Strip foundation for a bath: construction technology

Strip foundation for a bath: construction technology
Strip foundation for a bath: construction technology

The article will acquaint you with the types of strip foundations and their typical features. You will learn which type of strip base is more appropriate to use when laying a bath, and you will understand the essence of the technology of its construction. Content:

  1. Foundation types
  2. Construction stages

    • Soil research
    • Preparatory work
    • Markup
    • Pit and pillow
    • Formwork
    • Reinforcement
    • Cement works

The bathhouse, like any long-term construction, requires the laying of a solid, long-term and reliable foundation - the foundation. Of the existing types of "foot" of the building (columnar, pile, monolithic, strip, slab, floating, screw), the construction of a strip foundation for a bath is the best option for all quality, economic and technological indicators.

Types of strip foundations for a bath

Monolithic tape base
Monolithic tape base

There are several types of strip foundations:

  1. Brick strip foundation … According to its characteristics, such a base is technologically complex, due to the use of numerous seams and masonry.
  2. Aerated concrete strip foundation … When laying it, the reinforcement is not used, it is replaced by a river stone, which "floats" freely in a standard concrete solution.
  3. Prefabricated strip foundation … The most expensive option, in which reinforced concrete blocks of different sizes are used.
  4. Strip foundations made of permanent formwork … A new little-used technology with the use of expanded polystyrene blanks, in the middle of which reinforcement blocks are laid and poured with a concrete mixture.
  5. Monolithic strip foundation … A very durable, technically uncomplicated, affordable and cheapest way to fill the "sole" for any capital structure. We will consider this type of foundation laying in more detail, we will study all the preparatory and subsequent stages of work, and, thus, theoretically we will master the entire technology of how then in practice to make a strip foundation for a bath with our own hands.

Stages of construction of a bath strip foundation

Strip base project
Strip base project

Monolithic strip foundation is shallow (its depth reaches 50 cm, it is used for structures of a small area) and buried (used in the construction of large-sized structures with heavy walls and underground layouts). What type of foundation you choose will depend on the composition of the soil and the characteristics of the future building. Regardless of whether a shallow or buried foundation will be laid under the base of the structure, the whole process of work consists in performing several stages: preliminary work (study of soil composition, drawings), site preparation, marking, trench preparation and backfilling, formwork, marking, reinforcement, concrete work.

Note! A properly assembled foundation guarantees the durability and strength of your building while maintaining the integrity of the walls, glass units and roof structure.

Soil survey for strip base

Scheme of a monolithic strip foundation for a bath
Scheme of a monolithic strip foundation for a bath

Preliminary work consists in studying the composition of the soil and its type (the design and depth of the base will depend on this), as well as in the subsequent drawing up of a drawing on which a sketch of the foundation will be drawn, taking into account the size of the site and the future structure. Non-flowing, homogeneous and dry soil is ideal for the construction of a shallow strip foundation, which cannot be said about heaving soils, which are characterized by strong freezing - up to 1, 5-1, 8 m, here it is advisable to apply the installation of a buried base.

Preparation before pouring the tape for the bath

Fixed formwork for strip base
Fixed formwork for strip base

Knowing the dimensions of the future structure, start preparing the construction site:

  • Remove all plantings and unnecessary debris.
  • Remove the top layer of soil up to 100 mm.
  • For the subsequent even distribution of the load on the future foundation, carefully level the surface of the site. Use a building level.

Marking the tape base for the bath

Strip foundation marking
Strip foundation marking

For marking work, prepare a building level (from 610 rubles / 9, 17 $), a tape measure (250 rubles / 3, 76 $), pegs, fishing line or nylon rope. Mark one of the corners to choose from, measure from the starting point in stages each distance corresponding to the length of the walls (plus 50 cm in both directions), setting the marks.

At the end points, hammer in the pegs and stretch the ropes. Check the perpendicularity of the walls. The angles of the future foundation should be equal to 90 degrees. Initially, carry out all the markings along the inner contour of the future building. Do the outer parallel to the inner. For all internal partitions, mark at the end.

Pit and cushion for strip foundation

Pit for a strip foundation for a bath
Pit for a strip foundation for a bath

Having finished marking the boundaries of the foundation, proceed to digging trenches according to the marking. The width of the channels (as well as the depth) for pouring concrete depends on the quality of the soil, material, wall thickness and the number of floors of the future structure. For soft rocks, increase the width of the outer wall, for subsequent installation - formwork increase by 20-25 cm, for dense soil - by 10-15 cm.

The bottom of the finished channel should be lined with a sand pillow (put at least 20 cm), which will be good protection for the foundation against moisture, deformation and temperature extremes. Sand (from 99 rubles for 40 kg / $ 1.49) pour water well several times, each time waiting for it to dry completely. Pour gravel (from 1000 rubles / m3 / 15.03 $), debris or rubble (layer 10-20 cm) on top of the sand, carefully leveling and compacting it.

Formwork for the bath strip foundation

Wooden formwork for strip foundations
Wooden formwork for strip foundations

The next stage of preparation for concrete work will be the installation of a removable structure - formwork (frame), which will set the shape of the future base for the bath. For formwork under the strip foundation, well-planed boards (from 3500 rubles / m3 / 52, 62 $), flat slate (from 240 rubles / 3, 61 $) or moisture-resistant plywood (from 210 rubles / 3, 16 $) are selected …

Each element is installed in a trench in places where supports have been previously driven in. The selected material must be of high quality, without cracks and cracks (if any, fix roofing paper, film or roofing felt on the inside (from 250 rubles for 15 m / 3, 76 $)). Do not forget to firmly fix each opposite part of the formwork with spacers, as the concrete load will press on the structure with great force.

Note! The formwork must be at least 20 cm higher than the upper level of the future foundation. The fixed frame will be equal in height to the surface of the base.

Bath tape reinforcement

Installation of reinforcement to strengthen the tape
Installation of reinforcement to strengthen the tape

One of the most important points of further work will be the installation of a reinforcing frame, the purpose of using which is to impart plasticity and strength to the future foundation. Do this work as follows:

  1. At the bottom of the trench, at equal distances (about 1.5 m), drive in reinforcing bars (from 30,000 rubles / t / $ 451), the diameter of which is 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Attach horizontal rods to vertically installed rods using soft wire. Maintain the distance between the frame elements in the range of 50-100 cm.

Note! Welding works, due to the negative effect of temperature on the ductility of the metal, are not used for such fastening.

Cement work during the construction of strip foundations

Filling the formwork with cement
Filling the formwork with cement

The final stage is filling the prepared formwork with cement mortar. For its preparation, cement M400 is used (from 175 rubles / bag / $ 2, 63), medium-ground grain sand (from 99 rubles for 40 kg / $ 49) and water (2: 1: 500 ml for each kg cement). This mixture has fast solidification and high strength. When crushed stone is added to the solution (from 1900 rubles / m3 / 28.56 $), you will get a less durable mixture, which will have a longer hardening interval.

Features of strip foundation pouring:

  • It is recommended to pour the concrete solution for the strip foundation in one step from a height of 0.5 m, in order to avoid its delamination.
  • After pouring, compact the mixture by knocking on the formwork.
  • Pierce the mortar in several places with a rebar or a shovel to remove air bubbles.
  • All communications that you plan to do in your building, make before the cement works.
  • High ambient temperatures tend to create cracks in the foundation. To avoid this, water the concrete base with water once a day and cover it with burlap.
  • Cold weather negatively affects the strength of the concrete as the water becomes ice. To avoid this, use antifreeze additives.
  • After a week, remove the formwork, fill up the voids, compacting the layers, clay or sand well.
  • After three weeks, when the cement mortar has gained strength well, proceed with the construction of the walls.

Video review of the construction of a strip foundation for a bath:

The strip foundation for a bath is a solid, reliable and uncomplicated construction in terms of manufacturing technology. Having correctly completed all the stages of laying such a foundation for your bath, you yourself will be able to build a reliable, durable building that will heal more than one of your generations.
