A pitched roof is an easy-to-install and inexpensive structure. Its arrangement is advisable if the bath is an extension to the house. How to make a pitched roof for a bathhouse, we will tell you today in our article. Content:
- Design
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Materials (edit)
- Arrangement technology
The pitched roof is a right-angled triangle in cross-section. Its sides are rafter lines, floor beams and part of a wall. The area of such a roof should be no more than 15 m2, since otherwise its device is economically impractical due to the design features. The slope of the roof is determined by the abundance of precipitation in this region, but on average its values are 30-45 degrees.
Shed roof design for a bath

The construction of a single-pitched roof for a bathhouse is made up of: a rafter system, a crate with insulation, outer sheathing of gables and a roof covering.
The type of building determines the types of shed roof truss system:
- Sliding system … Found its main application in baths built from logs. Its design makes it possible to exclude its own deformation during the shrinkage of the log house, which can reach 15%. To do this, on the upper wall, the rafters are rigidly attached to the Mauerlat. On the lower wall, the system has special devices for support, thanks to which it slides when the building shrinks.
- Rafter roof system … It is used in buildings that do not exhibit high shrinkage. In such a system, the lower ends of the rafters are supported on the floor beams. The top ends rest on a high wall or pillar. The rigidity of the entire structure is increased by struts and wooden struts.
- Hanging rafter system … The most difficult in the manufacture of a shed roof structure. The walls for such a roof must have the same height. Each truss of the system is pre-assembled on the ground and then installed on the building envelope. Roofs with such a rafter system are used for wooden and stone baths.
In addition to the above, pitched roofs are divided as far as possible for internal air exchange. Non-ventilated structures have a slope of no more than five degrees and need high-quality thermal and waterproofing. Ventilated roofs have a slope of up to 45 degrees and are characterized by the presence of free space under them, as well as ventilation holes on the sides of the roof or on its gables.
The application of a particular type of roofing depends on the slope of the pitched roof. A soft roof made of roll materials is used with a slope of up to 10 degrees. Profiled flooring is used with a slope of 10-20 degrees. Slate and ondulin can be laid from 20 degrees and above the angle of inclination of the roof, and metal roofing can be laid above 25 degrees. This dependence is taken into account when calculating for the choice of material or design of the rafter part.
Advantages and disadvantages of a shed roof for a bath

Like any structure, the roof has its own advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages of a shed roof for a bath are as follows:
- Profitability - the consumption of materials for such a design is small.
- Simplicity of the device and low weight of the roof.
- Good resistance to wind and snow loads with the correct slope of the pavement.
- The largest range of choice of roofing materials.
However, the disadvantages of such a roof also have a place to be:
- The construction of a pitched roof does not allow for an attic.
- Roofs with a slight slope require timely snow removal.
Materials and tools for the construction of a gable bath roof

Before starting construction, it is necessary to study the projects of baths with a pitched roof, make drawings of your roof, determine its angle of inclination and the length of the slope. Based on the found dimensions, the calculation of the materials necessary for the work is made.
You will need:
- Edged board 40-60 mm for the manufacture of floor beams and rafters;
- Board for lathing;
- Ceiling board;
- Waterproofing film;
- Roof covering;
- Mineral wool as insulation;
- Antiseptic to protect the wood of the roof structure;
- Tools - knife, hammer, tape measure, screwdriver, electric jigsaw, stapler.
Shed roof technology for a bath

Let's consider in detail how to make a lean-to bath roof with our own hands:
- When installing walls for a bath, one of them is increased in height in accordance with the project. Usually this is a long wall of a rectangular building, since the length of the roof slope should be as small as possible. This allows you to make a stronger shed roof for a bath with your own hands with less material costs.
- If the roof is planned with an attic, then grooves are made at the level of the low wall to connect to the ceiling beams at the same distance with the rafters. The upper beam of the wall is also supplied with grooves for rafters. The grooves are treated with an antiseptic.
- According to the dimensions taken from the drawing, the rafters are made in the required quantity. Their parts, resting on beams, are impregnated with a waterproofing compound, wrapped in roofing material, inserted into ready-made grooves and fixed to the walls with metal brackets or studs. The rafters, laid on the upper Mauerlat, are pulled together with it using pins and plates. If the length of the slope exceeds 4 m, additional struts or supports are placed between the rafters and beams.
- Sewing the gables of the bath is done with boards or the main material of its walls. The attic of the bathhouse is completed with a ventilation window in one of the gables. It is necessary to remove steam under the roof, which forms condensation without ventilation.
- In the transverse direction, a waterproofing film is laid with a sagging on the rafters and attached to them with a stapler. A bar is attached to the film to the rafters, on which a crate from a board with a step of 0, 2-0, 5 m or a solid one of moisture-resistant plywood is laid. A soft roof is laid on a continuous crate, on a sparse crate - corrugated board, metal tile or ondulin.
- Fastening to the crate of metal or corrugated board is made with self-tapping screws with a silicone washer in the lower wave. The overlap of the material goes on one wave. Ondulin is fastened with nails with a wide head in the upper wave. A soft roof is arranged on a special lining layer using an industrial hair dryer. Roofing material is glued on bituminous mastic.
- Attach the eaves and wind bars, leaving a ventilation gap. If the chimney in the bath passes through the roof, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design of such a transition. According to fire safety rules, the distance from the chimney to wooden structures is taken at least 20 cm. Therefore, the chimney is supplied with a metal box filled with basalt wool or other non-combustible material. Outside, the pipe is led out through specially made penetrations, where it is waterproofed.
- The roof of the bath must be insulated so as not to increase the time and fuel for heating it later. In the case of a shed roof without an attic, its slope is insulated with a filing of insulation from the inside. Insulation plates are laid without gaps between the rafters. On average, the thickness of the insulation is taken as 10 cm. It is laid in layers so that the joints of one layer are overlapped by another layer, excluding cold bridges. The insulation is fastened between the rafters using rails. Then it is sheathed with a foil vapor barrier film, turning the shiny side into the steam room. The film is attached to the rafters with a stapler. Then, bars are attached to it across the rafters, on which the steam room sheathing is installed.
- If there is an attic in the roof structure, the ceiling of the bath is insulated. To do this, a subfloor is laid on the floor beams. From below, it is sheathed with a waterproofing film, insulation is laid between the beams, similar to the insulation of the slope. The insulation is closed with a vapor barrier, and then the inner lining of the bath.
For a video on the construction of a shed roof for a bath, see below:

We hope that our material and accompanying photos of a lean-to roof for a bath will help you understand its simple device. Such a roof is convenient and economical, but if you need an attic floor in a bathhouse, then it is better to make a gable roof.