The behavior of a sloth, the structure of internal organs is different from other animals. From the article, you will learn many interesting facts from the life of these animals and can decide whether to buy a sloth as a pet or not. Photos and videos. The first mention of sloths dates back to 1553. Then Pedro Cieza de Leono mentioned them in his book, which is called "The Chronicle of Peru". The writer did not like these animals. He noted that they have an ugly appearance, they are clumsy, move sluggishly.
Description of the species

There are several types of sloths. It:
- Bradypus tridactylus - Three-toed sloth;
- Bradypus variegatus - Brown-throated sloth;
- Bradypus torquatus - Collar sloth;
- Bradypus pygmaeus - Pygmy sloth.
All these sloths have 2 or 3 fingers, so there are two large groups - two-toed and three-toed sloths. Previously, they belonged to the same family. Two-toed is called unau in another way, in Latin it sounds like Choloepus didactylus.
Despite some differences, all sloths are quite similar to each other. Adults weigh 4-9 kg, grow up to 60 cm. It is interesting that the very distant ancestors of these animals were the size of an elephant, but like many giants, they became extinct about 10-12 thousand years ago.
You can only meet modern sloths in South and Central America. In ancient times, they were also found in the northern part of this continent. But the Europeans who came there mercilessly exterminated these animals, so they are no longer found in North America.
Sloths have a funny appearance, a bit like a monkey. Their fingers are just as tenacious, which allows them to hold on tightly to trees, sleep, hanging upside down. But, unlike monkeys, these animals have a short tail covered with wool. Their fur is thick. He almost covers his small eyes and ears. The structure of the face is such that it seems as if sloths are constantly smiling.
These animals are classified as Not full-toothed, because their teeth do not have roots and enamel. Moreover, they are almost identical in size and shape. But two-toed sloths have a pair of fangs. This is another difference between these two groups.
The head of these animals is small and the brain, which is located in it, also does not differ in large size. The hearing and vision organs of sloths are not as well developed as the sense of smell. But they distinguish colors, which distinguishes them from many other animals. In addition, these interesting animals have internal organs in a strange way. The liver has no points of contact with the abdominal wall, and the trachea bends, there are other features of the location of internal organs. Unlike other mammals, wool does not grow towards the tail, but in the opposite direction - towards the ridge.
The neck of these animals has 8-9 vertebrae, is distinguished by extraordinary mobility, due to which they are able to turn their head 270 °. The body temperature of a sloth in motion is 30? 34 ° C, when it is at rest - even lower, it can reach 24 ° C.
Sloth lifestyle and nutrition

The basis of the diet of these animals is woody leaves, but the menu includes a small percentage of animal food in the form of small lizards and insects. Nature has arranged in an interesting way the microflora of the digestive tract of sloths - so that indigestible leaves are absorbed by the body, symbiont bacteria are used to help this process.
Usually sloths eat well, so that a quarter or a third of their body weight is consumed food. Then he may not eat for a while and for a whole month digests the previously absorbed leaves, which are of low nutritional value and low in calories. Such low-calorie food forces sloths to conserve energy. They spend a lot of time in trees. Tenaciously clinging to the branch with their large claws, they can stay in this position for a long time.

The animals sleep about 10 hours a day, the rest of the time they move very slowly, if necessary, or are in a static position. If they want to have a bite, they simply turn their super-movable neck in the right direction and reach with their mouths to the leaf that they like. This is how these animals spend most of their time - in an almost motionless position, which is why they got their name. They even give birth on a tree. They descend from it only in order to satisfy their natural needs. But this happens only once a week, since they have a very large bladder. Sloths are very clean, never defecate in trees, and bury their feces in a hole like cats. They perform a small feat, descending from tall trees, being 30-40 meters from the ground, on which they become practically defenseless.
Surprisingly, these sluggish creatures swim well, developing speeds of up to 4 km / h.
Interestingly, two-toed sloths are active mainly at night, three-toed sloths - during the day. Sloths are accustomed to leading a solitary lifestyle, but even if they meet a relative on their territory, they will treat him tolerantly - they will not show aggression, they will calmly feed and sleep nearby.
Reproduction, the appearance of the offspring of sloths

Sloths are not noisy animals. Three-toed ones can occasionally shout "ah-ah", if they are unhappy, then sniff loudly.
When it is time for the mating season, such calls allow males and females to find each other. Two-toed can mate all year round, and three-toed breeds in the spring - in March-April.
Pregnancy can last for different types of sloths from 6 to 12 months, as a result of which 1 cub will be born. While giving birth, the female hangs only on its front legs, and unhooks the hind legs. The baby that was born immediately grabs the mother with its paws by the fur and rushes to her breast.

The first 2 years he eats milk, after which he gradually gets used to plant foods. An independent sloth cub becomes at 9 months old, and an adult at 2, 5 years old. In captivity, sloths usually reach the age of 20; there are cases when these animals lived in zoos up to 35 years old. In nature, they live less, as they often die.
Keeping a sloth in captivity
The basis of the diet of three-toed sloths is the flowers and leaves of cecropia, therefore keeping them in captivity is difficult. If you can provide the animal with such food, then you can settle it in a home mini-zoo or purchase a two-toed one.

It is better to keep the sloth in a separate room, or at least allocate a corner for him, which must be equipped in a certain way. Place and anchor there artificial trees with branches where the unhurried furry will hang. He will be comfortable in a hammock. Rope ladders will also be useful.
He needs a tropical microclimate, at home you can create one with a humidifier. Be sure to have clean water in the drinking bowl. If possible in the summer, let it go outside, in an aviary, so that the animal soak up in the sun. Do not forget that sudden changes in temperature are bad for the health of this animal.
It is not necessary to keep it in the corral all the time in the cold season. Let your pet out into a spacious room, he will show you how cleverly he can climb onto the bed, hide there, how affectionate he is and how well he gets along with children.
Feeding your sloth at home

If you do not have the opportunity to feed this animal with his favorite food - eucalyptus leaves, then do it easier. Buy special food for sloths. Also include vegetables, sometimes some eggs, fruits, cottage cheese in the diet. It is necessary to periodically add vitamins to food.
Before you buy a sloth, think about whether you can provide him with decent living conditions? The price of this animal in our countries can range from 100 to 180 thousand rubles. Only on order. Perhaps you can find it cheaper. Remember that this is a slow animal. If you want to buy a pet so that you can race with it, arrange outdoor games, then it is better to buy a dog. But on the other hand, the sloth is suitable for people with a calm character, families with children.
One of the entertainment that awaits you is sloth bathing. This should be done periodically. And the animal likes this procedure very much. Here is an occupation that will delight both the owner and the sloth. By the way, the animal does not have an unpleasant smell, this is another plus in favor of keeping the sloth at home.
But all the same, before making a big purchase, you should think carefully, consult with experts, and then decide whether to buy a sloth or not.
Sloth videos and pictures: