Dried rosemary

Dried rosemary
Dried rosemary

Description of dried rosemary: composition and characteristics of components, healing effect and contraindications. What dishes can you cook with it. Important! Dried rosemary is one of the healthiest spices due to its rich composition.

Harm and contraindications to the use of dried rosemary

Bronchitis in a girl
Bronchitis in a girl

Since this spice is spicy, its use should be limited. If you overeat rosemary, you may experience severe abdominal pain. It quite often provokes an exacerbation of gastritis and colitis, causes discomfort in the right hypochondrium. Most often, such problems arise when this spice is eaten on an empty stomach and in its pure form. Therefore, it should only be added to ready-made meals. If you experience unpleasant sensations, you must immediately drink a glass of ordinary water.

You should give up dried rosemary if you have such problems:

  • Epilepsy … It has been proven that spicy food can worsen the patient's condition and cause another attack.
  • Neurosis … In this case, it is necessary to exclude the spice from the menu because it activates the brain and invigorates. With such a disease, on the contrary, you need to eat soothing food.
  • Hypertension … At whatever stage of development it is, rosemary is not suitable for the patient. There have been numerous studies that have confirmed that it actually increases blood pressure.
  • ENT diseases … With pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, no irritating foods should be eaten. Dried rosemary can be classified as such because of its pungent taste and strong odor.

Strict contraindications to dried rosemary directly relate to pregnant women, especially those who are experiencing severe toxicosis. The fact is that it can cause allergies and even more nausea. That is why it is not recommended to give it to children, especially small ones.

Dried Rosemary Recipes

Baked potatoes with rosemary
Baked potatoes with rosemary

The main task of this seasoning is to give the dish a bright aroma and enhance its taste. Most often, it is supplemented with salads, potatoes, meat, fish, soups. It goes well with pasta and flour products. It can be added to pies, pies, tortillas. Sometimes chefs experiment and add spice to desserts, diluting various fruit slices with it. When choosing recipes for dried rosemary that are suitable for you, do not overlook the following options:

  1. Minestrone … Pour enough olive oil into a large enamel pot to cover the bottom of it. Then dice the carrots and onions, 1 each, chop the celery leaves (3). Put all this in a saucepan and cook for 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add 2 chopped potatoes, grated savoy cabbage (half a head) and pre-boiled red beans (50 g). Now carefully add boiled water (150 ml) and tomato (50 ml) into the mass. Then salt and pepper the mixture and leave to simmer for 30 minutes. When done, sprinkle with rosemary to taste. Minestrone is served on the table, sprinkled with grated Parmesan and chopped basil leaves.
  2. Greasy snack … Boil the fattest, thickest lard (1 kg) with a good layer of meat. Then dry it and twist it in a meat grinder, peeling it off. Now add melted butter (20 g), black pepper and salt to taste, a few pinches of rosemary. Stir the prepared mass well and refrigerate. It can be spread on a loaf, making sandwiches, or served neat with other dishes as a snack.
  3. Leg of lamb … You will need 1 piece. weighing no more than 1.5 kg. First of all, you need to soak it in the marinade. To prepare it, mix lemon juice (10 tablespoons), mayonnaise (200 ml) and white wine (1 glass). Add rosemary, black pepper and salt to the resulting mass to taste. Grease the meat with it and leave for 1-2 hours. After this time, rub the leg of lamb with garlic, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for 60-80 minutes.
  4. Salad … First, bake 5 pears, which should be firm. Then cook the bulgur until tender in salted water (100 g). When it cools, mix it with the minced fruit. Then add 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 5 thyme leaves, and olive oil to taste. Then sprinkle with walnuts (80 g), rosemary and black pepper on top. The salad can be dripped with a little mustard sauce.
  5. Potato … It will need no more than 1 kg. Wash the vegetables well and divide them into 2-3 pieces. In a large cup, combine this ingredient with salt, black pepper, rosemary, grated garlic (to taste) and olive oil (5 tablespoons). Let the potatoes sit in the marinade for one hour, then place them on a greased baking sheet and bake for 25 minutes. You can pour sour cream over the finished dish and sprinkle with herbs.
  6. Broccoli … Wash, dry and divide the cabbage into several small pieces, which will need about 500 g. Then soak it for 30 minutes in a marinade of apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons), olive oil (2 tablespoons), soy sauce (10 ml), almond milk (50 ml), salt, pepper and rosemary to taste. After that, let the vegetables drain, put them on the grill rack, put a piece of cheese on top and grill on the charcoal until tender. Be careful not to burn the broccoli.

Interesting facts about dried rosemary

Rosemary shrub
Rosemary shrub

According to legend, the ancient Greeks presented this spice as a gift to the goddess of love Aphrodite, who used it to improve memory and treat insomnia. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Romans insisted that the plant from which the spice is obtained was the property of this heroine of Greek myths.

Rosemary is popularly called an “unknown dress” because of the blue flowers of the bush. It is known as a symbol of well-being and wealth. Since ancient times, a twig of a bush was presented to the bride and groom during the wedding. In the 15-16th century, rosemary was chosen by folk healers. He served for the preparation of medicinal decoctions and infusions, which were used in the treatment of colds. Once upon a time, with its help, they even expelled demons from a person. After some time, the plant began to symbolize loyalty, so they began to give the spice to their loved ones. Dried rosemary has a pungent aroma and flavor than fresh leaves. To get it, they must be ripe, green. They are harvested in the summer, from June to August. The leaves are always washed and dried first. Then they are crushed and for two weeks every day they are taken out into the fresh air, laid out on sheets of paper. In this case, do not forget to stir the greens.

If you need to dry the grass faster, then put it in the oven. You do not need to close the door, and the temperature should be the lowest here. In such conditions, this ingredient should be kept for a variety of dishes for 2-3 hours. Another way is to use a special vegetable dryer. Here it is enough to keep the spice leaves for 4 hours. The finished spices are stored in plastic containers away from sunlight. The area should be cool, dry and dark. The shelf life of the product in such conditions is usually 5-7 months, the main thing is that moisture does not get into the container. Watch the video about dried rosemary:

Considering how huge the health benefits of dried rosemary are, not including it in your diet would be a big mistake, especially since this seasoning is inexpensive and available all year round.