You can correctly install an infrared sauna at home with your own hands. In addition, you can even build it yourself. Step-by-step installation instructions, visiting rules and the effect on the human body are in our material. Content:
- Benefits and harms when visiting
- Advantages and disadvantages
Installation of an infrared sauna
- Choice
- Installation
- DIY IR sauna
- Safe visit rules
Installation of infrared saunas in an apartment or a private house has recently become more and more popular. The principle of operation of the device consists in maintaining a relatively low temperature inside such a steam room (no more than +50 degrees), due to which the infrared radiation evenly heats the human body.
The benefits and harms of visiting an infrared sauna

There is a lot of talk and debate about the specific effect of infrared radiation on the human body. The useful properties of such procedures include:
- Acceleration of metabolism;
- Oxygenation of body tissues;
- Warming up muscles (increases the effect of sports training);
- Beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
- Improving lymphatic circulation, which stimulates the immune system;
- Relief of pain in the hip and menstruation;
- Treatment of skin diseases (in particular neurodermatitis, infectious eczema);
- Increased sexual activity;
- Help with seizures;
- Prevention of cholecystitis, pneumonia, neurasthenia, joint diseases.
To get the most out of your visit to the infrared sauna, you should first consult with your doctor, as such procedures are not suitable for everyone. The main contraindications:
- Joint injuries;
- The presence of implants and prostheses;
- Dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
- Profuse bleeding during the menstrual cycle in women;
- Pregnancy;
- Sharp jumps in blood pressure;
- Oncology;
- Diseases of the kidneys and liver accompanied by bleeding;
- In women, mastopathy, uterine myoma, fibroadenoma;
- Angina pectoris and heart failure of the 2nd degree;
- High body temperature with ARVI;
- Acute purulent processes in the body;
- Diabetes;
- Chronic alcoholism.
Note that radiation also penetrates the brain and negatively affects the functioning of its cortex. Therefore, protecting the head during procedures is a prerequisite!
Advantages and disadvantages of installing an IR sauna at home

It is not for nothing that this know-how is so popular, because it has a number of advantages, including:
- Compactness … The booth can be installed in any convenient place. The single production model is 1 meter long, 1 meter wide and 1.85 meters high. Standard dimensions of double cabins: length - 1.3 m, width - 1.2 m, height - 1.9 m. The dimensions of an infrared sauna for three visitors are usually within 1.5 * 1.5 meters.
- Warm-up efficiency … The booth is ready for procedures within 10-15 minutes after turning on the heaters.
- Economy … Production models consume from 1.5 to 3.3 kW. Thus, their operation will cost significantly less than using a conventional bath.
- Security … Due to the relatively low temperature in the booth, it is almost impossible to get burned. In addition, the infrared sauna can be visited by the elderly, children and those who are contraindicated for procedures in a regular wet bath or dry sauna.
- Variety of models … Depending on your personal wishes and room parameters, you can choose a straight or hexagonal structure. There are also corner options.
As for the disadvantages of a home infrared sauna, they include the high cost of the device.
Infrared sauna installation technology
To safely and effectively carry out procedures at home, you need to correctly select a model and install it correctly. In addition, it is important to adhere to the instructions and safety rules during operation.
Choosing an infrared sauna for your home

You can purchase a ready-made production booth or order its production. In this case, all your requirements and wishes will be taken into account. First of all, the cost of the model depends on the type of heater. Its effectiveness is determined by two criteria:
- Emission factor (EF) is the fraction of radiation generated by the heater.
- Peak radiation (PI) - the length of the most intense wave of rays.
Typically, infrared saunas for an apartment use the following types of heaters:
- Ceramic … Presented in the form of a tube with an aluminum reflector and an anti-scald grill. They are fixed on the walls. CE indicator - 90%, PI - 4, 75.
- Carbon … Are attached to the walls. The space is heated evenly and quickly, but to a low temperature. They differ in maximum fire safety, therefore there is no risk of getting burned. CE indicator - 98%, PI - 8, 7 microns.
- Incalloy … For their manufacture, iron, chromium, nickel are used. They are optimally resistant to corrosion and durable. They are fixed on the walls and have a high heat transfer. CE indicator - 98%, PI - 6.5 microns.
- Film … They are presented in the form of infrared foil material, which is attached to all surfaces along the perimeter of the booth and evenly distributes heat. CE indicator - 98%, PI - 8, 7 microns.
In addition, the cost of the model is influenced by the quality and type of material that is used for the interior decoration of the infrared sauna. Most often, materials such as are used for these purposes:
- Linden … It has excellent performance characteristics (does not crack, does not warp), is antiallergenic, homogeneous, has a sedative effect, has a pleasant aroma, improves the microclimate due to its ability to lower the level of humidity.
- Canadian hemlock … Differs in durability and strength, looks aesthetically pleasing, contains phytoncides.
- Canadian cedar … Strengthens infrared radiation, accelerates the heating of the booth several times, contains phytoncides.
- Pine … Differs in high strength, does not rot, does not crack.
You need to purchase infrared saunas for an apartment only from trusted and certified suppliers, so as not to buy a fake or low-quality device.
Instructions for installing an IR sauna at home

First of all, it is important to choose the right place for the location of the structure, for which you need to take into account the following nuances:
- The booth should be at least half the size of the entire room.
- The distance between the ceiling of the room and the sauna: from 10 cm without a steam generator and from 20 cm with a steam generator.
- The space from the booth to the walls of the room should be about 5-7 cm.
- The installation platform must be level. The type of coverage does not matter.
- The booth should be located in a dry and well-ventilated area.
To operate this device, you just need to plug it into an outlet and set the required temperature according to the manufacturer's instructions.
DIY home infrared sauna

To save money, you can build an infrared sauna yourself. To do this, you will need a high-power heating film and hardwood lining.
Consider the features of installing a booth using infrared film as a heater:
- We prepare a diagram of the booth, indicating the dimensions and taking into account the selected location. Please note that the height should not exceed 2.1 meters. Don't forget to calculate the dimensions of the doors.
- We make a structure from lining or ready-made wooden panels. It should be hollow on the inside.
- On the ceiling of the booth to the right of the door, we make cutouts for installing the hood and lighting. The thermostat will also be located here.
- Before installing decorative skirting boards, we cut a heating film around the perimeter of each wall.
- By the same standards, we cut out a sheet heat insulator. The best option is carboizol or shumoizol from 0.4 cm thick.
- We attach the insulation to the lining inside from bottom to top using a construction stapler.
- We fix the cable to the heating film with clips. A multi-core product for 400 W and 15 A with a cross-section of 0.75 mm is optimal2 double insulated. You can also use a solid wire, but its cross-section should be from 1.5 mm2.
- We carry out the insulation of the contact of wires with copper busbars. You can use vinyl mastic tape for this. We insulate copper busbars on the unused sides of the strips.
- We attach the prepared film with a construction stapler to the walls covered with an insulator. We make sure that the cables are located downward. Please note that we connect the prepared strips of film to each other only in parallel.
- We hide the cables at the bottom under the decorative plinth.
- We install the thermostat. It is advisable to use models with the ability to adjust not only temperature, but also time.
- We connect the heating system and the thermostat.
- We bring the temperature sensor to the ceiling and close it with a profile.
- Last but not least, we carry out the installation of doors and a shelf.
If you wish, you can also use infrared heaters, which must be mounted directly to the lining. The optimal location is as follows:
- Two in the corners in front of the shelf at an angle of 45 degrees at a height of 10-12 cm;
- Two in the corners on the back wall on the same level (60 cm from the floor);
- One in a horizontal position under the bench.
If such heaters are installed, additional wiring may be required to provide the required power reserve.
As for the door to the sauna, you can choose the usual interior models. The main thing is that the door is tightly closed.
Rules for the safe use of a home infrared sauna

It is necessary to use a cabin with infrared radiation strictly following the rules, this will bring the maximum effect from the procedures and will avoid harm from the infrared sauna:
- The temperature should be in the range from +45 to +55 degrees.
- It is not recommended to visit the booth on a full stomach.
- Before the procedure, we take a shower and wipe ourselves dry.
- We put a felt hat on our head.
- During the session, you can only sit.
- The first run should be less than 20 minutes long.
- After the procedures, we take a shower again and wipe ourselves dry.
- At the end of the first session, we rest for 5-10 minutes. We drink plain water (without gas).
- The second session lasts 15 minutes.
- After taking the procedures, we go to the shower again for the second time.
- When the body adapts (after 10-15 visits), sessions can be carried out according to the following scheme: 30 minutes - 10 minutes - 30 minutes.
- Before and during procedures, cosmetics should not be applied to the body. After the session - this must be done. The best option is to apply moisturizing oils.
- After the second session, we rest for 15-20 minutes.
How to install an infrared sauna at home - watch the video:

If you nevertheless decide to install an IR sauna at home, be sure to consider all the requirements for installation and location selection. Also, read the rules for taking procedures and consult your doctor to prevent unwanted consequences. As for the question of how often to visit an infrared sauna, the optimal scheme is considered no more than twice a week at first. For weight loss, sessions can be performed every two days. However, in this case, specialist advice is also desirable.