High quality waterproofing ensures long-term operation of any building. Sauna buildings are distinguished by their special characteristics - high humidity and temperature drops, so their protection requires special attention. Today we will talk about waterproofing the floor in the bath. Content:
Traditional floor waterproofing
- Okleechnaya
- Coating
- Penetrating floor waterproofing
- Waterproofing concrete floor
Waterproofing wooden floor
- Flowing
- Not leaking
- Drain device
Insulation of the floor in the bath is needed to protect its insulation from getting wet during capillary action on the structure of soil moisture. The work is carried out sequentially, therefore, before the "sexual" issue, it is worth paying attention to the waterproofing of the foundation. It is he who creates the first and most powerful barrier to the penetration of groundwater to the walls of the building. After its protection with bituminous and roll materials, they begin to install the floor.
Traditional waterproofing of the bath floor
There is traditional and penetrating floor insulation in the sauna. Traditional, in turn, is divided into two types - pasting and coating insulation. Their use depends on the type of materials and the purpose of the structure. Let's consider the question in more detail.
Gluing waterproofing of the bath floor

Traditional waterproofing creates a reliable moisture-proof layer, but reduces the height of the bath rooms by 5 cm. The advantages of pasting insulation include its low cost and ease of installation, thanks to which any person can handle the case without professional training and construction experience.
The gluing waterproofing of the floor is performed in the following sequence: first, 2-3 layers of bituminous mastic are applied to a clean prepared floor surface, then a roll waterproofing material is laid, and on top of it - a finishing material or logs of a wooden floor.
As roll materials for waterproofing the floor in the bath, polymer films, glass roofing material, hydro glass insulation, armobitep and others are used.
The main disadvantage of the glued waterproofing of the bath floor is the unpleasant smell of bitumen, which is emitted during the work.
Bath floor waterproofing coating

Lubricating insulation is represented by various pastes, mixtures and mastics, which differ from each other in composition, method of installation, properties and speed of polymerization. Bitumen-polymer materials containing synthetic additives are inexpensive, but require concrete screed.
Lubricating waterproofing also includes cement one-component and cement-polymer materials. They are applied to the surface with brushes, brushes and rollers.
Penetrating waterproofing of the bath floor

Penetrating waterproofing of floors is more appropriate for use in the construction of baths. It is divided into several types: concreting, cement inorganic, seamless, polymer-cement. These types of insulation have distinctive physical, mechanical and operational properties.
Features of the use of penetrating waterproofing:
- Concrete waterproofing has a high density and resistance to low temperatures. It is used in the construction of concrete structures.
- Inorganic waterproofing is used in rooms with a high level of humidity.
- Polymer cement materials are environmentally friendly, have high strength and good adhesion. They are versatile and suitable for waterproofing concrete and wood floors. When applied in layers using a reinforcing mesh, such compositions, in addition to protecting against moisture, can act as a screed.
- Seamless waterproofing is most effective. It can be used in any premises.
Work on the protection of floors begins immediately after the completion of the waterproofing of the walls and ceilings of the building. All types of waterproofing materials should be applied to a floor cleaned from dirt on a previously primed surface. The primer must be allowed to dry.
The technology for doing waterproofing of the floor in the bath with your own hands depends on the material of its manufacture. In the steam room and the washing section, you can arrange a concrete floor, since wood is subject to rapid decay in conditions of high humidity and insufficient ventilation. The plank floor can be laid in the break room or dressing room.
Waterproofing a concrete floor in a bath

The protection of the concrete floor is carried out with the help of coating waterproofing or pasting with roll materials. Coating waterproofing is most popular for protecting floors from moisture. Its surface is leveled to an ideal state and polymer or bitumen mastic is applied to it. When applying several layers, they are superimposed in a perpendicular direction with respect to each other.
Another option for protecting the floor is pasting it with roll materials:
- Plywood is fixed on the subfloor, on which the waterproofing is laid. This product is made of asbestos-cellulose cardboard treated with petroleum bitumen.
- The edges of the material are brought onto the walls under the loose lower ends of the front paneling.
- The joints of the foil-clad wall material and the waterproofing of the floor are insulated using aluminum tape.
- Then a reinforcing mesh is placed on the waterproofing sheets, which is poured with a cement screed.
- Floor tiles are laid on top of it.
In a log bath, flooring can be done only after the log shrinkage, after one or two years. Otherwise, the floors may crack.
Advice: perfect protection can be provided by coating waterproofing of the concrete floor in the bath, applied with an additional layer on the surface of the cement screed.
Waterproofing the wooden floor of the bath
The waterproofing protection of a wooden floor is of paramount importance, as timber has an extremely low resistance to humid environments. Wooden flooring in the bathhouse is designed in the form of leaking floors and non-leaking ones. Depending on the type chosen, its own technology for their protection is carried out.
Waterproofing a leaking floor in a bath

Leaking floors are considered cold and are used in the southern regions. Their design provides for the natural flow of water between the slots of the floorboards and its removal to the outside. The type of soil under the bath depends on its absorption by the soil through the prepared layer of rubble or output to the sewer or drain pit. The advantages of leaking floors are the simplicity and low cost of their construction. For a long service life, the logs of such floors are treated with an antiseptic, the log supports are insulated with roofing material or glassine, and the floorboards are thoroughly impregnated with linseed oil. An effective ventilation device is recommended under the floor - thanks to it, the drying of the floors will go faster.
Waterproofing non-leaking bath floor

Non-leaking floors, although they are more complicated, have an important advantage - they are insulated. On wooden logs, support bars are stuffed, on which the subfloor is laid. Then it is covered with plastic wrap or two or three layers of roofing material overlapping.
The edges of the roofing material are coated with melted bitumen, and the film joints are insulated with adhesive tape. On top of the roofing material, a layer of thermal insulation is made of expanded clay granules or mineral wool mats. The insulation is covered with roofing material in three layers, which are coated with hot bitumen.
The waterproofing of the wooden floor made in the bathhouse must be protected by finishing boards. An air gap is required between the finished floor and the insulation layer to ventilate the underfloor space.
Drainage device in the bath for protection against water

The drain device for removing waste water from the bath must be thought out even at the design stage of the building. Its presence will prevent the destruction of the foundation and the appearance of an unpleasant smell of stagnant slurry, which contributes to the development of the fungus.
The drain drain is installed in the lower part of the bath floor. Its slope can be made by forming the relief of the cement screed.
When building a bathhouse on sandy soil, it makes sense to make leaking floors. Through them, the water goes into the sand through a 25-centimeter layer of crushed stone, previously prepared under the drain. In other cases, through the receiving ladder, water is discharged into a specially equipped pit and transported through its pipe into a drain ditch or pit.
Correct installation of the drain is in addition to the waterproofing of the floor. The faster its surface dries, the longer it will not need to be repaired.
Watch a video about waterproofing the floor in the bath:
[media = https://www.youtube.com/watch? v = i1pN8h8a2OU] That's all, now you know how to waterproof the floor in a bath. Despite the complexity of the complex of such works, a responsible approach to business will protect the structures of the bath building from the destructive effects of a humid environment. Good luck!