What is a plant?

What is a plant?
What is a plant?

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Everything that surrounds us and is not touched by human hands - this is all called nature, and nature is basically different plants. It is divided into five different kingdoms: protozoa, bacteria, plants, fungi and animals. Plants - these are organisms that are able to process the solar energy of the rays for their cells into building material. This process was named photosynthesis. This process occurs in individual plant cells - in chloroplasts, they contain a green pigment - chlorophyll, in plants it stains the stems and leaves green. In this process, inorganic substances (carbon dioxide and water), under the influence of sunlight, convert them into organic substances (starch and sugar), this is the material of building plant cells. At the same time, the plant world releases oxygen, which we need to breathe. From all of the above, they called them "Plant World" or "Flora".

Large plants have a root, stem and leaves, such a stem is called a shoot. But in trees, the stem is called the trunk. The roots and leaves are called the breadwinners of the plant. The roots suck in moisture from the minerals and allow them to stay on the ground, and the photosynthesis process takes place in the leaves. Some plants have developed ways of protecting themselves from various herbivores: the stems and leaves of plants serve as protection. Leaves like henbane and wormwood can be bitter, as well as burning, or sharp and tough like sedges. Also, some plants, like rose hips, are armed with thorns or thorns. All these methods of protection are necessary for them to reduce the ingestion of food by animals or humans. There are also plants, their poisonous entry into the body often leads to the death of the body. With these types of protection, they prolong their existence on earth.

What is a plant?
What is a plant?

All plants differ in appearance and their name, some of them we call herbs, others trees. For example, trees Are plants that are characterized by perennial trunks. If you look at the cross-cut of the trunk, you can see that in the center of the trunk there is a drier and darker one - this is a dead core of wood. Closer to the edge, the wood becomes wet and light, this is called sapwood, living wood, through which minerals and water enters: into the roots, then enters the branches and leaves. Sapwood and heartwood xylem - takes the base of the tree trunk, surrounded by bast - through which nutrients (starch and sugar) are delivered from the leaves to the roots and other various parts and vice versa. Cells such as bast form a dead bark that protects the outer layer of the trunk. Between the xylem and the bast there is a layer of thin cells, which form wood with internal division, and with external division of cells, a bast is obtained. This process is called cambium.

Height of trees

an average of 20-30 meters, and among them there are huge trunks that reach 100-200 meters and, of course, there are dwarf trees, their height is 50 centimeters.

Shrubs, unlike tree trunks, have several trunks, the shoots of the shrub branch out above the surface of the earth, and the main trunk of the shrub is absent. These shrubs include lilacs, nuts, and more. Such plants are undersized with lignified rhizomes, branches, hidden underground and are called shrubs. Refers to shrubs heather, blueberry, lingonberry (the properties of lingonberry are enormous, these are very useful berries for the body). Many shrubs are well tolerated for spreading over soil covers. If you plant a rosehip, then in a couple of years a lot of the same shrubs will grow from one shrub, they easily take root on the ground, without any human intervention.
