Screw foundation for a bath: construction technology

Screw foundation for a bath: construction technology
Screw foundation for a bath: construction technology

It is quite possible to independently make a base for a bath in just a couple of days. The construction of a screw foundation is cheap and takes a minimum of time. At the same time, such a structure will serve for more than one decade. Content:

  1. Features of the screw foundation
  2. Preparatory work
  3. Foundation on screw piles

    • With metal strapping
    • With wooden strapping
  4. Construction errors

For the equipment of a steam room made of wood, aerated concrete, foam blocks or SIP panels on unreliable, loose soil with a high level of groundwater, a screw foundation is most often used. It consists of all-metal pipes screwed into the ground with tips (blades). It is quite easy to "screw" such a structure into the ground without loosening it. With the correct arrangement of the foundation, one pipe can withstand up to 25 tons. Depending on the type of bath and its size, piles of suitable length and diameter are selected.

Features of the screw foundation for the bath

Screw pile scheme
Screw pile scheme

Such a base is ideal for the construction of light structures and is considered the cheapest option. However, it has gained popularity due to its other advantages:

  • Installation work speed.
  • Simple installation on any terrain without the involvement of construction equipment.
  • High load-bearing capacity.
  • Resistance to extrusion when the soil freezes.
  • Possibility of extension of other structures.
  • High seismic resistance.
  • Does not need waterproofing and can be reused.

In addition, you can build it at any time of the year, and start building a bath immediately. If you decide to equip a bathhouse on a pile-screw foundation, then you must also take into account its disadvantages:

  1. The service life is shorter than that of concrete, due to corrosive processes.
  2. Freezing of sewer systems in the cold season.
  3. The anti-corrosion coating can be damaged when screwed in.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons, it is worth making a decision on the arrangement of this type of foundation.

Preparatory work before the installation of screw piles

Screw piles
Screw piles

First you need to prepare the site and calculate the materials for construction. Decide on the size of the future steam room. Please note that the piles should be placed around the perimeter in increments of 1, 5-2, 5 meters. Pipes must be purchased only from trusted manufacturers (price from 1,500 rubles per piece). A high-quality anti-corrosion coating will ensure the durability and reliability of the structure. Piles are produced with a diameter of 5, 7 to 13, 3 cm. Moreover, their length can be from 1, 65 to 3, 5 meters. Please note that for the installation of especially large pipes, special equipment is still required.

Technology of arranging the foundation on screw piles for a bath

For a competent calculation of the amount of materials and a clear determination of the level of freezing, it is better to contact the specialists who will diagnose the soil at the site. If you are convinced that there is no laying of underground wires and pipes, you can start construction.

Installation of a screw foundation for a bath with a metal strapping

Screw foundation with metal strapping
Screw foundation with metal strapping

Before starting work, it is necessary to mark the future location of the pipes and dig holes in the marked places, deep in a bayonet-shovel (about 20 cm).

When equipping the foundation, we adhere to the following instructions:

  1. We mount the pipe in the corner recess, attach the magnetic level and insert the crowbar into the mounting hole. We take the scrap in the form of a square tube. As a result, we will get a kind of lever with which we will screw the pile.
  2. We deepen the pipe 35-40 cm into the soil and check its position using a magnetic level. We fix all the irregularities at once, since in the future it will be more difficult to do.
  3. We screw in the remaining three corner piles to the same depth.
  4. We install them at the same design height. It can be adjusted using the water level.
  5. By this analogy, we mount intermediate pipes.
  6. We build up the levers to the three-meter mark and scroll to complete installation, according to the project. At this point, the drill should hit a hard layer. If this does not happen, then another pile (without a screw section) must be welded to the top of the pipe in one line.
  7. We prime the welding seams and paint over with two layers of enamel.
  8. We continue to screw to the end.
  9. We align the position of the piles with a water level. You can use a grinder to fit the intermediate pipes.
  10. We make a backfill of sand and cement in equal parts. To calculate the required mass of materials, we multiply the number of piles by 35 (this is how many kilograms will be needed for each pipe).
  11. We fill in the mixture and proceed to pouring concrete. This process is necessary to completely expel air from the piles and reduce metal corrosion. Also, concreting will prevent the ingress of water, which, when frozen, can squeeze out the pipes.
  12. We mount on the end part of the protruding pipe a head made of a pipe with a smaller inner diameter than the outer diameter of the pile.
  13. We make the mounting platform of the head from a 25 cm plate2 and 1 cm wide.
  14. We install products in one plane and check their evenness with a hydro level.
  15. We scald the head elements.
  16. We prime the welding seams and paint over them with enamel in two layers or with epoxy.
  17. We make the basis for the future walls and partitions of the bath - a strapping that ensures the distribution of loads along the piles. For this we use channels or I-beams.
  18. We paint the metal structure with red lead.

Three people are enough to carry out screwing work. One will control the evenness of the installation, and two are needed to roll the piles with a crowbar.

Installation of a screw foundation for a bath with a wooden strapping

Bath foundation with wooden trim
Bath foundation with wooden trim

If you plan to build a frame-panel bath or a structure made of logs, then it is better to strap the base using beams. We mount the foundation in this order:

  • We mark the location of each pile along the perimeter of the future building.
  • We make grooves for each pipe about 15-20 cm.
  • We screw in the corner piles strictly vertically by 40 cm.
  • We check their position with a hydro or magnetic level.
  • We install intermediate pipes with scrap. Please note that each element must rest on solid ground and be placed strictly vertically and parallel to other pipes.
  • After installation, we cut off the tops of the piles with a grinder so that they are on the same level.
  • We pour 30-35 kg of sand-cement mixture into each pipe and fill it with concrete to the top.
  • We install heads on piles.
  • We carefully impregnate the wood for strapping with an antiseptic composition and a fire retardant.
  • We mount the beams according to the project along the perimeter of the structure and in the places of partitions. For fixing we use wood grouse screws.
  • We process the seams with epoxy mortar.

The arrangement process takes several days on average. After the construction of the strapping, you can immediately proceed with the construction of the frame.

Errors in the construction of a screw foundation for a bath

Installation of the screw foundation
Installation of the screw foundation

In order for the foundation for a bath of screw piles to be strong and last a long time, you need to take into account many nuances in the process and avoid mistakes:

  1. The pipe must not be twisted for alignment. This weakens the soil greatly.
  2. The piles should not deviate more than two degrees from the vertical position.
  3. The drill must necessarily rest against solid ground.
  4. The pipe must not be left unconfined. Such a base will quickly deteriorate due to corrosive effects.

Note! It is not necessary to insulate the foundation on screw piles. This design refers to the type of ventilated. Supports are able to protect the house from the cold that comes from the ground. Insulation of the grillage is allowed, but it is important to understand that poor thermal insulation will provoke the appearance of dampness. It is best to make high-quality insulation of the bath floor, not the foundation. How to build a screw foundation - watch the video:

Observing all the rules and recommendations, you can quickly and efficiently equip a reliable base for a steam room in just a few days. The foundation on screw piles for a bath will be inexpensive, and will last quite a long time.
