The attic gable roof of the bath is considered the most common option. It is functional and neat in appearance. And even a beginner can do construction. In order for the roof to meet all the requirements, certain nuances must be taken into account during the construction process. Content:
- Dignity
- Materials (edit)
- Construction instruction
Sauna roof can consist of one or two slopes. The first option is best suited if the room is adjacent to the house. An attic roof of a gable type looks much neater than a single-pitched one, but is more suitable for summer baths. Attic equipment implies additional costs. However, they pay off with the service life of the materials, because an air cushion is created between the roof and ceiling. Thanks to this, the temperature drop is not so felt. In addition, in the attic you can store bath accessories or equip a relaxation room.
Advantages of a gable roof of a bath

A gable roof of a bathhouse will cost you more than a pitched roof, but it has a number of significant advantages:
- Possibility to additionally equip the attic space.
- Reliable thermal insulation.
- Long service life, because precipitation does not accumulate due to the slope.
- Attractive look.
Materials for a gable bath roof

You can build a gable roof for a bath with your own hands even if you don't have the skills. First you need to decide on the material. And only after that, plan the roof scheme, since a certain slope angle is set for each type of coverage:
- Euro slate (> 27 degrees) - from 200 rubles apiece;
- Metal tiles (> 27 degrees) - from 240 rubles per square meter;
- Ondulin (3-15 degrees) - from 250 rubles per square;
- Seam roof (> 18 degrees) - from 255 rubles per square meter;
- Roofing material (> 5 degrees) - from 220 rubles per roll;
- Decking (> 8 degrees) - from 180 rubles per square meter.
It is also important to take into account the climatic features of the region. If there is a lot of precipitation, then the slope is> 45 degrees. For the construction of a gable type roof, the following are installed in stages:
- Mauerlat;
- Roof trusses;
- Vapor barrier layer;
- Crate;
- Waterproofing;
- Roof covering.
Phased construction of a gable roof of a bath

The roof of the bath is a kind of frame on which the roofing material is fixed. This work must be done strictly in stages:
- Installing the Mauerlat. To do this, we fix the bars of 10 * 10 cm or 15 * 15 cm with embedded pins (anchors) to the walls. At the same time, we must adhere to horizontality.
- We make special holes in the timber for further mounting of the rafters. If the wall is thicker than the Mauerlat, then we wrap it with roofing material in two layers and lay it on the outside with bricks. This will increase the reliability of the system.
- We collect roof trusses. They represent a triangular rigidly connected structure made of sturdy timber. Additionally, to strengthen and secure them, we mount spacers and lintels. We attach a crossbar under the apex of the triangle. For convenience, it is better to collect them on the ground.
- We raise the rafters to the roof, put the outer ones first and fix them to the Mauerlat with special screws and wood grouses. In this case, it is imperative to observe the vertical.
- We pull the rope along the ridge and install the rest of the trusses in increments of at least one meter. We balance them with temporary supports. If the slope is more than 4.5 m, we mount the racks vertically so that they support the rafter leg from above and rest against the floor beam from below.
- We equip the ridge visor.
- We determine the place of installation of the chimney pipe and mount a metal sheet around it in order to increase the level of fire safety.
- We fasten the vapor barrier layer to the rafters with small nails. You can also use a construction stapler for this.
- We make a crate from the boards for reliable fastening of the roofing material. It can be vertical or horizontal. If a roll coating is planned, then the structure must be continuous. With a slate, bitumen or metal roof, you can leave a distance between the boards of 15-25 cm.
- We install a crate with a ledge of 20 cm over the edges to protect the building and the rafter system from external influences.
- We sheathe the end part. If in the future it is planned to arrange the attic space, then we leave room for doors and window systems.
- We attach a waterproofing layer to the slopes with a stapler. In some cases, the waterproofing membrane is installed between the rafters with a counter batten and the batten itself. In this case, an air gap is formed. Thanks to this, the roof dries quickly.
- We lay the roofing material. We start installing the slate covering from the bottom up, from the back, and attach three sheets of the first row. It should be at the level of the eaves.
- We cut slate sheets in two with a circular saw, jigsaw or hacksaw on wood and overlap them.
- We fasten the slate on each side. For one sheet, on average, we use 20 pieces of nails.
- We install a steel corner at the end of the roof with self-tapping screws.
- We insulate and sheathe the roof slopes from the inside. Basalt mineral wool is considered the most suitable material for this. We put the insulation in a checkerboard pattern. To ensure optimal thermoregulation, its layer should be at least 10 cm.
- We carry out thermal insulation of the ceiling. For hemming, flooring and panel types, different insulation options are used. This can be not only a cotton method, but also a bulk one.
This is an example of the installation of hanging trusses during construction. In addition to this type, inclined structures are also used in the rafter system of the gable roof of the bath. In this case, the main emphasis of the rafter legs is not only on the ridge beam and the Mauerlat, but also on the load-bearing wall. This is ensured by vertical girders resting on the bottom drawbar. A video about the construction of a gable bath roof is presented below:
[media = v = T9GVcFwg3RI] The methods given in the material on how to make a gable roof for a bath are the simplest. And therefore, acting in stages, you will be able to carry out all the work efficiently and quickly on your own.