Hair is electrified - what to do?

Hair is electrified - what to do?
Hair is electrified - what to do?

Electrifying hair can ruin even the most expensive salon styling. This article will tell you about why hair is electrified, and how you can deal with this phenomenon at home. Hair electrification is caused by static electricity, which is converted in our curls when the hairs rub against each other. Almost all the time, its accumulation is insignificant and does not cause any feeling of discomfort. But if conditions are favorable, a large amount of static electricity will be generated. This phenomenon can be triggered by increased dryness of the hair, as well as the result of frequent contact of hair with synthetic materials.

As a rule, this problem is clearly manifested precisely with the onset of winter, when the air is heated by various heating devices, hats are worn every day. But many girls face this trouble in the hot season, especially if they are exposed to direct sunlight for a long time.

Most often, strands that are prone to dryness begin to electrify. The hair itself has a unique porous structure, which contributes to the accumulation of static electricity. Frequent use of curling irons and hair irons, a hair dryer, a variety of chemicals for dyeing, etc. can provoke increased dry hair. A lack of vitamins and moisture can also cause a significant deterioration in the condition of the hair.

Causes of electrifying hair

Hair is electrified - what to do?
Hair is electrified - what to do?

Electrification of hair can be provoked not only by external causes, but also by improper care of injured hair, unbalanced nutrition. The most common factors contributing to the build-up of electrical charge are:

  • Hats … Under the hat, the hair gives in to constant friction against each other. This leads to the beginning of an intense production of electrical charge.
  • Unfavorable climatic conditions … Hair begins to become electrified with a sharp change in external factors - hot sun, unstable temperature, variable humidity, gusts of dry wind, etc. These factors lead to the fact that the hair gradually becomes weak and loses its elasticity, begins to bristle and becomes naughty, the styling process becomes much more complicated and the hairstyle lasts very little.
  • Avitaminosis … An acute lack of vitamins is most acutely felt in spring and winter, which provokes certain disturbances in the work of the whole organism. Hair follicles lack minerals and vitamins, as a result, the strands begin to lose their natural external lubricant, which is their protection from adverse environmental factors. Due to prolonged vitamin starvation, the process of internal destruction of curls begins, as a result of which there is a possibility of a complete change in their structure.
  • Improper hair care cosmetics … You need to be very careful when choosing products that should fully match your hair type. If you use balms and shampoos designed for oily hair on dry strands, there is a risk only to aggravate the condition of the hair, provoking even more dehydration.
  • Lack of moisture … This phenomenon can be triggered as a result of prolonged and frequent exposure to the sun, as well as the constant use of a hair dryer for drying and a curling iron for styling curls.

The above reasons are the most common, but there may be others as well. It depends on the individual.

What to do if hair becomes electrified?


An antistatic agent, which was developed specifically to solve the problem of hair electrification, is simply irreplaceable. It is not always at hand, and there is not enough time to go to the store. Do not despair, because simple folk remedies that have an amazing effect will become an excellent alternative.

Essential oils

Essential oils are the best antistatic agent of natural origin, very easy to use and giving quick results. You need to take a clean spray bottle, pour some water into it, then add literally a couple of drops of lavender oil.

Such a composition will help not only make the curls obedient, but also give them a beautiful and healthy shine. It is enough to apply a little of the product to the comb and work the hair from the roots to the very ends.

Correct use of the hair dryer

Many girls make such a common mistake as the daily use of a hair dryer, which greatly dries out the hair and provokes this problem. Such actions can ruin the structure of the curls, which in no case should be allowed.

During blow-drying, the weakened hair is strongly influenced by very hot air. As a result, the curls are stressed and become much more electrified. You should try to use a hairdryer as little as possible, only in the most necessary cases. It will also be better if you set the cool air mode, due to which the negative effect on the strands will be reduced and the hair will not dry out too much.

Mineral water

Experts recommend rinsing unruly curls with mineral carbonated water immediately after washing your hair. However, care must be taken to keep the water at room temperature.

You can also use plain cold water. Thanks to this procedure, not only the likelihood of hair electrification is reduced, but also the scalp is perfectly toned, and the general condition of the strands is significantly improved. It must be remembered that masks or conditioners should also be used to help maintain the desired level of moisture in the hair.

The right comb

Hair is electrified - what to do?
Hair is electrified - what to do?

One of the most common electrifying hair problems is the wrong comb. Also, this problem can be triggered by the improper use of a variety of styling combs.

The ideal option would be to opt for a wooden massage comb or a brush with natural bristles. Avoid using a simple plastic comb entirely, as it will only make the situation worse, but can lead to more serious hair problems.

Proper hair care

About 15 minutes before wearing the hat, you need to apply a couple of drops of essential oil (pink or lavender) to the comb and comb through all the strands. This natural remedy will help you avoid electrifying curls.

It is necessary to carefully review all cosmetic hair care products. Most often, brittle, dry, thin and split curls suffer from this problem. If in this case shampoo is used for normal or oily hair, do not be surprised why this problem appeared.

It is strictly forbidden to wash your hair with hot water, as this is one of the very first reasons that provoke hair electrification. Moderately warm water is ideal, and for rinsing, you need to prepare water at room temperature. After washing, let your hair dry naturally. It is recommended to wear hats both in winter and in summer, since hypothermia of the scalp, as well as prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the hair, should not be allowed. When choosing a headdress, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should be made only of high-quality natural material, you need to monitor its cleanliness.

During installation, you need to use foam or wax, since special antistatic substances are added to their composition, which do not allow electrification. At least twice a year, preferably in the off-season, it is necessary to drink a multivitamin course, which has a positive effect on the general condition of the hair.

It is necessary to try to ensure that the air in the room is not very dry. You must drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. It is also helpful to use simple but effective folk remedies and masks to help keep your hair soft and manageable.

Anti-electrification masks

  • Egg yolk, kefir, mango … Mashed potatoes are made from mango, 2 tbsp is taken. l. and mixed with 50 g of kefir (fatty), 1 yolk (raw) is introduced. All components are well mixed, and the resulting composition is applied to the strands for half an hour. Washed off with warm water.
  • Grape oil, egg yolk, vitamin A, honey … 2 tbsp is heated in a water bath. l. grape oil and liquid honey, raw yolk (2 pcs.) and vitamin A (1 ampoule) are introduced. After half an hour, this composition is washed off with warm water. Instead of grape seed oil, you can use castor or burdock oil.
  • Honey, olive oil, egg yolk … In a water bath, mix 2 tbsp. l. fresh honey, olive oil, raw yolk is introduced. A warm mask is applied to the strands and left for half an hour.
  • Castor oil, cognac, egg yolk … 1 tbsp. l. castor oil is heated in a water bath, raw yolk and 2 tbsp. l. cognac. The resulting composition in a warm, but not hot, form is applied to the strands and washed off after half an hour.

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