the air in the room from harmful impurities and saturate it with oxygen.

Chlorophytum is a herbaceous plant, reaching a height and a diameter of half a meter. Previously, it was referred to as lily. Now botanists are in confusion - since there is no consensus among them as to which genus chlorophytum belongs to. Some researchers say that this plant belongs to asparagus, others that it belongs to the agave family.

White chlorophytum flowers
White chlorophytum flowers

Chlorophytum has green or white-green narrow leaves, drooping stems, on which airy whiskers or, as they are called, babies form in place of white flowers.

Growth conditions and plant care

Like geranium, chlorophytum grows in almost any soil. In winter, the temperature should be +12? +14 ° С, in summer + 15 - +22 ° С. If the plant is located near heating devices or there is a summer heat, it must be sprayed, this is rarely done in winter. The flower can be for some time at temperatures up to +8 ° C degrees.

Chlorophytum - plant care
Chlorophytum - plant care

Chlorophytum is unpretentious, therefore it grows in almost any conditions. He will carry both shadow and bright light. It can be placed on the windowsill, on the kitchen shelf, on the wall near the window. But if the room is poorly lit, then variegated forms can lose their bright color. Therefore, the lighting should be sufficient, but diffused. If possible, in the summer the pot of chlorophytum should be taken out to the balcony, to the loggia or to the fresh air in the country.

In terms of hydration, chlorophytum should be watered abundantly in the spring and summer, and the plant should be watered sparingly in winter. If at this time of the year there is a waterlogged earthy coma, the roots of the plant may rot. If the tips of the leaves began to dry in chlorophytum, it means that the room has too intense lighting or low humidity of the soil and air. If this is fixed, the plant will soon perk up and show itself in all its glory.

Chlorophytum is fed in the spring-summer period once or twice a month with a complex mineral fertilizer for flowers.

Reproduction and transplantation of chlorophytum

Chlorophytum is propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation or by rooting of lateral processes. They are planted in light moist soil, not deeply deepening, after which the plant will quickly take root and soon give new shoots, which are called whiskers. Some of them need to be cut off so that the young plant takes root, and the children do not pull off nutrients.

Chlorophytum transplant
Chlorophytum transplant

Over time, chlorophytum develops strong roots, soon they fill most of the pot, so it must be transplanted annually at home, providing an increasing capacity. If the bush is very large, it is divided into several during transplantation. To do this, cut it in half or into 3-4 parts with a sharp knife, leaving a sufficient number of roots on the main plant.

He is planted in a prepared pot, crumpled around the ground and watered with settled water. For a while, chlorophytum should be where it is not hot. When the plant takes root, it is placed in the chosen place. The soil for chlorophytum should consist of a mixture of sod, leafy soil, humus, taken in 1 part and sand, of which half of the part is taken.

The reasons for the deterioration in appearance and how to eliminate them

  • If chlorophytum has brown spots on the leaves in winter, this indicates a high temperature or excessive waterlogging.
  • Brown and dry tips of the leaves tell about too dry and warm air or insufficient nutrition. Seeing this signal, spray the plant more often, water it enough and feed it with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for flowers.
  • If the leaves wrinkle, and brown spots have appeared on their edges, then most likely this is from a lack of water, in this case it is necessary to increase the amount of watering of the plant.
  • If the leaves of chlorophytum are sluggish and pale, it means that the flower has little light or lacks mineral nutrition. Also, this signal may indicate an excess of heat.
  • If an adult plant does not have peduncles, transplant it into a larger pot, then the situation will improve.

Pests and diseases

Chlorophytum affected by thrips
Chlorophytum affected by thrips

Chlorophytum can be affected by thrips (see photo above). To prevent the appearance and spread of this pest, it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently high air humidity near the plant, which must be periodically inspected.

If the pests do appear, you need to cut off the affected leaves, dilute the insecticide against aphids according to the instructions, treat the plant, and then repeat the treatment with an interval of 8 days four more times. To prevent these pests from appearing, spread a few balls of naphthalene near chlorophytum, the smell will scare off thrips.

Useful properties of chlorophytum


As mentioned above, this houseplant will effectively and quickly cleanse the air from carbon monoxide, harmful impurities. Chlorophytum is able to absorb harmful substances in the air, so it is advisable to place the flower in the kitchen so that it absorbs the combustion products that the gas stove emits. For normal life, the plant needs formaldehydes, nitrogen oxides and other elements, so in such conditions it feels great. However, it is quite hot here, so it is necessary to provide chlorophytum with water and humidify the air periodically.

In addition, the plant is quite large, due to the large total area of its leaves, which are strewn with children, it emits a lot of oxygen. If you put some crushed activated carbon into a pot with a plant, then the cleansing properties of chlorophytum will increase.

Video about the chlorophytum plant: care, where to put and useful properties:

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