The bathhouse is an ideal place for health improvement and relaxation. Here you can recuperate and relieve fatigue after hectic weekdays. In order for the rest of the soul and body to be perfect, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the arrangement of the interior of the bath. Content:
- Bath interior planning
- Dressing room
- Steam room
- Washroom
- Restroom
- Attic
In the old days, a traditional bathhouse was a low wooden hut, caulked with tow, with low ceilings, small windows, a bleached stove, and a pair of shelves for steaming and washing. Modern baths differ significantly from their "predecessors" - now from visiting the steam room you can get not only a health-improving effect, but also a lot of aesthetic pleasure. To make the interior of the bath cozy and comfortable, it is enough to make a little effort and give free rein to imagination and imagination.
Bath interior planning

Arrangement of the internal space of the bath is best to start with the development of a detailed schematic plan. A well-designed bath interior design will help you invest within a certain budget, correctly plan the order of work and facilitate the implementation of design ideas and creative ideas. At the planning stage, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the basic concept of the bath design. There are several style directions suitable for interior decoration, each of them is based on certain canons and has its own distinctive features.
Let's take a closer look at the style solutions for the bath:
- Russian style … This is ideal for the interior arrangement of a log structure. As a rule, such a traditional design costs relatively little financial costs and allows you to decorate the interior of the bath with your own hands. Most of the items needed to create the "native Russian" style can be found in the attics of the ancestors or made by yourself. Massive wooden furniture, lace curtains, wicker paths, painted dishes, fluffy brooms and a pot-bellied samovar - these distinctive attributes will help transform a familiar bathhouse into an ancient Russian monastery.
- Country style … For the interior decoration of the bathhouse, a foreign country style is often used. An abundance of natural finishing materials, textured ceiling beams, comfortable carved furniture and handmade bath accessories - these are the main features of the "rustic" trend. To maintain the color balance, an emphasis on dishes is allowed - in this style, the use of brightly patterned ceramics is encouraged. The highlight of country design is a simple, uncomplicated decor: embroidered tablecloths, checkered furniture covers, bouquets of dried flowers and mini-paintings of rural landscapes.
- East style … This is a real find for adherents of original solutions. This exotic design features rich finishes and luxurious décor. The interior of the bath, decorated in oriental style, is replete with bright mosaics and smalt, colorful textiles and unusual lamps. The overall picture is complemented by furniture: a hookah table with curly legs, a decorative screen with traditional ornaments and a carved chest instead of the usual chest of drawers.
- Scandinavian style … Combines simplicity, naturalness and lack of frills. Finishing materials of light shades prevail in the baths with a "northern" design, and besides traditional wood, the use of brick and stone elements is encouraged. The Scandinavian style is both laconic and restrained; it does not tolerate abundance and sophistication. Within the framework of such a minimalistic concept, discreet but functional decor is appropriate. Reindeer antlers will perfectly replace a hanger, an ikebana made of snags, dry branches and pebbles - a picture, and a sheepskin hide - a rug.
Note! Ideally, the interior of the entire bath complex should be designed in the same style. Details that do not correspond to the general style are capable of introducing dissonance into even the most harmonious and thoughtful design. Successful design solutions and photos of the interior of the bath can be found on the Internet at specialized sites.
The interior of the dressing room in the bath

The dressing room is called the dressing room, from which the bath traditionally begins. In addition, it is a buffer zone that prevents cold outside air from entering other bath rooms.
Recommendations for arranging the interior of the dressing room in the bath:
- In view of the stable indicators of temperature and humidity in the dressing room, you can use almost any finishing materials - from PVC panels to a block house imitating a log cabin.
- Lighting in the dressing room should be moderately bright and uniform. For this purpose, several lamps with a maximum power of 60-100 W are mounted along the perimeter of the room at an equidistant distance.
- The furniture used to equip the dressing room should be practical and functional. At the entrance, it is advisable to attach a convenient hanger for bags and outerwear of visitors and install a shoe rack.
- Another necessary piece of furniture in the dressing room is a spacious wardrobe. Here you can store household items such as clean tablecloths, sheets and towels, disposable steam room slippers and hats, and bath cosmetics.
- Often, the furnace door of the sauna stove comes out into the dressing room. Therefore, it is in this room that it is recommended to equip a place for storing wood stock. A hanging niche, an original box or a wicker bookcase will work as a firebox for logs.
Steam room interior in the bath

The steam room is the central room in the bath complex, so its arrangement must be thought out to the smallest detail.
Let's take a closer look at the interior design features of a steam room in a bath:
- Regardless of the style of interior design, experts recommend using natural hardwood for decorating the walls, ceiling and floor in the twin room. Such material is less exposed to rotting and deformation under conditions of high humidity and temperature, it emits a minimum of resinous substances and has a low heat capacity. An original design solution can be a combination of wood of different shades when finishing various surfaces of the steam room. In this way, you can visually change the proportions of the room or zone it.
- One of the main elements of the interior of the steam room is the heater. The stove in the steam room serves both a practical and a decorative function. Traditionally, the stove is faced with refractory red bricks, however, if desired, the appearance of the stove can be modernized with tiled tiles or natural stone.
- The furniture part within the steam room is limited, as a rule, only by a shelf - a multi-level structure of wooden loungers, which are installed at different heights along one of the walls or along the perimeter of the room. Such a multi-stage arrangement of benches allows visitors to the steam room to choose the optimal temperature regime for themselves.
- It is advisable that the door to the steam room be made of tempered transparent or tinted glass - this reliable and aesthetic material avoids the uncomfortable feeling of a closed space. In addition, through the glass you can see people in the steam room from the outside, which is good for safety reasons.
- The right lighting - soft and diffused - will help create the most cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the steam room. In this room, bright light is unacceptable, since against the background of high temperature and humidity, it is at least annoying. The best option is to place several LED spotlights above the entrance door to the steam room or behind the back of the upper bench.
- The steam room is a room that should not be overloaded with intense decor and pretentious details. Lattice footrests, a spacious steamer, original buckets and attachments for them, comfortable headrests and shelves for brooms - these elements are more than enough for arranging a steam room.
Bath room interior

The washroom is a room for taking water procedures before and after visiting the steam room. To make your stay in the washing area as comfortable as possible, it is important to take into account every little detail when decorating the interior - from plumbing fixtures and lamps to bath accessories.
Tips for arranging the interior of the bathhouse:
- Materials for the interior finishing of the washing sector should be selected taking into account the specific microclimate of the room. Usually, the walls in the washroom are tiled with ceramic tiles or natural clapboard, and unlike the steam room, budget coniferous wood is allowed here. It is advisable to cover the floors in the washing compartment with “rough” porcelain stoneware imitating the fibrous texture of wood.
- The washing section of the bathhouse must be equipped with suitable sanitary equipment. If the dimensions of the room allow, a corner shower box and a washstand are installed in the washroom. In conditions of a small area, you can limit yourself to a compact pallet and a traditional pouring bucket or a barrel-shaped font.
- For the convenience of users, several benches and massage trestle beds are installed in the washing sector. Such furniture is necessary for relaxation in between water treatments and for health or beauty massage.
- The LED system is the best option for organizing lighting in the washroom. Thanks to their reliable sealed coating, the LEDs are able to withstand high levels of humidity and operate smoothly at low voltage. To ensure bright lighting, spotlights are installed evenly under the ceiling of the washing room. To create original light compositions, LEDs of different shapes and shades are used and grouped in several places.
- The décor for the washroom must match the specifics of the room. Original thermometers and bath mittens with appliqué, unusual tubs and ladles, sets of sponges and massage sponges - all mentioned accessories are important and irreplaceable in their own way when decorating a washing room.
The interior of the relaxation room in the bath

If earlier a dressing-room served as a place for friendly gatherings in a bath, today in bath complexes a separate room is allocated for a relaxation room. This solution is both convenient and useful. During a visit to the steam room, the body experiences a certain stress, and in a well-equipped recreation area, it can gradually recover and prepare for new wellness procedures.
The subtleties of the interior design of the relaxation room in the bath:
- When choosing materials for finishing work, it is worth giving preference to the clapboard, traditional for a bath, and wood of any species can be used for facing the rest room. Alternatively, wood cladding can be combined with brick luggage.
- In the rest room, the use of adjustable lamps is justified: a dim light helps to relax, and a brighter one helps to cheer up. It is also possible to arrange multi-level lighting in the relaxation area. A great option is a ceiling chandelier as the main light source and several wall sconces for additional lighting.
- Furniture intended for arranging a rest room should be both comfortable and practical. In a small room, it is advisable to install a compact set, which includes a table, sofa and several chairs. A more spacious room can be additionally equipped with rocking chairs or comfortable sun loungers.
- In the relaxation zone, it is important to set aside a place for a small gastronomic block. A corner sideboard is ideal for storing cutlery and crockery, and a mini-fridge is ideal for storing food. Jars with bright jam and dried herbs, placed on open hanging shelves, can act as an unusual decor.
- Depending on the availability of free square meters in the recreation room, you can equip a kind of entertainment corner. A small tennis table, air hockey, table football, TV with karaoke or a music center will perfectly fit here.
- It is good if there is a place in the recreation room to install a fireplace. The equipment can be either electrical or wood burning. The second option is, of course, preferable, because the source of living fire is able to transform the surrounding space and add coziness, warmth and individuality to it. In addition, the wood-burning hearth will serve as an additional source of heat.
- There are practically no restrictions and prohibitions in the choice of decorative details for decorating a recreation area. Thanks to the neutral microclimate in this room, you can use any eye-pleasing gizmos and crafts as a decor. At the same time, the abundance of interior decorations can interfere with proper rest and relaxation.
The interior of the attic in the bath

The main difference between the attic room in the bathhouse is the sloping walls, but this architectural nuance does not interfere with its full-fledged operation. Within this area, you can equip a billiard room, gym or guest room.
The main thing is to competently approach the issue of interior decoration of the attic in the bathhouse and carefully work out its design:
- To decorate the attic space above the bath, it is worth choosing finishing materials in light shades - this technique will help to visually increase a small area of the room. If you want colors and variety, decorate the central wall of the attic with bright decor.
- When arranging the attic floor, the organization of artificial lighting is extremely important. To create a cozy atmosphere, in addition to the main light source (chandeliers), local lighting devices are used - floor lamps, sconces with a swivel mechanism, LED strips.
- Select furniture for the attic room should take into account the peculiarities of the geometry of the room. In order to rationally use the maximum usable area, you can install compact but functional furniture under inclined walls - low pedestals, shelves or shelves.
- A special element of the attic is the ceiling beams. They can be left in their natural color, darkened with a stain or painted in a shade similar to the ceiling surface.
How to choose a style solution for a bath - watch the video:

At the same time, a responsible and creative approach to the design of the interior of the bath is a guarantee of a subsequent comfortable and safe stay in it.