Tofu - soy cheese

Tofu - soy cheese
Tofu - soy cheese

Description of tofu cheese, calorie content, chemical composition and beneficial properties. Who is better off to quit? How is cheese made, in which dishes is it added as an ingredient? Interesting facts about the product. Soy tofu cheese is especially useful for women. The weaker sex is trying to control weight, so a low-calorie product that quickly satisfies hunger due to its high amount of protein becomes a wonderful supplement for the diet. Plus, soy protein is high in phytoestrogen, which can help relieve painful PMS during regular menstrual cycles and the discomfort of hot flashes and pressure swings caused by the transition to menopause.

Contraindications and harm to tofu

Stomach upset
Stomach upset

Products from soy and soy protein are not consumed in case of individual intolerance. There is a misconception that if the cheese is fried or marinated during the cooking process, then the allergy will not manifest. This is not true. Regardless of the culinary technology, the composition does not change, and the condition may worsen. Redness, rash, swelling of the mucous membranes and gastrointestinal disorders appear. It is quite difficult to eliminate unpleasant symptoms without enterosorbents and antihistamines.

The harm from tofu appears when abused:

  • The production of thyroid hormones is stopped, goiter may appear.
  • In men, sperm quality deteriorates due to the high content of phytoestrogens in the product, which are similar in structure to female hormones.
  • Puberty in adolescents accelerates, which negatively affects the emotional state.
  • The assimilation of calcium, potassium and magnesium is impaired. Phytic acid, which binds these substances in the body, is "to blame" for this.

Given the traditions of Asian countries, it can be argued that it is impossible to overeat tofu cheese. A feature of national cuisines is the multicomponent nature of the dishes. But Europeans, who, deciding to lose weight, switch to a mono-diet, can provoke a deterioration in their own health.

How to make soy cheese?

Soya beans
Soya beans

Store-bought cheese always contains additional ingredients that increase the shelf life. But you can make a soy product at home.

Tofu recipes:

  1. From beans … Fruits, 500 g, washed, soaked for 8-12 hours in cold water - 0.5 liters, with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. During the day, the soybeans are washed several times and the filling is changed to fresh. Swollen beans are scrolled through a meat grinder 2-3 times, rubbed through a metal sieve with thin cells and 1.5 liters of boiled cold water are poured. After 3 hours, filter everything through cotton cloth and wring out. Soy milk is boiled and sealed with citric acid. It is better to dilute the acid with cold water in advance. Then the curdled milk is filtered, squeezed out. The curd is wrapped in a clean cloth and placed under a press. After 2-3 hours, tofu can be refrigerated - it tastes better when chilled.
  2. From soy milk … Knowing how to make soybean tofu makes it even easier to use prepared milk. Repeat the recommendations of the previous recipe, starting with boiling. Only in this case it is recommended to replace citric acid with fresh citrus juice or apple cider vinegar.
  3. Soy flour … First, pour the flour with cold water - 1: 1, stir and bring to a homogeneous consistency. Then 2 cups of boiling water are added to this container and the mixture is boiled for 10 minutes. Pour in lemon juice. Further actions as in the first recipe.

You can experiment with tofu recipes by adding crushed nuts, sesame seeds, and caraway seeds to soft cottage cheese. And someone likes sweet cheese - with cocoa or raisins.

Tofu recipes

Tofu cheese in batter
Tofu cheese in batter

It is impossible to imagine oriental cuisine without bean curd. It is included in almost all dishes - hot, soups, salads, desserts and drinks. Tofu is eaten like regular cheese, fried, stewed, heated, melted, combined with sauces - sour, sweet and spicy.

"Boneless meat" - this is how bean curd is called in Japan and China, the main source of protein for all segments of the population. Product availability must be considered. Those who do not have enough money for meat can meet the energy needs of the body with the help of the popular cheese.

Tofu Diet Recipes:

  • Spinach salad … In a salad bowl, mix half a glass of crushed pine nut kernels, 300 g of spinach, half a large red onion, 350 g of tofu. The dressing is prepared separately: the same amount of wine vinegar is poured into 3 tablespoons of olive oil and half a teaspoon of ordinary ready-made mustard is mixed in.
  • Vegetable salad … Salad dressing: Mix equal amounts of olive oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Slicing: 200 g of tofu, 150 g of fleshy tomatoes, 100-150 g of bell peppers, 80 g of boiled green peas. You do not need to salt - soy sauce is salty in itself. Before use, you can sprinkle with any herbs to taste.
  • Omelet with mushrooms … It is best to use champignons - 100-150 g, they are crushed, cut into small cubes. Stew until tender in a frying pan with a little water. When the water has evaporated almost completely, a small amount of oil is added, and when it is warmed up, chopped onions are fried - 1 onion, as well as 250 g of tofu. Quail eggs are beaten separately - 5-6 pieces, the mixture is poured into a frying pan. Close the lid and wait for the omelet to rise.
  • Okroshka … Dressing for okroshka is prepared in the same way as in usual cases. Vegetables to taste: radishes, cucumbers, green onions, boiled potatoes. No eggs - cut tofu into cubes instead. Sprinkle everything with lemon juice. Pour in kefir or kvass.
  • With sweet pepper … Onions, 2 pcs., Cut into rings, seeds are removed from bell peppers. Tofu, 600-700 g, cut into cubes. Mix chili and soy sauces, 4 and 8 tablespoons each, mix in the transferred garlic cloves - 4-5 pieces. Marinate cheese in sauce for half an hour. Heat the sunflower oil in a frying pan, fry the onion in it until it is golden brown, take it out with a slotted spoon and spread it on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Pour the oil into a separate plate, leaving a little bit, fry the bell peppers. When it's ready, put the onion, residual butter and cheese back on. All are fried for 3 minutes under the lid. Sprinkle with sesame oil before serving.
  • Batter Tofu Cheese Recipe … For batter, mix ground coriander, chili powder and chickpea flour. The dough should be moderately thick so that it does not spread. The tofu is cut into cubes. Nori seaweed is cut into pieces of the same length as the edges of soy cheese. If they are purchased in dried form, then they are first soaked. Each piece of tofu is wrapped in seaweed, pricked on a fork and dipped in batter. Fry on both sides until golden brown.
  • Nut dessert … Cut the tofu into cubes - 4 tablespoons, mix with crushed almonds or walnuts, put everything on a baking sheet and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, brown. Served with jam. Those who have tried the dessert prefer the orange one.
  • Banana dessert … Soft tofu is used. 3 overripe bananas are put into the freezer for the night. In the morning they are slightly defrosted, peeled, put into a blender bowl, 150 ml of soy milk, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice are poured, 80 g of soft tofu are added and 2 tablespoons of honey are added. Beat until tender pasty consistency. Add cinnamon or vanillin for flavor.
  • Berry dessert … Using a blender, mix: 400 g of soft tofu, 50-70 ml of various syrups to choose from - rose petals, mint, orange, 2-3 types, a quarter cup of soy milk (can be replaced with coconut), 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder or grated chocolate, a teaspoon of vanilla, star anise and cinnamon. Berries and nuts are laid out in vases, and a cocktail is poured on top.

You can experiment with tofu endlessly, getting new tastes and dishes. But if the package is opened, it must be fully used within 2-3 days. The cheese is not stored longer.

Interesting facts about tofu

Soy tofu cheese
Soy tofu cheese

In Japan, the prefix "O" - o-tofu, which means "respected", was added to the name of the cheese. This product is so appreciated.

There is a legend that tofu came out by accident. The Chinese official never took bribes and was so poor that his diet was limited to soybeans. Once he had breakfast on the beach, and the wave hit the dish. The bean porridge was curdled, but the official did not have the opportunity to prepare a new portion for himself - the stock of soybeans was running out. After tasting the dish, the official felt that it was more pleasant than steamed beans. And after regular use I felt a surge of energy.

"Experiments" with tofu took place in the 2nd century. BC NS. in China, and in the 8th century in Japan, it already became one of the main products. Later, he appeared on the menu of all categories of the population of Korea, Vietnam and Thailand.

In the United States, tofu was brought by settlers, and in European territory, bean curd became known due to the expansion of ties and the spread of vegetarianism - only by the end of the twentieth century.

Tofu varieties depend on the manufacturing technology, the type of coagulant for curdling, the holding time and the addition of ingredients:

  1. Douhua - soft cheese, in Hong Kong, on Lamma Island, it is served with sweet syrup.
  2. Firm tofu - dense, in taste and appearance more like mozzarella. It can be boiled, fried, pickled, smoked. It is most often used as an ingredient in multi-component dishes. The denser variety is called Western, the less dense - Asian or cotton.
  3. Silk or soft, reminiscent of the favorite English dish - pudding. Used to make soups or dishes that require steam processing. In Japan it is called kinugoshi.
  4. Smelly - popular in the cuisine of Shanghai residents.

There are other varieties of tofu that are made with additives - different types of nuts, paprika, peppers, and so on. Of course, the neutral taste is lost.

In Asian countries - Malaysia, China and Taiwan - there is even a holiday called "Smelly Tofu Day." On this day, cheese is sold everywhere - at gas stations, markets, restaurants, bars … It is curious that in time this holiday coincides with our "women's day" - March 8th.

Tofu is used as an ingredient in homemade face masks. With its help, you can even out the relief of the skin and get rid of age spots. One of the recipes: mix soft silk tofu and olive oil in equal parts, apply for 20 minutes. The skin then becomes soft, like natural velvet. The popularity of tofu among Asians is not only due to this. People in these countries are very frugal about food supplies. Maybe European residents will have to switch to soy cheese in the near future? Indeed, to prepare 1 kg of tofu, you need only 600 g of soybeans, and to make a regular one - 10 liters of milk.

Watch the video about soy tofu cheese:

When choosing tofu in a store, just pay attention to the expiration date on the packaging. At the "first" acquaintance, it is advisable to purchase a classic cheese, without additives, in order to feel the original taste.