Types of polystyrene, scope and process of its manufacture. Advantages and disadvantages of thermal insulation material. The correct choice of insulator and technology for insulating the floor, ceiling, external and internal walls of the basement. Basement insulation with foam is a procedure that protects the room from cold air penetration and dampness. The material has an affordable cost and is easy to install. Since work on thermal insulation does not require special skills, even a beginner can handle them. You just need to choose the right foam, prepare the necessary tools and adhere to our recommendations during insulation. We will consider all these points in our article.
Description and manufacture of foam

Polyfoam is a versatile material used in many areas of construction. It is indispensable for insulating various ceilings, walls, floors and other structures. Since it is resistant to moisture, it is often used to protect basements without losing its first-class performance properties over the years.
There are several types of material: granular polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, polypropylene foam, polyethylene foam. All of these types can be used to insulate basements. The most common and well-known is granular polystyrene foam, which is familiar to us from childhood.
The material is produced in the form of sheets of various thicknesses and strengths, which are manufactured in several stages:
- Foaming … The raw material is placed in a special container for a few minutes, the granules under pressure are significantly increased, after which the foam material is discharged.
- Drying … Removal of moisture remaining on the granules by a jet of hot air, additionally, they are shaken. In some cases, this procedure is not performed.
- Tracking … This is the placement of the pellets into a silo. The duration of the procedure depends on their size, air temperature. Duration on average - up to 12 hours.
- Molding … Combining the granules by placing them in special molds for about 10 minutes, in which they are sintered under the influence of high temperature and steam.
- Maturing … Getting rid of the material from internal stress and excess moisture. Sheets are stacked for a period from several days to a month in the production area.
- Cutting … This is the final stage, produced with the help of heated nichrome strings, allowing the material to be cut vertically or horizontally into sheets of the required length, thickness, and width.
Polyfoam is a unique material with the following advantages: low weight, first-class thermal insulation properties, good moisture resistance, affordable cost.
This finishing material also has some disadvantages: emission of vapors when heated, poor fire resistance and emission of toxic substances during combustion, susceptibility to mechanical damage. Despite the disadvantages of foam, they are fully compensated by its advantages. Moreover, when insulating a basement, not all of its negative aspects are relevant.
Important! The process of making foam is not too laborious. There is a wide range of all varieties of this material on the construction market, ideal for basement insulation.
What is basement insulation required for?

Long-term use of the basement is unthinkable without high-quality insulation. The procedure is necessary both in the presence of a buried room directly in a private house, and in its separate location. Otherwise, after a few years, under the influence of dampness and temperature changes, it will become unusable.
Insulation of the basement allows you to maintain a constant microclimate in the room at any time of the year - protecting it from frost in winter, and from the penetration of warm air in summer. Thanks to this, the temperature in the basement is maintained at 2-4 degrees, which is optimal for storing many products.
A consistent microclimate is also important for combating dampness. Indeed, with temperature fluctuations, condensation will certainly appear on the walls and ceiling of the room. To achieve greater resistance to moisture in the room, take care of high-quality waterproofing and ventilation. Otherwise, even foam insulation will not be able to protect the basement from dampness, especially when the groundwater is shallow.
In order to achieve a long service life of the basement and create a microclimate in it that is optimal for storing food, one should not only insulate the room with high quality, but also equip stable ventilation and improve its waterproofing.
Basement insulation technology with foam
Achieve first-class thermal insulation of the basement, you can install foam not only on the internal and external walls, but also on the floor and ceiling. Let's consider in detail the technology of work for each structure separately.
Foam selection

Some people, wanting to save money, buy basement foam from dubious manufacturers in places not intended for trade in such material. This is risky, as the products can be of poor quality, and you will only waste your money. To buy quality material, purchase it only at specialized retail outlets.
When choosing polystyrene, remember that quality products are characterized by a uniform white color and consist of granules of the same size. If the color has a yellowish tint, and the granules do not hold tightly, the quality of the insulator is questionable.
Keep in mind that for high-quality thermal insulation of the basement, you will need to attach not one, but several layers of material. This is the only way to ensure its reliable waterproofing and strong adhesion.
Pay attention to the manufacturer. Buy products from well-known brands that have proven themselves in the construction market. Thanks to this, you will be sure of the quality and durability of the material. Important! Remember, buying a high-quality insulation is a guarantee of reliable thermal insulation and durability of operation.
Preparatory work and necessary tools

Before insulating the basement with foam, the base surface must be prepared. To protect against mold and mildew, the walls and ceilings of the room are treated with an antiseptic. Please note that when carrying out this procedure, you should wear a respirator, since the composition is harmful to health.
Do not forget about steady natural or forced ventilation, otherwise the air in the basement will be too humid. The vents are usually located on opposite walls of the basement. In warm weather they are open, and in cold weather they are plugged from the inside with rags.
Prepare the necessary tools and materials before starting work. In addition to foam sheets, you will additionally need: a saw, a stapler, an ax, a construction knife, nails, a hammer, glue, a board about 4 cm thick, a primer, painting reinforcing mesh, dowels, painting corners, finishing.
Important! Having prepared all of the above in advance, you will not waste time purchasing the necessary tools and materials during the installation process.
Basement protection with foam plastic from the inside

Basement insulation from the inside is an important component of the thermal insulation of the room, which cannot be neglected. Consider the features of the internal protection of the basement:
- Floor … Installing the foam on the floor of the room protects it from the penetration of groundwater. Before fixing the insulation, a waterproofing material is laid on the surface, for example, PVC film, roofing material. The thickness of the foam layer is about 5 centimeters. After installing the insulation around the perimeter at the level of the foundation, drainage pipes are laid on the gravel, designed to drain water.
- Ceiling … If the basement is located in the house, insulation of the basement ceiling allows you to protect the floor of the living space from the cold. Before installation, dirt is removed from the base surface and existing defects are eliminated. Next, the ceiling is marked, its center is determined using two diagonally drawn lines. A special glue is used to fix the foam to the surface. After applying the composition to the product, it is immediately applied to the ceiling. A regular construction knife is used to trim the material. After laying the insulation, first putty is applied to it, and then paint.
- Walls … Installing foam on the inner walls of a building's basement reduces heat loss in living quarters. Before installing it, the surface of the walls is carefully prepared. It is cleared of dirt, essential defects are eliminated. Laying the material starts from the bottom of the wall. The seams between the products are minimal. For fixing, a special glue is used, which is abundantly applied to the material. Then the reinforcing mesh is installed, the adhesive is applied again, and after it has completely dried, the surface is trowelled. The base is leveled with a special mixture, primed and finished. For a more reliable fixation of the foam and increase the durability of use, plastic dowels are used.
Basement insulation with foam outside

For insulation of the outer walls of the basement, polystyrene is indispensable. Indeed, many similar thermal insulation materials, for example, mineral wool or expanded clay, have poor moisture resistance and are not able to cope with soil pressure.
First, waterproofing is laid, and only then the insulation itself, glued along the entire perimeter. A special mastic is applied to the lower part of the material in the ground. The installed insulation is plastered and revetted with panels.
There are several rules for basement insulation that must be followed to achieve the desired result. The recommendations are as follows:
- The outer walls of the basement should be insulated only in dry weather.
- When installing styrofoam, use a moisture-repellent mastic. It is applied both pointwise and on the entire surface of the material. The second option is more preferable, since it allows you to protect the foam from deformation due to soil pressure.
Important! By following the recommendations, you will quickly and efficiently insulate the outer walls of the basement, and the foam will retain its properties for many years.
Surface finishing

Having coped with the insulation of the floor, ceiling, internal and external walls, proceed to the finishing. Use a coarse trowel to remove all unevenness and excess glue on the foam, apply a layer of primer to the material. After waiting for it to dry, proceed to putty work. Apply the putty evenly over the entire surface of the material, in a layer up to 3 mm thick. Then attach the reinforcing mesh to the surface and drown in the solution with a spatula. Reinforce small areas of the surface (no more than 2 meters), and overlap the nets at the joints, completely hide them under a layer of putty. Then carefully level the surface.
Having coped with the reinforcement, wait until the solution is completely dry, carefully sand the surface, cleaning the wall from sagging and irregularities, reapply the primer, and then a special leveling mixture.
Important! At the end of the finish, you will receive a well-insulated, perfectly flat surface. How to insulate a basement with foam - look at the video:

Foam insulation is a guarantee of a stable microclimate in the basement at any time of the year. Reliable thermal insulation protects it from temperature fluctuations, moisture penetration, condensation, dampness, significantly increasing the service life of the increase. When choosing a material, pay attention to the manufacturer, its color, granule size. The installation process is quite simple, does not require special skills, tools, and the price of insulation is available to everyone. Follow the recommendations provided, and the desired result will be provided.