Orchids are real tropical beauties. These flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature. Learn how to care for home orchids in this article. All orchids can be divided into three types based on their lifestyle: orchids growing in soil (unearthly orchids), orchids growing on other plants (epiphytes) and orchids growing in the tropics (saprophytes). Bloom orchids once a year - in winter. The flowering of indoor orchids is a long process, taking in some species from one to three months. The flowers are solitary, their perianth is brightly colored, and the fruit is a box.
What to look for when buying an orchid
When buying an orchid, do not forget to check the condition of the roots, which must be firm and well developed. The color of the roots should be white or light green. Also note that the roots should not show any signs of decay: white dots and dark bloom. Checking the roots before purchasing a plant is very important, so if the roots are closed from inspection, do not buy this plant. Having bought an orchid, remove it from the pot, removing with scissors all dry and broken leaves, as well as roots.
Growing and caring for orchids at home
Grow an orchid
advise in plastic pots, although in the past they used mainly clay pots to grow orchids. In plastic pots, plants have more room for roots and several holes for water to drain. This is necessary for the unhindered flow of excess moisture, and the holes in the pot allow the roots of the plant to breathe.

In the summer, it is recommended to water the orchids abundantly, and in the winter, the plant needs rest, so it is best to reduce its watering. Keep the flower in a well-lit place, because the orchid is very fond of light. Do not forget to treat the plant from time to time with special preparations that protect the plant from the appearance of aphids and ticks. Also, regularly remove wilted leaves of the plant, disinfect the windowsill and pot. You can make your own orchid substrate or purchase it from a store. The most important thing is that the substrate is loose. To do this, growers add pieces of pine bark, charcoal, moss and crushed fern roots to the soil. In the summer, the plant must be kept at a temperature of 18 to 24 degrees. In winter, orchids need a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.
Fertilizing and watering orchids
In the hot season water the orchid it is necessary several times a week, and in warm weather it will be enough to water the plant once a week.
With the arrival of autumn, watering should be reduced, but at the same time it is necessary to spray the surface of the substrate. It is also very important to increase the nitrogen nutrition of the plant in the spring and during the period of the emergence of young shoots. During the growth of the plant, as well as during the appearance of buds, it is recommended to feed the orchid with each watering.
Transplant an orchid
it is necessary every 2–5 years or when there is not enough space for her in the pot. Transplanting the plant must be done with utmost care to avoid damage to the roots.