Foundation marking: TISE technology

Foundation marking: TISE technology
Foundation marking: TISE technology

The article discusses in detail a simple and time-tested method of marking a foundation. An example of marking a foundation using the TISE technology is given, but this technology can also be successfully applied to marking columnar and strip foundations. Marking is a very important element when building a foundation. How carefully the markings are made and right angles are observed will depend on the quality of the construction of the whole house. The markup technology presented in this article on the website is suitable for TISE foundation marking, columnar and strip foundations.

To carry out the marking, you will need a tape measure, pegs and a construction cord. The result should be a marked outer contour and an inner contour of the grillage.

Marking the outer contour of the grillage according to TISE

A simple and reliable way to mark the foundation uses the Pythagorean theorem to determine the hypotenuse of a right triangle: c =? (A? + B?).

Foundation marking: TISE technology
Foundation marking: TISE technology

Foundation marking

starts from the mark of the first side of the house, while its location relative to the cardinal points should be taken into account. To mark side a, we put a stake at point 1, corresponding to the same corner, and bearing in mind the future location of the house relative to north and south, we place a stake in corner 3 (see Fig. 1). Then we measure the cord equal in distance b and stick in the peg without hammering it so that there is an angle of approximately 90 ° between sides a and b. We calculate the hypotenuse c by the formula c =? (A? + B?). We accurately measure the cord equal to the calculated length and pull it between pegs 3 and 2. Moving peg 2, we achieve uniform tension without sagging, cords b and c. We hammer in peg 2. One right angle between sides a and b is ready (Fig. 1).


As a result, we have three marked corners of the house and two sides (a, b). To mark the remaining two sides (d, e), you need to mark the fourth corner of the house. To do this, according to the principle described above, mark out the second right-angled triangle (in Fig. 2 marked in red). Now, having connected pegs 3 and 4, we get the fourth side e and the final marked outer contour of the foundation (Fig. 3). It remains to check the equality of the diagonal lines with the extreme points 1 and 4, and then 2 and 3. The marking is done correctly if the condition of their equality is fulfilled.

Marking the inner contour of the grillage

Foundation marking: TISE technology
Foundation marking: TISE technology

To mark the inner contour of the grillage, it is necessary from each corner of the structure in two directions, measure the gap according to the size of the grillage width, in our example - 350mm. You will get auxiliary non-main points from A to And inclusive (Fig. 4). They can be marked with temporary pegs. Now we connect the marks: A with F, then D with E and, accordingly, B with I, and then B with G. At their intersections, the inner corners 5, 6, 8, 7 we need will be located. We hammer in these pegs, and remove the temporary ones (fig. 5). We get the marked inner contour of the grillage.

Layout of the grillage for internal load-bearing walls


For ease of perception, a variant of a house with one load-bearing wall is considered. We measure from the inner corner 5 the distance to the grillage of the inner load-bearing wall according to the design drawings. We get point 9 and hammer in the peg. In the same way, we get point 10 by measuring the required distance from point 6. Reckoning from marks 10 and 9 350 mm, we determine points 11 and 12 (Fig. 6). In conclusion, we check the equality of straight lines serving as diagonals, namely: 5-10, then 6-9, then 8-11 and finally 7-12. If the diagonals are equal, then the marking of the grillage for the inner wall is correct. A foundation with several load-bearing walls is marked similarly.
