Paint for walls as a finishing of premises, varieties of coloring compositions, their properties, colors, manufacturers. Wall paint is a suspension of pigments in combination with film-forming agents that has a homogeneous structure. It is used when decorating rooms and interior items, while an opaque coating is formed on the treated surface, which has protective and decorative properties.
Appointment of paints when repairing walls

In any interior, there are elements finished with paint. These can be individual decor details, ceilings, window frames, doorways and doors, as well as walls. For each described case, different types of paints can be used. Let us consider in more detail what compositions are used to paint walls, what properties they should have when used in residential premises.
Generalized purpose of paint:
- Decorative finishing … The creation of a plain or multi-colored surface can decorate any room, changing it beyond recognition. In this value, the paint can be selected according to the color scale and texture, as well as the degree of gloss. Special paints allow you to eliminate small irregularities, mask small cracks on the walls.
- Protection of the treated surface … The film formed after complete drying on the wall surface protects it from wear, moisture and sunlight. When special functional substances are included in the paint, it is possible to neutralize the spores of the fungus and other dangerous microorganisms (antifungal, antibacterial effect). Some paints contain components that have an anti-corrosion effect.
Specifications of wall paints

Let's describe the parameters of paints that you should pay attention to when buying:
- Harmlessness … Some coloring compositions contain components that can cause significant damage not only to the person directly working with them, but also to residents, even after complete drying. The activity of the process of emission of harmful substances is influenced by various microclimate conditions, for example, an increase in air temperature, humidity, exposure to sunlight.
- Wear resistance … Different types of paints have different resistance to mechanical damage. In order for the durability declared by the manufacturer to be at the proper level, correctly follow the recommendations for application and drying.
- Care … Some paints cannot be wetted, i.e. cleaning is done only dry. Others, indelible, can be treated with water, but stains that appear cannot be removed. Still others, washable, are capable of repelling dirt, and when cleaning, you can use soap or alkaline solutions. The fourth ones are intended only for dry rooms that have a low operating load and cannot withstand the effects of water vapor, polluting vapors from a gas stove, cigarette smoke settle on them too quickly, and the color of the coating changes.
- Hiding power … The ability of the coloring solution to overlap the color of the treated surface. A high level of this parameter indicates that the paint is capable of blocking even the contrasting color of the base when applied in 1-2 layers.
- Lightfastness … This characteristic is relevant for those rooms that are on the sunny side and are constantly exposed to sunlight, which can fade the color of wall paints, which significantly deteriorates the appearance of the room.
- Drying time … An important parameter for the overall speed of the repair. In most cases, you have to apply not one, but two layers of paint. Before the second application, the first coat must be completely dry to prevent bubbles from forming on the walls.
- Consumption … This parameter depends on the hiding power. Before buying, pay attention to the consumption of wall paint. Sometimes the more expensive colorant is so economical that it can properly paint the surface in 1-2 coats. As a result, it is cheaper than a larger volume of goods with a lower cost, the full hiding power of which is achieved when applying more than 2 layers.
The main varieties of wall paints
The varnish-and-paint industry is also distinguished by a variety of production technologies, which provides the market with a wide range of paints for interior wall decoration. These goods have a variety of characteristics that determine their classification. The composition of paints includes several components, which include film-forming substances, solvents, pigments, fillers and functional additives. As a film-forming agent in wall paints, glue, drying oil, varnishes, aqueous dispersions of polymers can be used. Here is the classification of wall paints according to their composition.
Alkyd paints for wall decoration

An alkyd resin is used as a base. There are two main subspecies - oil and enamel. Their smell is quite unpleasant and can stand out for some time even after drying. Alkyd paints are flammable and susceptible to alkali. Due to these properties, alkyd dyes are not recommended for use in residential premises.
Oil paint for walls is made on the basis of drying oil, they can be diluted even with gasoline, turpentine. Available on the market in liquid form (ready to use) and pasty. Their price is one of the lowest, but the drying rate is quite low, and during operation, harmful substances are released, the color becomes yellow over time. It is not recommended to paint walls in residential areas.
Varnish is used as a base in enamel paints. They dry quickly and are suitable for a wide variety of materials. This variety has the following advantages over oil: resistance to light and water, color fastness, durable coating reliably protects against corrosion, non-toxic.
Emulsion paint mixtures for walls

All components of this type of paint are evenly distributed in the water. Their huge advantage is that they are quite economical, do not create conditions for the spread of fire, are safe for the human body and the environment, dry quickly, they do not have a strong unpleasant odor, and are resistant to alkali.
If the surface was previously painted with glossy dyes or any adhesive, then you should not use water-based paint for the walls, it is better to first clean the surface of the old coating. Before applying to metal surfaces, it is worth using a protective primer. Among other characteristics of this type of paints: high elasticity, a large number of colors that do not change during use, quick drying, no odor.
Negative properties include poor absorbency, the ability to operate only in rooms with positive temperatures, and the fact that maximum strength appears only a month after application. Emulsion paints have several subtypes, among them - latex, acrylic, water-based, water-dispersion, silicone.
Let's describe each subspecies in more detail:
- Acrylic paint … It is made on the basis of acrylic resins. Has many benefits. The most significant: high elasticity, increased strength, resistance to ultraviolet and low air temperatures, high water-repellent properties, the formation of a film layer capable of protecting walls from corrosion. Acrylic wall paints are quite expensive, but cheaper options are available based on acrylic copolymers. It is not recommended to apply on fresh plaster, in rooms with high humidity, in old buildings. A variety of colors can be used to create a spectacular interior. acrylic paints lend themselves well to tinting.
- Latex paint for walls … The most expensive subspecies. Manufacturers add latex to its composition, due to which, after application, a durable water-repellent film is formed. Dries very quickly. Suitable for painting textured wallpaper, mineral surfaces. Has the ability to mask small cracks. However, the resistance to light is less than that of PVA paints and acrylics.
- Water-based paint for walls … They are quick drying and easy to apply. The coating is short-lived, because is gradually washed off if wet cleaning is applied. Water-based solutions have a wide color gamut, while they can be textured, which allows you to create volumetric images. The increased strength of the dye composition allows you to bridge existing cracks and prevent the appearance of new ones.
- Water-dispersive … They are moisture resistant, so they can be cleaned many times with liquid. Basically, this look is made only in white. Like water-based paints, these paints are vapor-permeable, applicable even in damp rooms, have high color fastness, but they do not tolerate sub-zero temperatures poorly.
- Silicone paints … Their cost is quite high. After application to walls made of mineral materials, a reliable water-repellent coating is created, but at the same time it is vapor permeable. Despite these properties, unwanted microorganisms do not develop on such a surface. The increased elasticity of paints containing silicone resins makes it possible to mask fine cracks up to 2 mm thick - this is one of the best elasticity indicators among all types of paints. Silicone paints can have a specific odor and take a long time to dry. Any mineral surfaces are suitable for processing with silicone paints, including clean plaster without a finishing layer of putty, they can also be applied over latex, acrylic coatings.
Adhesive paints for wall covering

They are based on the same as in emulsion ones, water is used. However, an important difference is that adhesive coloring compositions are not resistant to carbon dioxide and moisture, therefore they are recommended for finishing dry rooms in which the air is well ventilated.
This type of dye gives a porous surface, so the walls breathe. But due to the organic composition, the development of mold and other undesirable microorganisms is possible at high humidity. Supplied to the market in powder, diluted with water before use.
There are the following types of water-based paints:
- Casein dyes … On plaster, concrete, brick, an even matte finish is created, the strength of which improves over time. Among glue-based paints, this type allows you to make the wall surface the most durable and beautiful.
- Dextrinated paints … It is based on bone glue. They are characterized by weak water resistance, therefore, they are applicable for finishing only indoors in dry rooms.
- Polyvinyl acetate paints … The most budgetary option. Low moisture resistance means that the coating can be almost completely washed off after a few damp cleaning. At the same time, they have increased lightfastness, and are also immune to the effects of oils and fats. Rarely used to paint walls, a more frequent use is to apply to the ceiling. Can be tinted only by hand in a limited number of colors.
Silicate wall paints

This type belongs to mineral dyes, because liquid glass is used as a base, and dilution is carried out with water. The composition contains alkali, so you should strictly follow the precautions when working with silicone paints. They can be used to paint any alkaline surfaces such as plaster. They practically do not combine with other types of paints, especially acrylic and alkyd ones, they are not applied to glass, ceramics, stone and metal.
Properties such as breathability and looseness play more than just a positive role. Their duality is expressed in the fact that the silicate coating does not protect the wall from moisture, but at the same time does not retain it, i.e. promotes faster weathering. At the same time, the layer of silicate paint itself, after drying, is resistant to changes in air temperature and moisture, is quite durable (many manufacturers indicate a service life of up to 20 years).
The alkali content of silicate dyes significantly limits the possible color range.
Polyurethane wall paints

In its production, polyurethane resins and hardeners are used, which are mixed immediately before application. The cost of such paints is quite high, but the advantages completely cover it. Walls covered with polyurethane paint acquire high wear resistance to vibration, chemical, temperature, and light effects.
The durability of the coating reaches 20 years or more. Most often, such dyes are not used in residential premises due to their high cost, but can be indispensable in damp rooms, for example, kitchens or bathrooms.
Structural features of wall paints

After drying, the paints have a different structure and gloss level. In this regard, there are several types of structure:
- Embossed or structural … They can be sold ready-to-use or in powder that is added to the paint of the desired color. After application, a rough surface is created with abstract contours.
- Decorating … With their help, the illusion of cracked plaster or natural materials, such as wood, natural stone, is created.
- Matte … The most acceptable option is to use it in the living room, hallway. Matte paints mask surface imperfections well.
- Semi-matte and semi-gloss … These types are most often used in bathrooms or kitchens, because easy to clean, durable enough. Can be applied to paintable wallpaper.
- Glossy … After drying, the surface becomes smooth and shiny. The effect of volumetric treatment of the treated surfaces is created.
Rules for choosing wall paint

Recommendations for the choice of paint are reduced to the compliance of their characteristics with the purpose of the room, the material of the walls and the internal microclimate. When deciding how to choose wall paint, use the information below:
- The best option for a bathroom or kitchen is alkyd, polyurethane paints. Latex and acrylic paints containing antifungal agents are also useful in rooms with varying humidity levels. To keep your kitchen walls tidy, use paints that will withstand thorough wet cleaning. Washing paint for walls is very popular, the care of which is quite simple, while there are no undesirable reactions of the coating with moisture.
- Durability, increased operational stability are the main characteristics that paints for walls in corridors and hallways should have. As an option - two-component latex-acrylic, because the coating they create is resistant to mechanical damage. From the available range of colors, it is better to choose light colors, becausethese rooms do not have natural light sources.
- For bedrooms, harmless water-based paints are suitable, creating a matte surface, or acrylic paints with high vapor permeability.
- A universal option for the living room is acrylic paint. it has a very wide range of colors. This allows you to create vibrant, saturated images on the walls.
- For living quarters, especially bedrooms, children's rooms or those rooms where people with allergies are located, choose ecological paints that do not emit unpleasant odors and substances harmful to living organisms. The production of safe dyes is regulated in many countries at the legislative level, for example, in Denmark, Finland, Norway, Switzerland.
- Tikkuril wall paint can be tinted in 20,000 colors, which will help to embody a wide variety of flights of fantasy into decorative reality.
- Among the popular manufacturers of paints and varnishes, there are MARSHALL (Turkey), Caparol (Germany), Empils (Russia), Finncolor (Finland), Alpina (Germany), Dufa (Germany), SHERWIN-WILLIAMS (USA), PARKERPAINT (USA).
Before buying paint, be sure to read the information on the product label in order to know exactly the composition, scope, application methods, precautions, shelf life, operating conditions.
How to choose wall paint - watch the video:

The choice of wall paint is not an easy task due to the many options, however, putting the priority of the harmlessness of finishing materials for the body at the forefront, it is easy enough to make the right choice.