Beetroot salad for the winter with fried onions

Beetroot salad for the winter with fried onions
Beetroot salad for the winter with fried onions

In summer and autumn, when there is a surplus of vegetables in the markets, it is worth preparing a wonderful salad of beets with fried onions for the winter - simple and very tasty!

Jar with beetroot salad and fried onions close-up
Jar with beetroot salad and fried onions close-up

Beetroot salad with fried onions is a simple appetizer that nevertheless tastes great. Beets are a vegetable whose benefits cannot be overstated. Regulating bowel movements and helping raise hemoglobin levels are far from all this delicious root vegetable is capable of. And that's not to mention the incredible sweet taste that adults and kids alike adore. Beetroot salad can perfectly set off the taste of meat, fish, and pickles. In short, a jar of beetroot salad with fried onions will help you out when the family requires dinner and time is running out. Preparing such a winter blank is as easy as shelling pears: follow our simple instructions.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 178 kcal.
  • Servings - 3 cans of 0.5 liters each
  • Cooking time - 20 minutes


  • Beets - 1.5 kg
  • Onions - 0.5 kg
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Salt - 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar - 1-2 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 tbsp.

Step by step preparation of beetroot salad with fried onions - recipe with photo

Sliced onions on a kitchen plate
Sliced onions on a kitchen plate

Peel, wash and cut the onions into pieces of any size. I decided not to grind it so that the ingredients would feel in the salad.

Bowl with boiled beets
Bowl with boiled beets

Wash the beets and cook until tender. Try to choose fruits of the same size, so they will cook at the same time and cook evenly. Cool the finished beets, place them under cold running water and clean. We rub the root crop on a coarse grater.

Bowl with fried onions
Bowl with fried onions

In a small saucepan or stewpan, heat the vegetable oil well and throw the chopped onion into it. Fry it for 5-8 minutes (depending on the width of the bottom of the dish), until it becomes transparent.

Beets and fried onions in one saucepan
Beets and fried onions in one saucepan

Add grated beets to the onion and, stirring occasionally so that the salad does not burn, simmer it under the lid for about 20 minutes.

Salt, pepper and crushed garlic added to beets and onions
Salt, pepper and crushed garlic added to beets and onions

In the middle of cooking, add salt, pepper and garlic cloves passed through a garlic press. We taste the salad, adjusting the amount of salt or pepper to our liking.

Beetroot and fried onion salad packed in a jar
Beetroot and fried onion salad packed in a jar

We lay out the salad on sterile jars, cork it and wrap it for a day, until it completely cools down. From a given quantity of products, the output is approximately 3 jars of 0.5 liters each.

Jar of rolled beetroot and fried onion salad
Jar of rolled beetroot and fried onion salad

As you can see for yourself, beetroot and fried onion salad is very easy to prepare, but wait until winter, and you will understand what a delicious and aromatic preparation you have in store! We really hope that this winter snack will become one of your favorites.

See also the video recipe:

Beetroot salad with fried onions - the most delicious
